Not getting the fishing waters back under our control will be a serious red line here.
An EU army. Hang on a sec, I thought we had NATO[emoji848]Germany with its subsidised federal private army[emoji848]
They almost had control with a federal Europe before member states started to get stroppy and it started to unravel.
Interesting times in this country with May’s generally unpopular but business friendly plan for supposedly removing us from the block. So why does Ireland need a hard border while Gibraltar doesn’t? Both are land gateways into Europe after all. There are others too. They seemed to create the problem where none should exist. Too protective of their trade, so let them sort it.
I’m hoping for no deal and no divorce settlement. Remove VAT and lower corporate tax to make it the lowest in the world. That’s why the channel islands, Man, and formerly Hong Kong works. Introduce a Aus/NZ points system for immigrant workers so that care workers agricultural workers and hospitality workers aren’t excluded. Introducing minimum wage requirements for immigrants is just crazy. It might just happen if someone grows some balls.
1. The points system would allow existing hard working (but nonetheless poorly paid) but highly appreciated foreigners to remain in the UK. Otherwise both London (hospitality) and fruit picking/salmon farming or anything else that requires a bit of sweat for fuck all remuneration is fucked for a start.
2. If the UK revenue took the hit on lowering corporation tax so that it was negligible, along with removing or reducing VAT, all those businesses presently scuttling off to set up their headquarters in Europe would soon return. In fact business would boom and it would make trade deals outwith of the EU a given. IT would turn the tables on europe as they would be the ones struggling to compete. It would also fuck up Sturgeons plans for an independent Scotland and fully negate any reason for her SNP party to exist.
3. As an Island we have an enviable 200 mile limit( limit set by the EU themselves) rather than an earlier agreed 12 mile limit. Where our fishing industry has been historically systematically decimated by European quotas, it is now time to turn the tables on their fishing industry and rebuild ours. It would also allow the UK to fallow grounds for fish to regenerate. It works very well elsewhere in the world, and adds to our food security.
Thank fuck we kept the pound.