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Everything posted by skyhuck

  1. More nonsense Many workers are apposed to the working time directive. So you think immigrants don't have children? and bring their elderly relatives? One of the EU negotiation sticking points is they want us to accept any relative that wishes to come after Brexit. If the EU is so democratic why are there something like 6 (can't recall the exact number) unelected presidents? The EU itself is utterly corrupt, not having been audited in decades. If we need the EU to stand up to Amazon and Co, why has it not happened?
  2. Good for you Stefan!!! As my Grandma used say "Hard work never killed anyone......................but it can make you a funny shape"
  3. Its like the one about the felon in a US prison, who elderly father can't plant his crop, because digging the ground over is to hard, so he tells the feds he buried guns in his fathers veg patch
  4. Because maybe it won't always be free, maybe one day they are going to start charging and at that stage trying to argue you don't carry waste is going to be tricky, IMO. Virgin wood chip and logs is NOT waste, the EA accept this, hedge clippings etc, is less clear cut, but if you composting it and using the compost you probably have a pretty strong case, IMO. I've traded for more than 20 years and never had a WCL and never had an trouble.
  5. The main reason for the housing shortage is the way we live today. These days everyone wants to live on their own. In the past unmarried siblings would live together. When couples spilt up they often went back home to mum and dad. Elderly parents lived with there children etc, etc. Sure property is ridiculously expensive, but credit is cheap.
  6. Do you really believe all this drivel? The UK has alway lead the world on workers rights and we still do, UK workers have better rights and benefits than many in the EU. How can an immigrant have possibly contributed as much as an old person whose payed tax their whole working life? The difference between Brussels screwing up our lives and Westminster doing the same, is that we can vote out the clowns in Westminster. Do your really not see the difference? Plus without the ability to blame Brussels Westminster can better be held to account! The idea the Amazon etc, would cease trading in the UK because of taxation is utterly laughable.
  7. Not China Yes, but its still a British Co and pays plenty tax. Electric cars are next.
  8. You ever heard of a little Co called Dyson? Sir James is VERY pro leave, but I guess you know more about the situation than he.
  9. Or maybe they voted to still have the power to control their own countries future. If we had voted to remain in "ever closer union" would have left us all as simply passengers on the EU bus, without even the power to vote out a dangerous driver and paying for far more than our share of the fuel.
  10. All this waffle and hot air. Everyone thinks their an economic and political expert, who know exactly why everyone voted I vote out for very a simple reasons. I had no massive issue with a single market (although I am not a fan of protectionism, IMO its far better to allow poor countries free access to our markets, letting them help themselves rather than sending them aid) I live in Great Britain, in a country called England. I have no interest in living in a country called Europe. I can't help thinking how outraged the remain voters would have been if they had won the vote and the outers had reacted in the way remoaners are behaving.
  11. I used one of these. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/insulated-storage-containers-better-than-steel-Secure-Strong-No-Condensation/162720565423?hash=item25e2e6c8af:g:OwMAAOSwfcVUHTyJ
  12. Well said Stefan!! Its a shame many have so little pride in our great nation.
  13. The only way we are going to get any sort of decent deal is to take things to the wire. The EU is used to getting their own way, they think with enough pressure we will cave and stay in the club. Once they are out of time to make us change our minds they will come up with a compromise, they have just as much, if not more to loose from no deal as we do.
  14. So why on earth do YOU continue to do it?
  15. Hehe, I was thinking the same. I've always thought "footing" is only needed when on hard ground, flags etc, where there is a risk of the ladder sliding, here someone preventing this is useful, IMO.
  16. Presumably you are talking %'s here? So yes, maybe they pay a lower % tax, but the actual amount they pay will be far higher. They probably pay more VAT on their Range Rover, than the cleaner pays in income tax. Lies, damn lies and statistics.
  17. Trimming hedges makes them remain juvenile, pretty obvious really as the new growth can only be as old as the time from the last cut. I remember removing a 60ft laylandii that had a trunk that was 18"thick, all it neighbours were 8ft tall with trunks under 6", they were all planted together, but but the small hedge trees were trimmed annually, the large one had been left "to see what it would do".
  18. So why do "young" Beech and Oak retain their leaves through the winter?
  19. Very sensible, IMO. Far better than some place becoming a shrine for weirdos to visit, the seas a big place if they want go there fine, lets hope a few fall in and don't get back out.
  20. Disappointed in you Mark Surely your axe needs grinding just as much as mine
  21. Edward, I think you need to read the opening post again, they did contact the council, "The council stated that the legislation doesn't matter, as their internal guidance says otherwise" Why did the LA not state the TPO was made before the legislation came into place? If you are correct the planning solicitor is also incorrect. My post was in reference to the suggestion that a few days over the time does not matter. I have over the years had some pretty appalling experiences with TO's. IME a lot have a terrible attitude and try to increase their power with utter nonsense. Some insist on a TPO form for a 211 notice, some put replanting conditions on a 211 notice felling they have not TPO'd. One TO tried to tell me that listed building statues protected the trees within the garden. I had one where a knackered HC dropped a limb, I told the client to email a 5 day notice, she got back a snotty email threatening legal action if we touched the tree. A week later it dropped another limb, she then got a letter from the TO giving her 7 days to remove the tree, or they would do it and bill her. Fortunately our local TO's are OK and I get on well with them, BUT I make it very clear I put my clients and their interests first. I never inform them of my intentions when checking for TPO's. Its not my job to help the TO.


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