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  1. Large amount of timber available. Hampton in Arden in Solihull. Anyone interested? Give me a call Ryan - 07946767232
  2. What's the rules about removing suckers, watershoots etc from tpo trees? I get they can be deadwooded without a planning permission, but note sure what the deal is with out of character growth. Couple of pics of the tree in question There is also a big old what looks to be dead branch but there is a couple of live looking limbs off it, no specific pictures sorry, but can I get that dropped?
  3. Hey Guys 2 trees I’m extremely precious about as I grew up and lived in this property; where my brother now lives with his family. Pedunculate Oak and Copper Beech. Oak 100-150 years and beech similar or older. My question is how well will these 2 trees react to a pollard or heavy crown reduction. Pollarding to 5-6 metres. They both have no competition as the conifer in the photo is at least 15 metres away. Sorry about the poor photo of the oak. PS The house is called Beechwood!
  4. Hi found this fungi today on an oak. I’m thinking it’s a ganoderma spp. or oak bracket but not certain any help greatly appreciated !
  5. Hello my fellow tree enthusiasts! I’ve been growing an oak sapling for several months and its leaves are discolored and I’m not sure what the cause is. I think it gets enough water, light and nutrients. Would appreciate some advice if someone can spare some! P.s. where I live a certain bird often hides many acorns all over the city but forgets where they have stored them. Then on rooftops and balconies little oak saplings start growing from plant pots and containers. This sapling comes from such an acorn :)
  6. A big limb split off an oak tree lately over a bridleway near where I live. According to locals and going by the complete lack of responsibility taken for the land either side of the actual bridleway itself, nobody claims ownership of the land and perhaps never has done for the last 70 years. The bridleways people sent someone to clear the tree as it was blocking the pathway but they didn't take much if any of it away. The body of the limb has just been left covered in chippings in the rough land beside the path. How legal would it be for me to take my chainsaw and mill frame and harvest some slabs of timber from it?
  7. Hello all, I've bought a new solid oak bench meant for indoor use but I want to use it outdoors. As I understand it, if it has been finished with something like danish oil it can be used outside but if varnished it will need to be sanded and finished with something more appropriate for outdoors. Can anyone advise me on how to identify what kind of finish the bench currently has so that I can deal with it appropriately? From a layman's perspective, i'd guess it hasn't been varnished as doesn't have a glossy look, more of a satin. I appreciate that may be an incorrect assumption however. Many thanks in advance, Cathy
  8. Hi, I am currently an undergrad student studying at edgehill university completing my dissertation. The dissertation involves sampling of non-vascular epiphytes and measuring branches to answer the proposed question- Is Quercus cerris a good non-native phorophyte alternative for Quercus robur associated non-vascular epiphytes? this study involves the sampling of 10 trees 4 have already been completed. Unable to climb alone, I am in need of climbers local to edgehill with their own transport who are qualified and willing to assist me in the canopy for data collection. This will be voluntary work. Thanks, Jonathan
  9. Hey, First time slabbing today and I wanted to capture the experience. I absolutely loved the process and look forward to doing more. Feels really rewarding to make use of wood from a tree where the results will be around for years to enjoy. I plan to turn the slabs into tables tops, chunky shelves and chopping boards. Thanks, Dan. 
