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Everything posted by jarnii

  1. i agree and am considering looking into other areas of life im interested in to work but i think i will always be doing this as a subby just maybe having something else to play with and like you say give my head a rest from it all. i am lucky im still young enough to do that. i have always said if i gave this job up tomorrow it wouldnt bother me so much my passion is with the tree it self and how it is come to be, wether perfect or a elephant man type of thing. i will always be happy wen i see em and always be able to climb them. i like rock climbing but dont make a living from it so why cant trees be any different. shame people feel this way it is sad my mate on the gold coast is having the same problem and when he works for the people who do have the work they are muppets and now he is thinking the same. good luck
  2. hey dom where ya headed here? ill look you up on facebook and i can send ya some tips and stuff. ben
  3. jarnii

    HMRC= Joke

    i registered as self employed 5 years ago and was told as id registered so close to the end of the tax year to not ppay tax in theat year and run it to the next year. after doing all my paper work for 3 years i went to a accountant and signed up with them when they put my details into the computer it showed i was still in the army which i had left 3 years before. no records of tax or of me being self employed they then landed me a 350£ bill for not being registered. i have a good accountant so he straigtened it all out so i didnt pay a penny. words cannot describe how uttery ridiculous that is it made me so angry i now just buy stuff i dont need o reduce my tax bill. hmrc are a joke outfit for sure.
  4. i hate spiders and when i moved there the first day one of the boys through a spider at me it landed on my shirt and crawled about i couldnt bring myself to flick it off and went mad they are a pain but you learn to live with them, plenty off them about too i did a job in melbourne zoo doing habitat climbing and popped a head off a dead euc and had a white tail sat on my arm that will put the shakes in ya lots of reddys and huntsman too but they pretty much see ya and do one. id be more aware of the snakes to be honest i walked into the yard one evening after a few beers and was asked by my mate to help move the beer fridge more toards the door so the boys dont have to go to far for a cold one we put the fridge on the pallet trolley pushed it away and had a tiger snake under it, thatll have the life out of you. best advice is to go and do a decent first aid course i had to do one and they are awesome if you get a good guy hell be able to tell you all about the venoms animals case studies and what to do also give ya info on what to have laying about the house just incase. but when alls said and done you get over them pretty quick the hardest part is waiting to see ya first few once you are more familiar with them its not so hard to live with em.
  5. dont know how long you used yours for but i used this for a swedish winter here and it was ok to start but after 5 months climbing the small triangular piece under the red gate has now started to lodge itself under the opposite side it can do it and when you let go the gate stays open which causes problems as i dont want to check my gate everytime i clip in i dont have to on other biners so why would i on this and after 5 months ill stick with the 3 way locks.
  6. have a look at the francital everests super nice trouser at a decent price tag. getting my girlfriend a pair as shes just started doing this and the sizes on there look good for her. she is a 26inch waist i could have been more help in a few weeks after shed tried hers on for size.
  7. ha ha i been looking into a bit of the same or though havent looked at denmark yet but goteborg is going bloody mad. dunno what goes through some peoples heads. hows tricks for you dilz all good down there. may get a bbq in soon down that way heading to some rocks in skane. hope your all good. ben
  8. in srt it would be used in rads, not a bad way to go if you want to get into srt for a bit also a base anchor for lowering a casulaty. or head down your local crag and taker some huge falls on it its a hoot.
  9. i started out being heavily into tree cimbing and now im hugely into rocks and ice, half the reason i moved to sweden was because i have boulder fields 20mins from my house and norway 4 hours away. good to see some rock fellas about. check out dmms new ice climbing range. http://dmmclimbing.com/documents/NewProducts2012LowRes.pdf
