went away last friday for a weekend of family time.
got a call thursday night "can you drop me some logs off this weekend, we've run out"
as it was a new customer i agreed to deliver friday morning (as i was away for the weekend), the address was literally 300 yds from our yard so just nipped em down on the teleporter.
mahoosive house, his n hers rangeys on the drive.
put the crate virtually up to the shed ( one cube softwood £60)
knocks on the door.
"your logs are here, if its ok, i'll pick the crate up on monday"
"no problem" says the customer, "i'll pay you then..."
"sorry, but i did say its CASH on delivery"
"we haven't got enough cash in the house"
"ok a cheque will do then, thank you."
"we haven't got a cheque book"
"i'll bring the logs back when you've got either" was all i could think to say
"if you put the logs in the shed, i'll nip to the cash machine (about 20 mins away)
losing my rag a little now..
"i'm not being funny buddy, but i've got the wife, and two excited kids sat at home waiting for me to get back, i told you i could do the logs first thing as we're going away for the weekend, i haven't got time to stack your logs, get home, showered, and changed.
if you want the logs, fine, if not, i'll be off"
the customer then starts to get shirty
"if you want the £60 you'll stack em for me"
"wrong statement buddy"
took the logs back. parked the 'porter up. went away
the family have just moved into the village. already upset me, the local garage, the nicest shop keeper you'll ever meet, and the landlord of the only pub for miles.........
don't think they'll stay