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  1. Pete.D

    The Grange @ Hewish

    Easy access farm house on a rural business park, conveniently located just off the A370 near to junction 21 of the M5. Primarily looking for firewood but also happy to occasionally take some wood chip for garden paths etc. Happy to provide payment/beer tokens if the drop is worth it. Always available as I work from home. Even when I'm not in then 99 times out of a 100 there will be another family member available. Ideally, please call or knock at the door of the big white farm house on site for directions on exactly where to drop or help to unload if needed. This will also ensure high chance of beer tokens as a result. Happy to take wood chip but that needs to go in the second walled garden (not the one directly in front of the house). There is a side gate for vehicle access although tight for manoeuvring between fruit trees. As for wood\logs, we are happy to take anything and process down. Again the final destination for seasoning wood store is the walled garden but we are happy to accommodate a drop anywhere close to the farmhouse as long as it isn't blocking access. Thanks in advance, Pete & family.
  2. bezerk

    Jo bezer

    Any logs
  3. i would be happy to get logs from cut tree for our woodburner. Plenty of space to turn and to tip on driveway. Thanks can pay a little for hassle.
  4. Spdunn

    Sean dunn

    Reasonable size drive with easy access will happily take any free logs in any shape or form.
  5. Merlin_


    WANTED: wood suitable for log burner. Plenty of space for dumping the logs. I can accept large trunks as well as i have means of chopping them myself. Give me a text/call first so that I can move a vehicle to allow space
  6. My vertical hydraulic electric log splitter manual says not to suddenly change direction of the splitting wedge...that is, if the wedge is on the return stroke, going up, don't suddenly push the power lever and make it go back to power stroke. The machine has a settable stroke stop, and it said to let the ram hit the stop, before applying power again. The reason for this, IIRC, is to avoid a sudden change in direction of flow, which is bad for it, much like allowing your car to come to a complete stop, before shifting to reverse. Makes sense, but.... I've seen digger men yank the controls all over the place, they don't pause before changing direction of the boom, bucket etc. There's the "jiggle the bucket" manouver, to get stuck mud out of it, which is rapidly and repeatedly changing direction of flow to the bucket ram. I've done it myself... What think you, hydraulic experts?
  7. Hi I was given a few logs for spoon carving by my local tree surgeon, they are particularly good so wanted to know what species of tree the log comes from! These pics below show a couple of logs that were cut a month or so ago and have been outside since.. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 93-E3-D36-D-15-F4-4-D6-F-A6-AA-4-D952-A43-DD4-F IBB.CO Image 93-E3-D36-D-15-F4-4-D6-F-A6-AA-4-D952-A43-DD4-F hosted in ImgBB (ignore the small log at the bottom right in the grass) IMG-3676 IBB.CO Image IMG-3676 hosted in ImgBB Thanks Josh
  8. My splitter weighs 110kg. In and out if the shed tilted back on the tiny wheels through gravel and up gradients etc was a real chore. Made me not want to go splitting. So I moved the origional wheels to the front and replaced the origional axel and wheels with a beefier version. Whole deal cost about €60 inc. bits and peices, grinding disjd, drill bits etc. Well worth it, I can pull and push it about with one hand now, zero effort.
  9. Acooksey

    21 brownswall

    Please contact before dropping
  10. Call me I don’t need much notice. I can open up and you can tip off no problem and will pay for the logs Thank you

    • FOR SALE
    • USED

    2019 wacker neuson 803 micro digger. Just under 400 hrs. Will access most places, 730mm wide. Manual quick hitch. 3 x buckets. 1200 wide land rake. 600 cutting deck flail (jb equipment). 600 depth auger. (Mouse valley). Welded log grab. Double tooth grab (use with log grab). Serviced last year with TJC plant group. £15000+vat. Ono. We are based in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire.


    Leighton buzzard - GB

  12. Stewart_Martin

    Hillview Road

    All life logs welcome! Easy access to off load.
  13. Private drive, easy access. Available 7 days a week. Please call ahead if you want to be paid on delivery. Otherwise happy to bank transfer after drop off.
  14. C.Miflin

    BPJ & HM Miflin & Son

    Easy to access unmanned tip site. You can tip for FREE: 1.Any species of log in rounds or in lengths, 2.Any species and type of wood chip - clean, or with high amounts of leaf, chip that is in any state of decomposition is accepted (if being cleared from a smaller tip site) 3.Rakings of leaf and small twigs can be tipped with the chip. 4.Hardcore, must be clean (Contains no soil, metal, organic materials, hazardous materials) We also accept but NOT FREE to tip: 1.Most types of Green Waste (excluding post consumer food waste), 2.roots and stumps, 3.hardcore that contains metal, 4.soil and turf. If you are interested in tipping any of the above then message via WhatsApp for current competitive rates, queries, tipping and payment details ! As the site is unmanned we have to be careful who we allow access to and also maintain traceability all we require from you before you can start tipping preferably via WhatsApp: 1.Your trading name, 2.trading address, 3.mobile number, 4.email address, 5.waste carriers licence, 6.and all the number plates of your vehicles that will be tipping. Then we will give you a code to a combination lock where you can tip whenever and how much you like. Tip site entrance ///giggle.buzzing.owned The registration number for our site is: WEX327692 To keep our running costs to a minimum to be able to pass the savings onto you we strictly enforce that any unauthorised waste or contaminated loads will be first asked to be collected or charged to decontaminate or send to landfill.
  15. Free tip for Logs/Chord This is a driveway tip so unfortunately only logs/chord at this site, however we can take relatively large amounts freeing you up to load more chip onto trucks. We do have another tip site 10 min drive away that can take the chip if required. Prior arrangement only but short notice is fine.
  16. White Peak