  10. hey brother grim, Dont know if its worth my pennys worth or not but ya getting it. i was in oz for just over a year 3 years ago. i went over to work for someones mate which dint work oiut in sa and then spoke to a friend in vic who needed some help with the bushfires they had in and around marysville i was suppose to be there for 3 months but ended up doing a year in total. i did some hellish takedowns of burnt hollow trees climbed rock faces to remove trees and did some huge huge fells. i left a year later after falling out with my boss and moved back to europe where im now living and working. i see my stay there in pretty much two ways, firstly from a point of view of working that place was great for me i had been to college done 18months learning from a very good climber and having a great network of his friends to speak to all the time in many ways spoilt to moving there to do that kind of work. the people i worked with were excellent at there jobs and learnt heaps about the job and also got over the first years fears of being in the trees my first tree there was 28m to the first branch. the climbers out there are good guys really know there stuff and really try and push themselves to do better which was great so for the work it is amazing. from the life point of view i actually didnt like it, i thought it had nothing to excite me except the grampians as im a huge rock fan, the place was just not for me and as a result fell out with my boss and moved back ive met lots of others with the same experience too. so i guess it depends what ya want out of it really and if you think it will be better. it wasnt for me. the skills i learnt there were hugely invalueable and ill never forget or regret my time there just not a place for me to live for life. but we all want different stuff. maybe not what you want to hear but i think it is good to hear both sides. grass aint always greener and all that...
  11. if your gonna go down the petzl route with the gear then they do a small and large one ive used the small and for what i used it for it was fine absolutely no issues but these days i use as much as i can from dmm as there standards of manufacturing are so much higher so i buy everything from them.they have released some new swivels recently in there new ranges of gear coming out ill attach a link for you. http://dmmprofessional.com/uploads/documents/Swivels.pdf Thats where id put my dollars.
  12. i use one a fair bit for work and enjoy it. the only criticism i have is all the hype made out it was better for working than the id but it doesnt have a panic setting which the id does, so for beginners the id would be a better use but ive found it a heaps good tool to have about i dont use it all the time but when i do i love the fact it is there. the new gri gri 2 is a cool little device to i use it on rocks but havent given it ago yet near a tree but that could be worth playing with but its the same deal with a no panic but it does run the rope real nice.
  13. no i dont see it as a problem. im using a hc rapide so it isnt such a issue.run it over a small branch at the bottom if its a bigger branch it will be harder.
  14. drop the tail over a low branch then when decending go over the other side so the tail is above you and it wont coil.
  15. carpediem the advice above is really good. but ill give my 2pence worth. the small first aid kit that go on harnesses are wicked for keeping you phone and smokes in but after that i wouldnt waste my time. i always think about this and have come to the conclusion that if it is only a small wound then you need to either get down and fix it or keep going because really it isnt so bad. if it is a bad wound then get the hell out the tree to somewhere where it isnt just you. as dak has said using cats is a great thing to use but is also as dangerous as it is a lifesaver was a trauma medic in the army and did 2 tours and in both i was issued a bandage and my rifle cleaning rod. this all works well imo opinion and old bit of sling or prussic nd a biner would work as well. im always amazed buy climbers who have a kit on there harness and no real kit on the ground i would say that is also a issue. if you go to a army serplus ask or look for ffd's its called a first field dressing they hold a liter of blood and will cover you wound and should only be around £1. all the best
  16. hi,