  10. I have a 300 year old oak tree at the bottom of our garden, which is in excellent health. Our neighbour's insurers have applied to have the tree felled, as they have had a report suggesting that the tree has caused the subsidence, as it has dried out the clay soil. A significant number of local residents objected to the application and the local Council have now issued a preliminary TPO and we are now in the 28 day period where further submissions can be made to the Council, before they decide whether to confirm the TPO. The Council tree officer has valued the tree and will have to convince councillors that the tree is of sufficient value for them to confirm the TPO and risk having to contribute to the costs of alternative solutions. The tree officer fully expects the insurers to object to the TPO. This is all new to me, so can anyone help me with the following questions - 1. HEAVE. The neighbour lives in a semi detached house and the occupants of the other half of the house faced the same issue of cracks when they moved in in 2011. Their insurers ended up concluding that the risk of heave (the oldest houses around the tree were built around 1900, so well after the tree was here) meant that they had to find an alternative to felling the tree. They ended up putting in a 2.5m deep root barrier, which appears to have largely dealt with the subsidence problem. There are 4 1900 era houses close to the tree and the one making the claim is the only one having subsidence issues. None of the houses had any foundations when they were built, but many of the houses, including ours, have had extensions since, which have included some proper foundations. The house making the claim has never had an extension and therefore still does not have any foundations. My question is the Council do not seem to be worried about the risk of heave and the insurer’s report simply says “Heave is not a concern”. Indeed the Council say any submissions we make during the consultation period should address the amenity value of the tree and that there is no point in talking about heave. How can this be right when all of use are concerned about the risk of heave? 2. MEASUREMENT OF MOVEMENT. The monitoring report shows that the largest movement in cracks was 8m, measured between February and August 2020. Is measuring just between a very wet February and a very dry August considered best practice? 3. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION. The drainage investigation performed seems to have identified some damage to pipework that needs to be repaired. However, the acoustic test to the water main suggested that there weren’t all leaks to that. How is it possible to establish whether any of the leaks involved might be encouraged the root growth from the oak and thereby contributing significantly to the problem? Many thanks in anticipation! Mark
  11. Hello there, I currently have about 150 tons of mixed ash/oak cordwood roadside, and due to have another 300 tons out this season. 2.5m lengths, up to about 18" diameter, straight thinnings ideal for a processor. Location is Monmouth, NP25 5NJ. I can help arrange haulage if necessary. Looking for around £60/ton roadside but negotiable. Ring me on 07963 617 144 to discuss or come and have a look. Many thanks, Aaron
  12. Hi all, this is a young red oak tree that was purchased from a nursery and planted in December 2020. In the last 2 months the leaf buds turned into leaves and the tree looked quite healthy, but over the last week the leaves look like they are dying - curling up, turning brown (see pics). The bark of the tree doesn't appear to have any deformities. Does anyone have any advice on how to manage this? (All leaves are within reach of pruning if required) Thanks in advance!
  13. I have a large oak that fell earlier in the year that requires clearing. The entire canopy has been cleared and some large branches already milled on site and removed, but the guy that was doing it has taken what he wants and left me with a substantial amount of tree. It will need milling on site as it is 1.6m diameter for about 7m. There are large branches which are 0.6m diameter. Anyone interested in clearing it? Near Stevenge, Hertfordshire.
  14. Hi guys, I have a rather strange request from a customer for 2 Oak logs from Sherwood Forest. The logs will be milled so needs to be of a decent size (ideally 3m length with 30cm - 60cm diameter but we can discuss the details) and preferably green. Also, I will need a felling licence to prove where they are from. Delivered to CM17. I know it won't be cheap, so if you just so happen to have access to the above and the ability to deliver please drop me a PM and I should be able to make it worth your time. Many thanks!
  15. From 1st September 2019 we will have the following varieties of Oak available in various sizes at the Barcham Trees nursery - all grown in accordance with our Biosecurity Policy. The trees have been harvested from the fields at our 350 acre nursery in Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK and are maturing in their white light pots, available to view, tag and reserve now for Autumn 2019 planting. Quercus:- ilex palustris petraea robur rubra turneri pseudoturneri Oak trees offered for sale will become scarce in the UK market place as the import ban by DEFRA on oak trees imported from The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, announced on 12th July 2019, has an effect on supply. Enquiries to [email protected]
