Firstly my condolences to anyone who has lost someone or is experiencing this similar situation but
"A bit lost at the moment" and also not having any control over anything is a horrible situation to find ourselves now personally in, I am just wondering paul1966 was your dad taken to hospital then discharged to a private nursing and was he happy being in there? was it your dads decision to go in and now has decided he wishes to go home? as we are in this scenario now with Mum as she initially went into hospital with fall related injuries as well although on top of that she has mobility issues and is very frail as well, long story short though she ended up contracting two other contagious illnesses Oh yes and I forgot to mention the other one covid as well being 86 now and recovering from all of that now and being in hospital for three months two of which she has apparently been medically ready to be discharged now, Her partner has seen her three time Me and my Brother have not seen her My Sister got too see her on the day covid was diagnosed so we could not then arrange to see Her. Now it comes to the discharge firstly what we have got to deal with is she does not want to go into a nursing home but wants to go home, Ok fair enough now we are not one to burst someone's bubble hope and all that but their is no way on earth this is going to happen unfortunately Her and Her partner are convinced that it is going to happen, the assessment team have been round to her house and seem to think with a hospital bed, a commode and 2 carers 4 times a day will suffice ( sounds great on paper but with care staff shortages and out in the sticks feel she is a low priority) but here is the rub the other option would be to go into a self funded private nursing care home closer to her house no problem (which I mentioned she does not want to do) where we could at least visit regularly here is the quandary this is what WE would like and feel the decision is best left to Mum and her partner because it is what she wants all decisions are being made by the NHS and Care Assesment teams so we have had to stop feeling like we are banging our heads against a brick wall and take a conscious step back (as hard as that is) as on the one hand the options seem "clear to us" but not to them I do hope thing's will work themselves out soon Best wishes to everyone