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Everything posted by richy_B

  1. Very hard to price and quantify demand. Agreed with what has been said, £170 a day with operator (and I presume blades and fuel) is great value and I'd have you in 20 days a winter. I'd also have you in for 20 days a winter at £250 a day.... The mog is far more specialist. Depends on how much you need the income? If you can afford to stick to you price and do a couple of days a month then great. If it needs to be earning I'd put it at £450, workin a 50 mile radius and I'd imagine you'd get several days a week. Obviously I don't know you situation but if you closed your business I'd sell the mog and just keep the tracked unit to work, as you have said, as a standalone.
  2. Victorian botanist are how we got these 'interesting' plant species in the UK. Growing GH is reckless as there is always the risk of people (particularly children) snapping it and getting the sap on them. I've had plenty of minor burns over the years (mainly on wrists where your glove/sleeve). It's not overly painful but it leaves nasty looking scarring. If a child got this on their face it could be pretty major incident. In regards JK, I'd never remove from site. It needs to be in sealed containers, taken to specifically licensed waste centres amd generally costs a fortune. Herbicide treatment twice a year for as long as it keeps returning. 3 clear years in a row is a good sign. It is acceptable to chop it back over winter to create access but I'd tried to 'thresh' it where it was and let it decompose in the infested area.
  3. Depends on the rest of your kit. If you have very little equipment I'd say a vertical is more practical as you can man handle most sizes of logs under and break it up. If you have a something with forks, grab on a excavator, timber crane a horizontal would probably be a better option. The first option is definitely the more labour intensive
  4. That's a fairly hefty price tag. I have a m200 and obviously smaller unit but less than half that prices from Global.
  5. Certainly hard to find reliable staff, ground or climbers. London and paying good money - lots of let downs.
  6. You'll have his address details as soon as you won the auction. Just go on the website rather an app. Regrettably it wont get you anywhere. Its annoying and right now you're annoyed but wasting more time and effort on it will just compound the annoyance.
  7. Sounds like a much better system. I am sure there are loads of <£1500 trailers trading hands in the UK that are nicked. I had an ifor seized that turned out to have been stolen 15 years before and had 6 different owners before me!
  8. I looked at a CHP unit and they are great but one hell of a price tag!
  9. I use arborisk but they maybe the same. I'd of thought it'd all be direct debit anyway.
  10. I had quite a bit of trouble getting some boots for a girl who was a size 4. Personally I don't think equipment is the issue. I imagine most people seem it as 'a man's job' and that there are far fewer genuine opportunities for women in arb. Many industries will be the same - have you ever seen a woman working on a highways team? Woman are perfectly able to work in arb and forestry but it will be male dominated for a long time yet.
  11. 'Chipping' in late to this thread. I built my own kiln based on a 20ft insulated container. Ibc cages work well but a custom built stillage is best for making the most of the space. I tried drying in vent bags to see how it worked - no good, not enough air flow. In terms of what Sbtvf said about blasting air through, I'd agree. I have good airflow within the container from fans then vent/change the entire volume of air 4 times an hour vua heat exchanger. I don't actually know what the ideal is, 4 is just what my particular unit does compared to the volume of my kiln. It does the trick though. I don't run at as high temperatures as many commercial kilns but leave it going for a few extra days. Mine is 'waste' heat as well.
  12. Monthly installments or just monthly cover? Short term cover must be available but you'll pay a premium. Arborisk or Trust tend to be popular on the forum. Give them a call, tell them what you need.
  13. As you've said it's on heavy duty springs so not relevant to this scenario but I've see and heard of a lot of them with collapse air suspension. I had heard the 4.0 was the sturdier of the two engines as the 4.6 was just a bored out version. Not sure if this will make a huge difference though.
  14. I've not used the model but have a komatsu pc14. I've found it perfectly capable. Replacement parts/service items are easy bought over the phone direct from komatsu.
  15. Go with your instinct - if you are concerned return it and get a different one. Don't mes about when it comes to helmet, trousers and boots in my opinion.
  16. Not to disagree but what system do you put in place to physically stop someone using a tool inappropriately? We all have chainsaws on site, if an employee decided to stop using it for cutting trees and use it to cut up plastic drainage pipe for example. How would you actually prevent this? Most sensible employers have policies in place amd get staff with the appropriate tickets but there is always a significant risk of something like this happening - never under estimate stupidity!
  17. I agree with flat tyre - you can't watch over employees all the time. If someone decides of their own free will the change a blade over and then use a tool for something it is not design for then the blame should fall with the employee. Only if the employee was instructed to do it that would be when I'd blame the employer.
  18. My view on VOSA is your chances of being caught are low. If caught, your chances of getting away with it are very low.
  19. I'd happily provide a client with this information. I'd show proof of insurance to a 3rd party if relevant (you say the tree is in the neighbours garden). Beyond that I'd not be giving out anything. This is usually a slippery slope. You give in to 'demands' from someone and they will keep coming back with more. Give them the minimum required and do not respond to anything else.
  20. Upto £1k if caught, likelyhood of being caught??? I see a lot of lorries (scaffolders mainly) with slightly obscured plates around West London.
  21. It looks pretty cool. Got a 'mad max' feel to it! I feel sorry for whoever is sharpening the chain though!
  22. Is it a large hydraulic chainsaw?
  23. There are some changes afoot with commercial insurance. I received am letter recently. Changes rarely mean savings!


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