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Everything posted by Stubby

  1. All the above and FFS don't be put off by the no nothing twats that tell you " soft wood is no good " " it tars up your flu " Soft wood is great fire wood . Wet wood tars up the flu . North America and Scandinavia don't have a problem with it . If seasoning your own wood ..........Keep the rain off and let plenty of air circulate .
  2. Does it idle ok once it has been started ? If not could be the idle screw needs adjusting . If it does could be the choke mechanism come adrift .
  3. Don't get your banter squadron leader ...........
  4. I just remember it from the cricket !
  5. To be fair to it it does look a bit " mullered " but it functions fine . Not even had to change the springs and little jaws inside . Just give them a squirt of WD now and again . It is a 4 line head but I only fit 2 lines in the lower slots . I use a 4 line because it keeps the nut recessed and wont dig into the ground . With a 2 line it would protrude . The plastic cone that coers the nut flies off almost immediately , usually never to be seen again !
  6. How big is your other arm pit ?
  7. I use an Oregon mulching blade with the turned down ends for the more "woody stuff " and an Oregon " Jet Fit head " with 4mm dia square line for nettles , bramble and thick green veg . You need 45cc or more as has been said . Mine is a Husqvarna 545RX .
  8. The winter wheat that was drilled into the rape stubble end of harvest last summer is about 8 inches high now . Its taken off in the last week .
  9. Be even better if I was any kind of a munition ! . Got a Vox AC 30 with Celestion blue backs ( ridiculously loud ) a very nice Tweed Fender Blues Junior driving an Eminence " canibis rex " speaker ( hemp cone ) and one or two other valve amps . Wish I could do them justice .........
  10. Yep I " bolt together Strats and Teles coz you can but not set neck jobs . I have a 54 Tele and a 57 Strat that I made from bying selected parts , mostly from the USA . Both one piece swamp ash with north American hard rock maple necks . 50s wiring with paper in oil caps and CTS pots , switch craft jack sockets and selector switch . All finished in nitro cellulose with checking and light ware . Currently working on a 335 and a Les Paul .........
  11. Just drive a valve amp bit and bingo . That subtle " break up " that comes when you attack and cleans up when you back off . Not a pedal in sight !
  12. See I would not want to tie a 335 down to any particular genre of music . It can do it all in spades ( given the guy on the pick )
  13. I like Lee Ritnor , Pat Metheny etc bu there are parts of Jazz mathematics that go strait over my head . My failing I know .
  14. Stubby


    Yep . Get a Husqvarna T 540 MK 2 ........Sorry not helpful I know .
  15. Yea love it . Always associate Eric with his Strat ! View Unread Posts
  16. I've seen black bird and duck egg shells on the ground here .....
  17. You will be hearing from my solicitor ! ..............
  18. Any one got one ? For me the most versatile axe around . I have Strats . Teles an SG and a Les Paul others but a 335 with vintage " burst buckers " and a valve amp ( AC 30 , Fender Blues Junior , and Cornfor Harlequin ) has got to be the billie bollox ! Even good un plugged . .......Opinions ..........?
  19. Hazel in leaf . Grass growing like a goodun . Ducks all paired up . Not seen a swallow or house marten yet though !
  20. Give spud a PM if you get no replies . He will give you a recommendation . He tunes and ports saws . ....User name spudulike . Actual name Steve Gum .
  21. Thanks Mick . I had a " Gill " Polecat Ferret cross that was a pet more than anything . She used to run up and down the stairs and I was always amazed at how fast she could run into a wellie boot head first and be looking out of the top within a nano second ! She was cream and brown with dark eyes . I was only 15 at the time but I loved her .
  22. Not used one but they have a good reputation I think . The old " Wheel Horse " was good in its day .
  23. I want to hear the different story Mick . I like all those animals in that family Badgers through down to Stotes and Weasels


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