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slack ma girdle

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Everything posted by slack ma girdle

  1. Alder sells like hot cakes around here, on account of its ease to split, and quick time to season. I normally get between £35-40 per cube depending on diameter.
  2. Yes and yes. This will help: Forestry Commission Wales - Felling Licences - Felling Licence Quick Guide
  3. There is also a good article in essential Arb this month.
  4. That i fine tottering pile. I am sure you could have codged a few more on. Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App
  5. Nope Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App
  6. Auz would be a good bet, as there is good sized snatch out there. Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App
  7. Another good vid, got any more ? P.S ignore the winging Poms
  9. It is a T or J 16. It is the one down from the 1.6 ton one which i can not remember the name. Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App
  10. Yee haaaa total distruction. It will be good to see the vid of it going right. Good post. Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App
  11. They are all 'nice', but they only do one thing, and they need alot of work to justify the expence. For small scale, and small diameter extraction, i think a 3-5 ton digger pulling a trailer is the way forward, AND they can do other things, AND they are much cheaper. P.S. if i had the money i would go for the Vimek
  12. Handy that someone had lost a couple of logs on the road, for youto fell the tree on to.
  13. Nah feeling a bit horse, cough cough. Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App
  14. Complete with lunge on top of all large machinery used. Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App
  15. Sea buckthorn, it has 2" thorns. Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App
  16. Fell it down the track, have some big machines to shift it, you wil be done by lunch.
  17. The amount of money you have to spend will determin what you get Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App
  18. The best time i have found is as soon as they have dropped their leaves.
  19. The three poles of larch that i have been meaning to mill for the past 18 months, still have the bark intact. Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App
  20. The 5m cube is usable timber, so if the branch is straight(ish) and over 6" in dameter, then it is considered usable, and therefore part of the 5m.
  21. I supose it is too much to ask ' Why have you got a goat in a wheel barrow ?' My dad always says 'When i was in Austrialia...............'
  22. Its been ages since i had i fire, and hopefully dried some of my timber to boot.
  23. Yeah baby yeah, just ordered this years seeds from the organic garden catalogue. Just need the ground to dry out.
  24. If you go in too heavy on the DF, then don't be too suprised if large areas blow over in the next gale. Halo thin around the ash might be a better option. Are the DF of good millable quality, or bendy pole of plop ? Also if the ground is damp then there is a good chance of but rot in most of the trees, that will severly reduce their value. Sent using Arbtalk Mobile App


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