  16. ! ! No more Quercus imports from the Netherlands, Belgium or Germany…..press release Friday 12th July 2019 from DEFRA.!! Tighter restrictions on oak tree imports to come into force. Strengthened measures on the import of most species of oak into England are to be introduced to protect native trees from the threat of the tree disease Oak Processionary Moth (OPM). The bolstered measures will only permit imports of certain oak trees, including:- · Those from OPM free countries. · Those from designated pest free areas including Protected Zones (PZ) - an area of the European Union declared free of OPM. · Those that have been grown under complete physical protection for their lifetime. This Statutory Instrument (SI) – which is due to be introduced in Parliament shortly– builds on measures introduced in August 2018 and applies to all oak trees, except cork oak, over a certain size. The restrictions will cover both imports from overseas and the movement of trees from areas of the country where OPM is already present – in London and surrounding counties. At the Barcham Trees nursery in Cambridgeshire, UK, we have been enforcing a strict Biosecurity Policy for a number of years. Our trees are supplied free of OPM. Visit www.barchampro.co.uk
  17. FOR SALE We are going to be selling approx 150-200 tons of pure ash cordwood at roadside. Decent straight lengths for a processor. We will also be selling approx 500 tons of mostly oak cordwood, again good for a processor. There will be some ash and oak sawlogs 30-45cm mid point dia. which can be cut to the desired length. These can also be milled to order. PM for more details. South Wales area. Thanks, Aaron
  18. FOR SALE Western red cedar and larch cladding for sale, South Wales/Herefordshire area Can be cut to a specified thickness. Waney-edged, single straight or double straight edge £12/m2 NO VAT for waney-edge Also available: Dimensional green timber cut to order Oak sleepers Green oak for timber framing Various hardwoods sawn to order - walnut, cherry, sycamore, ash, beech etc Very reasonable prices. Delivery offered at cost or I can load you up from here Many thanks, Aaron
  19. FOR SALE We are going to be selling approx 150-200 tons of pure ash cordwood at roadside. Decent straight lengths for a processor. We will also be selling approx 500 tons of mostly oak cordwood, again good for a processor. There will be some ash and oak sawlogs 30-45cm mid point dia. which can be cut to the desired length. These can also be milled to order. PM for more details. South Wales area. Thanks, Aaron
  20. Hello, I know this is a massive newbie question but as this is the place for people in the know, I thought why not? I am currently using a farmers yard (a friend) to store my chip and logs (and lots of cords) we are starting to reach max capacity for all now. My farmer friend reckons there are at least 2 articulated lorries worth of chip and many many many tonnes of timber. My question is do Biomass plants accept our chip or do we have to go through other means? If they do how do I get in contact with them? Also, who would be the right person to talk to about taking the large cordwood off of our hands? Happy for it to be professionally chipped or for firewood processing. Basically looking for someone who wants to buy either: my woodchip, timber, logs (in large scale happy to sort the delivery) If it helps I am based in Basingstoke in Hampshire. Many Thanks,
  21. Hello, while doing some work in the woodland area I work in. I came across these two. Probably fairly common but not up to speed yet on the various fungi. This same tree had chicken in the woods on it earlier in the year.
  22. Hi ! I have set up a business selling kilndried oak wood that comes in 1m3 crates. We are very happy with the looks and content until a client said the logs burns too quickly...I have measured the moisture content which is between 10-13%, too low for the perfect burn range. They are stored on an open but rain tight barn... Can please someone give me a suggestion on how to re-moisture these crates in best and easiest way. I can't starting mixing the crates with seasoned logs as this is too much of a mission. Can I spray the crates with water? But the under layers won't get re-moistured...also would this risk to mould the wood? Or will the logs automatically pick up the air-moisture now once the autumn arrives? Please do help me as I don't want to loose any more clients and this business means a lot to me! All the best, Sophia
  23. WANTED.....stems of all sizes in the Cheshire area, we can mill on site up to 1.5 m diameter or in our own yard please contact me for more info [email protected] or 07455018862
  24. Looking for some advice, I milled an Oak slab from a stem I felled about 5yrs ago which I then let sit for about 2yrs before bringing it in the garage to work it, figuring it would be sufficiently seasoned. I was planning on turning it into a table so I’ve planed it and started sanding however it’s developing a crack which I’m convinced is spreading. This is my first attempt so excuse my ignorance but is it likely to simply split in two and if so is it doomed or can something be done to prevent it? I’ve attached a couple of pics which don’t show it fantastically. It’s a really nice piece and I’ve invested a lot of time into it now so don’t want to give up on it too easily similarly I also don’t want to press on and get rid of my existing dining table if it’s days are numbered. Any advice would be much appreciated! thanks in advance, Joe
  25. morning folks, found these emerging / crawling about on the ends of recently felled oaks, only in sap wood area, they were live yesterday ,but it was lashing it down with rain so did not take photos, they were actually springing off the logs onto the ground believe it or not, now, 24hrs later all appear dead and much fewer in number ,and having been sprayed with insecticide this am even fewer alive I hope..... curious to know what they might be larvae of.. looked like a small maggot, so assume from a flying insect, I am not into entomology so am at a loss, presume not the processional oak moth as these appear to form nests on surface of bark.... but there were thousands of the things yesterday.. hope somebody with more knowledge can enlighten me. cheers in advance Tim


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