    i just saw your post on the french workers thread and thought i would drop you a line. really im just looking to do more work and see whats about. im a ex-pat living in sweden and spent 5 years travelling around the world climbing and living in my bag and have now settled in sweden and have got my own company here. in the winters it does tend to get bloody cold and means the tree work can slow up abit so i was wondering really if you would be interested in maybe using a climber and taking some of them climbing jobs im fully cert'd and my partner is a groundie aswell. i know this may be a bit cheeky but it would be great to come and work in france for a bit and if you dont ask you dont get so....


    hope to hear from you.

    all the best.


  17. hey, there are lots of good companies in goteborg and in the surrounding companies it may be hard to get work here though as they are all quite dependant on one another so they sub from each other and kinda push the work around themselves but saying that there is always more work to be done here. like dilz said it is the quiet season now and will be till april so if i were you i wouldnt try to come yet becuse companies are looking after there own right now and couldnt give a toss to hire anyone but in the spring go for it. like dilz there are companies to avoid, i came here and have been hugely ripped off by one company and when spoke to the authorities was told they are hugely illegal and alot of trouble to deal with, they recruit through a uk arb recruitment thing not that it has anything to do with them. best advice is to come to the swedish comp show your face and go shake some hands. good luck though. dilz ill mail you back when im home again im up north in the forests till mid week. puss puss
  18. nice one dilz whats his name, i climb rock a touch to much here.
  19. could always see if asplundh or treescape have work. they are the two big companies and could be something to get the ball rolling they were super helpfull when i was there.
  20. hey dilz, yer its 50% for sure well thats the maths i do but i dont smoke drink do drugs or gamble so i dont have any expenses really i climb for fun (ice and rocks) so all thats through the books and just go to the gym and the food bills are down to the individuall i think for me and my missis we spend 800kr a week and eat really well but we dont do gautukok or statoils or dagens just make it instead and have a great food life so too be honest i havent noticed the increase in bills, ive actually found the rent to be cheaper and the apartments to be better than the uk so on the whole i feel it balances out but the life here is so much better so i dont care. i was in falkenberg the other week nice place i reckon, where are you at now... as for earning she just drags branches so if i was on that dollar when i started id be chuffed and after a few payrises she will be on good wage so i think even though the 200 is 100 its still not crap money.... i think some of the guys in stkhm get 120 english for a days subbying as a climber. not sure if you know anything about that??
  21. dont just look in stockholm its not the best place at all. go to the swedish and danish and norwegian comp meet people and see what the crack is yer stockholms great and has big companies and loads of people but it aint the best by far. i worked there and hated it and now live in goteborg and much prefer it. as for work go to the comps and meet people i know that it can be a tough market due to the english guys and their low prices i refuse to play that game and do it the swedish way and ask for proper money hence my gf works for 200 a day here. and she just chips. dont get sucked in by the first offer just so you can get here it isnt worth it i turnede my first offer down and ended up in aus and now live here so it was worth it in the end. oh and if you do get here try and learn swedish it is mad hard but worth it. good luck though there are endless possibilities here.
  22. its a cracking place to be and even better out of work hours hit the rocks or go climb in the waterfalls as for contracting it could be hard alot of the companies choose their contractors and the competition is super stiff or though southern germany isnt as hard but there are some amazing climbers there who swallow up the work so its easier if you get on the inside and be invited in. i also know all the mates in the world dont do squat around there you got to really earn it on merit and even then getting repeat work is hard. some of the companies are family owned so they are hard to get too and like i said it is a hugely desireable place to be so the comp is still i know jon t, stu and xavier work them areas and they are all top guys. but all said and done work is work and if they need you and like you they may call so who knows. i know that the companies there are top notch and the climbers are really good guys they dont shout about it but top fellas. good luck
  23. i tend to do a bit of this and i made my system up out of old bits of gear hanging about i use a 5m12mm rigging line with a op i2i 8mmsling tied as a 3 wrap prussic in a biner with a small pulley behind it the same asa lanyard and then when i rig i tie off the main line then do a alpine butterfly somewhere around where the middle of the triangle should be and then tie off the short rope on the other end and then put the biner in the butterfly and one hand tension works well not sure about rupes though like i said i just made it up but works well lots of stuff about over use of gear though when you look into it but it is quite simple try looking for balancers on here i remember a old thread on here with a excellent example of over over using gear. any q's just ask. hope it helps.
  24. i do the same as q but with some small differences i have the ring used as a anchoer on a small dyneema sling it then can be moved to make a long retrieval tail and have a small pinto on the biner at the top of my hitch climber it keeps it slick the reason for the dyneema sling is to use a larger anchor ring which i prefer but maybe a ring loop could be used but im using a 13mm rope so it works better with a larger ring but there is nothing wrong with q's system it is retrievable and it shouldnt get caught on anything because there should be no pegs and if it does get snagged then it is easy enough to whip that bad boy out.
  25. been moving apartments so didnt have time to reply but rupe is right with what i was harping on about, H take a look on you tube for a guy called tmhamel i think it is he has done things on the treemagineers gear search multisling on treemagineers or something he has done stuff for the pito and sling and impact blocks a heaps good way to learn stuff its really worth it and he explains it all in there and more so you can do some heaps cool stuff. im going to apologise because i cant be bothered to find it and post a link. good luck though. hope its helps you out


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