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easy-lift guy

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Everything posted by easy-lift guy

  1. Were the strimmers secured in any way at all, did you get a chance to see the CCTV video yet? easy-lift guy
  2. Regrettably arbogrunt, it's that planned Marketing/Obsolescence factor that go's into nearly anything that is made these days. You are right about the manufacturers knowing about this, problem is they don't really care when it comes to your "hard earnt cash". They want your cash and you want their product, Next in line!. easy-lift guy
  3. Spot on, Rover, sounds like Cartman will sort it out sooner or later. Patience is a virtue often not taught at home or in school for many teens on either side of the pond. Cartman a tea spoon of patience and a pinch of humility on a daily basis will help you better cope with what's coming down the Pike. All the best easy-lift guy
  4. Parts of the world are run by big kids pretending to be adults, pity most of them never grow up and take so many others down with them in the process. God bless the kids esp the good ones, they are our only real hope for the future. easy-lift guy
  5. Take care big fell, I understand your working full bore out ATM and if you could slow a little we would all be a little less what next!. I wish you the best season! easy-lift guy
  6. Some kids never grow up and some mothers take feeding their kids way over the top, IMO easy-lift guy
  7. Greetings siwilson, Welcome aboard. easy-lift guy
  8. Both animals were a little more than familiar with one another I would say!, none the less animals thru out time have made some really interesting friendships. Thanks for sharing. easy-lift guy
  9. easy-lift guy

    Use of Logo.

    Over here on the other side of the pond The TCIA and perhaps to a lesser extent the ISA strongly enforce folks using decals or logo's of organizations they claim to belong to but are not. In some cases when warnings are not observed legal action is taken and that seems to get their attention pretty fast!. easy-lift guy
  10. I purchase one unit from Nigel at the TCIA show in Hartford Two weeks ago this Saturday. The unit I secured worked well with my Midland set in doors and so far out doors as well. Looking forward to many unique applications with this product in the future. Thanks Nigel,Reg. See you next year in Baltimore!. easy-lift guy
  11. I concur with Tree Monkey, build off of your experience continue to work part time with your smaller gigs and save like crazy, You will need to in order to not beholden to the banker, at least not in the near future. Your overhead working for someone else is very small and you can continue to save and secure items for your full self employment future. On the other hand if you choose to go it alone for now you will continue to have ever increasing overhead cost and be competing with established firms that have their business operations more or less established. I am not willing to say you can not or should not choose the latter, IMO it will be much harder. Additional education will also be simpler than starting off full time on your own since the likely hood of additional time at the end of the day will be difficult to find. You sound like you will over come any short term issues, just remember when you burn the candle at both ends you have to be care full not to get burnt in the middle. All the best easy-lift guy
  12. Thanks for sharing. It must have been a fine event! easy-lift guy
  13. Keep up the good work Steve, proud to be a member. easy-lift guy
  14. Sure. My reason was at 19 you have the world by the short hair and believe you can and will be able to do pretty much any thing. That being said I was just concerned that you may be biting off more than you can chew. Your ambition level is to be commended was wondering what your longer term plans were, thats all? essy-lift guy
  15. Just curious how old are you?. easy-lift guy
  16. I believe if any student chooses to seek any information from members of ArbTalk or the like it is not as important as what any student will actually do with said knowledge in the final act. This answer go's for all students or like minded folks If you choose to use any information generated from the forums or the like remember you are in a position right now to exploit that knowledge for the short or long term. The choice is really up to you. It is not about the grades so much as what you will choose to do with said knowledge after school is done and you apply those skills in the real working world. There is no one that can Pimp yourself better than yourself!. TBH Mesterh I am sorry if your taxes are paying for students education weather in part or full. Here in the states most students pay as they go, seems to work better and they also seem to appreciate there investment better as well easy-lift guy
  17. Mesterh, the only bad or stupid question is the one that is never asked. I would much rather have anyone learn from my own lifes work in the first place and build from there. Considering the number of members belonging to ArbTalk and the wealth of knowledge anyone can share if they are so inclined I would be blessed to have the smarts to ask the questions this student or any other student would care to ask, after all, it's called LEARNING! easy-lift guy
  18. Abbie, Like any other tool If your customer knows you offer stump grinding as well as other services it can only help, hence the term "full Service". It is a pretty good investment so I would shop around and make sure you secure the right model for the budget/job. easy-lift guy.
  19. They were not bullied when they were younger IMO, over here it is Sport to see who can out rip off the vendor for products or services more, sad but true since I have actually heard conversations braging about it with other vendors they did the deed to! easy-lift guy.
  20. I had a Doctor as a customer many moons ago who hired me to perform some landscape work for him. He signed the work order form and the job was completed according to specs. When I submitted an invoice for said work order he told me he did not have to pay becuse he never authorized the work in the first place?. I advise him that it would be in his best intrest to pay the invoice and that I would be happy to provide a copie of the job work order as well. I told him I would be over in 15 Min's and when I arrived I rang the door bell and the door opened and a check was thrown in my face the door was closed shortly there after. I left a copie of the work order on his Welcome matt, "That was a Joke" and quickley cashed his check. Moral of the story, Always have your customers sign off on a work order before you start any job and have extra copies available at a moments notice if need be. It's your money and when they try to out right take it away from you be prepared to take action. easy-lift guy
  21. Here in the States it's called Penny wise Dollar cheap. The Chinese market for chain saws has not made a dent in the mainstay of market share over here. Start saving your money NOW and don't waste your funds on something you are already regretting, IMO. easy-lift guy
  22. Jonesie, You sir are to be commended for being able to provide a proactive learning environment for future and current chain saw owners to be able to have a firm grasp and knowledge of what they are buying and using. Other than your outline for subject matter to cover and including what Gareth and a few others have suggested you are spot on. I further more suggest that if any video record of this can be had it could prove to be a very valuable sales tool for future customers. I wish you all the best, I am confident that you will make this an annual event for years to come. easy-lift guy
  23. I thought the child credit was over and done with?. Like woodpicker said there is till plenty of coal and I donot believe the planet will be running out of forest any time soon. Man has been using wood for Thousands of years and will continue to for some time to come. easy-lift guy
  24. Based on this thread I do not believe it has anything to do with what the stove retailer suggest for a type of wood, folks will and do burn anything? easy-lift guy
  25. Treat your customers the way you would like to be treated. Remember no one can Pimp your self and services rendered better than you can. Avoid verbal agreements if at all possible, cover your back side and get all work in writing. Leave the Drama for the reality shows, us folks in Literalville can deal with the balance well on our own. All the best. easy-lift guy


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