    White Peak Living

    Hello! We are a family of four who live in on a 7 acre eco friendly farm - we heat the house with open fires so need all the logs we can get! Our driveway is located literally on the main A515 road, so extremely easy access for any size vehicle coming through from Ashbourne or Buxton.
  17. R4NITZ

    Sefton Cottage

    Available 7 days a week, contact George first before delivering. Tons of logs are required each year. Easy access from the main road for tippers/vans or lorries. All types of logs and log cords taken. No limit on load size.
  18. Clear some Gray Alders pass on forest road what I cone make, this alders I going to use on firewood.. [ame] [/ame]
  19. Hi. I have been looking for a good rectangular log basket and wondered if anyone is a weaver or knows of any? Thanks
  20. Has anyone ever made a heavy duty firewood deck with chains? Or any forsale?
  21. Bought a tractor mounted log splitter (don't know what make) and it didn't come with the right hoses to connect the valve up (Gresen 550) so I jerry rigged it into my loader valve block and it works fine, although a nuisance to have to walk round to the loader valves each time to split a log. Ordered the necessary hoses and adaptors which arrived yesterday but can't get it to work. I think the issue is that the valve is possibly for a single acting cylinder, despite having two outlet ports, because said ports are connected together internally (green arrow) so moving the lever in either direction causes fluid flow from both outlets (with no load on them, fluid flows out of them depending on valve position, i.e. lever up, top outlet, lever down, bottom outlet, lever neutral, no flow - you should see my barn floor!). Have I just been stiffed and given any old valve that he had lying around or is there a way to block this port? It's not threaded but I could tap a metal rod into it
  22. I've been doing small experiments with air drying, where essentially the sun is heating air and increasing its capacity to absorb moisture, and in free air (i.e. log standing by itself) and seeing oak dry from green to 20% mc wwb in 44 days. So as heat speeds drying up and solar heat has no fuel cost I started looking at small scale solar drying. I found just using cheap corrugated acrylic sheeting I could make a simple greenhouse where in the last 2 days the temperature has stayed above 40C for much of the day in sunshine with relative humidity falling to 24%. This is consistently more than 10C hotter than outside in the sun. RH is about the same because there is free air flowing and out. Last week I was employed dragging tops and stuffing an ancient chipper on a commercial refurbishment where the previous tenants had allowed the Leylandii and mixed broadleaved hedges run away. I noticed a pair of old cycle racks had been removed and set aside. I mentioned the possibilities of these being the beginnings of a solar log drying kiln for the boss's son, who runs a log round with about 40 customers in his college holiday. Boss being a petrolhead was not at all interested. I made an enquiry and they were available for sale (these things new cost about £5k erected) I sent a photo to the son and explained my thinking and he was interested. At this point father and son took over and bought the shelters. Now I'm not sure if they are going to implement the idea but I estimate placed side by side and south facing they will intercept 18kW(t) in sunshine. This is enough theoretically to evaporate nearly 30kg of water an hour if the air circulation is good enough. With the shelters side by side and south facing and a roofed area behind and the back being a curtain side from a lorry he should be able to stock about 20m^3 of split logs in stillages. I think wit a few low powered circulation fans and a differential thermostatic switch only running them when inside temperature is 10C above outside and a humidistat controlling a vent fan he should get good drying. If I am kept in the loop I will update progress.
  23. Hi all Looking for a splitter up to about £2k I've seen a few second hand verticals on a trailer where you split straight n the floor. Seems a bit odd bending over all the time and would be a strain on your back. Vertical with a table seems good but big rings may struggle to get them on the table as theyre heavy etc. I thn I fancy a woodline multipla 10t with a spare 4 way head. That way I can do any big rings in half or quarter on the floor then put it n horizontal mode and split down all the smaller stuff at a sensible working height. Anyone got any feedback n the multipla? How does it compare to the wl bull special etc at the same tonnage? Has anyone got the pto version? I was thinking of getting e Honda engine version but would the pto version be much quicker say on an old tractor like a major/ dexta? Look forward to some informed replies.... Also, any good alternatives?
  24. So I do a fair bit of tree work so I am coming across plenty of nice pieces of wood that will often just get cut up for fire wood. I am looking into converting a 40ft shipping container into acomidataion/storage. I will insulate and line the whole inside with ply wood but I like the idea of making work tops, shelves, windows, doors and frames from wood that is a little more special, that wouldn't get painted. I first spotted these mills and love the look of how strait forward they and and also seem reasonably cost. (Alaskan 24" saw mill) ALASKAN PORTABLE 24" CHAINSAW SAW MILL LOGGING SAWMILL | eBay The currently only have two husqvarna 346xp saws, very nice saws for when doing tree work but I am unsure how suited they would be for milling. Also, this mill is 24", would that be adjustable as I wouldn't want to put a bar that big on a 346? I don't have any experiences with milling so I am putting this idea out for constructive criticism. Thanks Ian
  25. Hello, I have 100+ year old Sycamore tree (which has been felled) in my back garden. If anyone is interested please get in contact. I'm told it's approximately 15 tonnes. I'm not a tree expert but feel free to ask questions and i will do my best to answer and appolgies in advance if i have posted this in the wrong section of the forum. Location: Keighley, West Yorkshire £ not sure what it's worth TBH


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