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Everything posted by AHPP

  1. Any more recommendations before I start ringing round?
  2. A stand at APF had similar to these for £600. They worked fine but £600 is an awful lot for something £100 Motorolas will do pretty well. I didn't ask him how many he'd sold...
  3. AHPP

    Big saw needed

    Now heading out the door for a few days without internet. If someone could bump this over the weekend, that'd be great. You never know what might turn up...
  4. 70cc bare minimum (a lot happier with 90) and preferably comes with a 25" bar. Old, heavy and unfashionable is fine but it must be £250 or under. £300 if it's especially good. I'm on a short notice trip from Sunderland to Fort William this weekend so can collect from a good portion of Scotland (hence this thread). Driving up this afternoon and back Sunday afternoon. Absolutely no replies debating what saw is best, whether you prefer Stihl or Husqvarna nail polish or how I'll never find anything for that money please. Offer to sell me something or don't. Text 07929 855913.
  5. I'd prefer to stay on topic please but I'll talk about tickets more generally after this thread has run a little longer and hopefully generated the info I'm looking for. So anybody coming new to this thread, please read the opening post and maybe you can help with that.
  6. Don't pay skilled blokes lots to do what 16 year old rugby players will do for peanuts. Use tables/rolling racks/slides to make moving stuff sideways easier and/or gravity assisted. Jet wash to clean but preferably tip straight onto a clean, high platform (to take advantage of tables/rolling racks/slides). Or just sell it as is and let somebody else have the hassle.
  7. What I specifically want to avoid is paying for a policy which isn't worth the paper it's written on. I'm sure many insurers would be happy to sell a policy knowing full well they could wriggle out of paying. Luckily, I can read small print. Your point about not paying out in the case of poor working practices is a good one and I imagine ANY insurance policy will have a clause limiting their liability if you've done something way below industry standard. As above, I'd be happy to argue competence, working standards etc if something went wrong but I specifically want to avoid a policy which would just stick its fingers in its ears and say, "No tickets; no payout."
  8. You raise an interesting question. If not tickets, what can be proof of competence? A chat? Pictures of work? Submit an essay?
  9. I don’t have any of the usual certificates, awards, paper qualifications etc for tree work. I will not be getting any. For the sake of this thread (and my sanity), please assume that I am competent and talk no more about this. I want public liability insurance. Some firms have already told me they do not insure people without NPTC certificates. Can anyone please recommend an insurer who does not require evidence of competence by way of tickets and will not try to fall back on an exemption clause if I need to claim. I want to hear from people who have asked the questions and checked the small print. Hopefully I can save some time ringing round hundreds of insurers. I will be sure to tell any insurer of the source of a recommendation if you’d like me to. Many thanks.
  10. AHPP

    Ryder Cup

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/uXhLMIDscTI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Someone embed this please.
  11. AHPP

    Ryder Cup

  12. [ame]http://www.amazon.co.uk/WHEELIE-BIN-household-Delivery-Mainland/dp/B001KP2QQ0[/ame]
  13. http://nfnpa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/OnePane/basicviewer/index.html?appid=b25f2bd6bd8240008fd234487a3ab959
  14. Did think of that but a little faffy.
  15. Confident answer. This is the biggest one they do. Ground Anchors | Security, Garden, DIY and Commercial Anchoring - Hurricane 900 Can you turn something like that in manually (using something as a tommy bar)? Are they strongest pulling straight up or sideways?
  16. Thanks for replies, both. So are auger bits that are designed to be hand driven different to those designed to be machine driven? I suspect this may come down to how many times the helix repeats; 1 revolution = won't extract soil, good anchor helix continues up shaft = will extract soil turning it in
  17. Sounds like you're talking more about the plate boat anchor style than a screw. I don't doubt their efficiency but I'd like to know if the auger will work before buying either style.
  18. I need a ground anchor to winch from and the available ones ( http://milspecanchors.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Allied-Bolt-Mozilla-Firefox-7122012-95246-AM.bmp.jpg ) look a lot like augers. I have a 2 stroke post hole borer with 4"/6" auger. Normally the earth lifts out as the auger turns itself in, which is what you normally want. But is it possible to apply downward pressure and screw the auger in without loosening the soil (leaving you with a soundly buried auger anchor). I'd give it a go myself but the tool is 300 miles away and I need to know to whether to order the made-for-purpose ground anchor or not.


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