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Everything posted by renewablejohn

  1. Buy ready made kindling from Aldi at £1.99 a bag then split into 2 bags and sell for £1.50 a bag. Quite frankly I think your mad to enter this market as the big suppliers can actually sell at a loss and still make money due to the RHI payments for drying the kindling wood.
  2. [quote=Woodworks;1381382 John. Don't know how you do your billets but I can't make and stack much more than 2m3 an hour plus there is all the loose rings to deal with. They just seem so slow to make and later process. Just stand the billets upright in the IBC container then when I want to process them rotate IBC through 90 degree on forklift and you have an adjustable log deck full of billets ready to wiz through log processor or sawbench. IBC of billets produces a loose fill IBC of split logs so when container empty of billets it then becomes container for split logs.
  3. Do the same here with stock of billets in solar kiln just in case. Any spare time at this time of year is spent splitting into billets rather than direct into split logs as daily volume into billets is far higher.
  4. Just answered your own question then. Works out approx £200.00 a tonne for Fits and RHI obviously more for the more efficient plants you could even make it dual fuel burning straw/wood but you will need to be more careful on CHP selection as straw can kill many chp plants that are not designed to burn it.
  5. I only get sawdust and planks as waste as I oversize the outer cuts so that the offcuts can be turned into reasonable size split logs. Used to cut the offcuts thinner and use them for woodchip but it makes very poor quality chip due to the high quantity of bark.
  6. I just dry woodchip and grass. dont know what sort of farm he has but could also dry grain or heat chicken houses, farmhouses etc anything really which is in the commercial RHI rules.
  7. Depends whether you want to make money if so ignore all the above and instead install a small CHP plant and claim the Fits and RHI.
  8. Thats the logic which the op should have had at the start of his business. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but it is never easy starting off cheap and then having to go back to your customers to substantially raise your prices.
  9. Is anyone else having problems with BSL in respect of Land Registration. I registered on the BSL register months ago with no problem for the supply of woodchip which according to the rules is exempt from Land Registration due to the fact that its 100% Arb Arisings. To explain my logic all my arb arising less than 12 inch diameter is processed through my log processor and converted into split logs. Anything above 12 inch is put through the rack saw and planked, The off cuts and bark are then chipped hence the registration of woodchip from Sawmill offcuts and slabwood. Seems BSL interpret Sawmill offcuts is only from roundwood which has to have a Land registration. I give up
  10. Why?? If you have free wood you can well and truly screw up the local market only time it comes and bites you is in the ops case where you run out of free wood and have to join the buyers market.
  11. renewablejohn


    Government had loads think they called it quantitative easing. Or how to screw the UK public yet again.
  12. You dont you leave the IBC with the customer then exchange with a full one. Market as a self contained wood store.
  13. Could be interested in the 3 phase could you pm me more details
  14. Come on this technology is ancient my canal boat was built in 1998 and uses it well before any green initiatives. Typical system would add approx 3k to generator cost so why would you not use it. http://www.victronenergy.com/upload/documents/Datasheet-Quattro-3kVA-10kVA-EN.pdf
  15. Not bothered I know the technology works and can save a fortune in fuel costs. If your that concerned get a quote from JCB. As for batteries there not new technology the batteries are 2v similar to whats been used in telephone exchanges for decades. They normally have a lifespan of 15 years and 15000 cycles by which time the generator would probably be scrapped anyway.
  16. Really shows how little you understand about power generation peaks and troughs. As a simple example if you have a normal power demand of 100kw but a peak power demand of 200kw then conventionally you would need a 200kw generator however with a hybrid system you could get away with using a 125kw generator.
  17. Could probably find one knocking about the farm but will require a new shaft.
  18. Simple if you have an axle wider then the tracks and an alpine tractor. Lift up one end with 3pt lift of tractor,roll axle as far under tracks as possible. Secure axle to tracks with ratchet straps. Lower 3pt and attach to other end lift up and drive away.
  19. We dont have that problem when we transplant out as being on a hilltop everything has to protected with windbreak cloches which also gives excellent rabbit and bird protection.
  20. I dont have a problem with frogs and toads my polytunnels are full of them without any ponds. My problem with your system is pests and diseases not a problem if your an avid pesticide user but I operate on a pesticide free basis which means keeping everywhere sterile from one season to the next so deep beds and retained soil are a definite no no instead weed matting,growing trays, deep pots, and flood tables. As for ventilation down the sides you might as well grow your crops outdoors. The whole point of growing in a polytunnel is that the climate is warmer. To achieve that we have a sloping ridge line which gives a 10C differential in temperature from one end to the other allowing you to grow a wider variety of crops, you can even install curtains so you can have low and high humidity areas in the same polytunnel.
  21. Sounds like a recipe for disaster but then what do I know I only grow commercially.
  22. Another vote for Subaru Legacy its what the cross country pipeline boys use when the discoveries get stuck.
  23. Pity HMRC dont agree with you. In there eyes once its cut into logs your acting as a timber merchant. BIM66655 - Timber merchants: owner occupation of woodlands
  24. Only ever had two bad payers both on Arbtalk first we had to take to court and eventually got paid in full the other will be going the same way if payment is not forthcoming soon.


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