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Everything posted by Alycidon

  1. That looks like a Wales only scheme, would no doubt need planning permission so will attract the attention of the rates office for sure. If that scheme is also available in other parts of the UK please advise. A
  2. Cheap labour comes from eastern europe not Birmingham !!. A rail line 100 yards from a pheasant drive is not to bad, yes you will loose birds in the banks and of course its a no no to fetch fallen game but it will be a sanctuary which is not a bad thing. I have stood on a peg no more than 15 yards from the east coast main line south of Peterborough, pretty busy and nothing was shot at that even might fall on the railway, a bit restricting yes but not a disaster. What would be a disaster is using that soil in the valleys where the pegs are !!. Remember that we are in the worst financial crises since 1929. At the time Hoover built a dam, cost a fortune but it put money on peoples pockets and started the worlds economies going again. I travelled to Birmingham from Northampton by train on a Sunday recently, had to stand all the way there and all the way back. This railway just might get our economy moving again. A
  3. Morso use softwood (PINE) to test stoves for extreme temperature durability. The Scandinavians who know a thing or two about stoves burn a high proportion of softwood. As its easy and fast to replace then soft wood is where the future is. Perhaps the softwood you used was not dry enough, then you will get tars and excess soot. A
  4. Sounds about right, again talk to Nick, I had several loads from him this summer, all good processor stuff. A
  5. Some councils are not currently charging business rates to small businesses. A
  6. Heating oil is also commonly stolen from country houses, none of the authorities seem to bothered. We have a mini crime wave going on round here at present, farms being done most nights. It is known that 2 ***** brothers are responsible but the Police wont touch them, just issuing a crime number is easier. A few weeks ago they came across a drilled field of wheat and knocked a hole in a breeze block wall to get at the equipment inside, they building was alarmed and they set the alarm off once they got inside. A
  7. I would like to see the delivery offence appear in court !!. Must be the only organisation in the country to be discouraging the use of renewable fuel. I wonder if national laws and regualtions are above local bylaws ?. Others have covered the smoke cont area aspect, to burn wood in a smoke cont area the stove needs to have DEFRA approval. No Defra approval and only smokeless fuel can be burnt. When the stove is signed off as being safe by a suitably qualified person a copy of the sign off certificate gets lodged with the local building inspectorate. So they know who has a stove, what make and model it is ( and DEFRA publish a list of approved appliances) and who has installed and signed it off. So its pretty easy for the authorities to see and check on non approved stoves as to their fuel usage. Burn wood in a non defra stove in a smoke cont area and you usually will be prosecuted. A A
  8. But unless it has lost its bark some time ago it wont really be dry enough to sell this winter, same for 'dry' cord. I processed a lot of 3 year felled soft and hard cord this spring/summer, moisture content on the ends 4%, a foot or so inside from the end 27%. A
  9. You will then receive an immediate visit from an armed response vehicle, the officers will have orders to remove all your firearms and ammunition assuming you have some, your firearm and shotgun licences will then be revoked. It is then unlikely that you will get them back, ever. If you don't have any firearms then you will probably be prosecuted rather than the criminals. Happened to friend of a friend when he came home one night to find burglars in his remote house and the Police advising that they were unable to respond, he tried again 5 mins later, same response, 5 mins later he reported he had shot one of the intruders, an ARV was there in under 4 minutes. The Police crew were not interested in the burglars much, just the firearms side. You do need photographic evidence in order to obtain a conviction. If they are carrying them away in a car then the car can be seized and crushed, cant get much more than a week or twos worth in a car so you will probably have a good idea when they are likely to return. A A
  10. It will burn fine in a stove, burnt some earlier this winter. A
  11. I have been burning mainly Lime in my showroom stove this winter, about 12% it is a first class fuel. I have also been burning wind blown willow at home, that is also about 12% and burns very well if a bit fast. I find most customers would not know and ash log from a larch one. A
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum. I have a small JAPA 700, rotary blade but smaller than those you are probably looking at. I put about 130 cu meters of mainly soft cord through mine last spring/summer, only needed to sharpen the blade once although it does now really need doing again. Output with one man using a loader to load a log rack is about 2 cu m per hour given a cross section of cord diameter from about 50mm through to about 300mm or sometimes a shade more. It goes best with cord 150-250mm dia. I bought mine used from Fuelwood, they are a decent set up and have been pretty helpful. Cost was under 6k with rack. I suppose it just depends what sort of volume you are looking to process and sell over what period, no point in having a machine that will do 25 cube an hour if you sell 100 cube a year unless to have some profits to loose. A
  13. If I wanted a stove to last all night then smokeless fuel or anthracite. General daytime/evening use wood looks nicer burning. Cost wise per kw then there is not a lot in it if buying logs at retail rates. Be aware that ordinary house coal is NOT a recommended fuel for stoves, it burns very dirtily and if burning on low oxygen ( shut right down) and you open the door allowing a huge amount of oxygen into the stove a backdraft explosion can occur, ie the fire comes out to meet you !!. If you are not burning wood then either Anthracite ( natural smokeless coal) or manufactured smokeless fuel is recommended. A A
  14. Plumbing with a cold water tank already in place need not be that complicated. This link will show you some popular ways of doing the plumbing. http://www.esse.com/pdfs/Centraliser.pdf Remember when selecting a boiler stove that you have two heat outputs, heat output to room and heat output to water. Get the heat output to room correct, then sort how it looks or what type ( freestanding/inset etc) and then see what heat output to water to can get. A room of say 5mx 4m will want about 4kw to the room given poor insulation. A
  15. Another good tool, shame about the operator, 2 feet from the blade with no apparent ear or eye protection. A
  16. Price to match as well, 25t per hour, thats maybe 160t a day, 800t per week, week in week out, cant be to many people moving 800T a week except CW etc. A
  17. I would have said so although I am far from an expert in this field. I had logs kept in a basket near a fireplace into early summer that put very aggressive woodworm into a picture frame of ours some years ago. I took if for reframe, at 8am I had about a dozen holes, by lunch about 20 !!. Get it out in the spring or somewhere where there is no wood to infest. A A
  18. Soft £30, mixed £35, hard £40. Sounds like I am way overpriced, perhaps thats why I have not sold many. A
  19. I have both but only sell the cube bag, .6 of a cu against a whole cube, thats over 50% more logs !!. But there are those that cant afford a cube so thats where the builder bag comes in, if I want one then I fill it to order. A
  20. Good man, please contact if you are still having problems. A
  21. I came across some oak sold cheaply to a new stove owner that I had delivered his stove tonight. Been felled 5 years !!, logged since mid summer, 20-22%, so to wet for best results. I have advised the customer to store it inside for another 12 months when it will be ideal, meanwhile have some of my nice dry soft !!. A
  22. Stovax glass cleaner has been found on test at Morso to damage some of the black coloured glass coatings on their very new model stoves. Be careful where and how you use it. A
  23. I was not familiar with the stove but have now had a look on Google, nice stove, looks like a dedicated wood burner in which case you only have a control which on a multi fuel stove is known as the secondary air control, ie an air curtain only. If that is getting dirty glass then I would be surprised, if it is then talk to the manufacturer or dealer/installer that you bought it through. Morso Squirrell, a pic would enable me to id the model but Morso dont chop and change models from one decade to the next. Assuming you have only one wheel on the lower door ( primary air) you also have a lever underneath the ash lip that moves left to right that controls the secondary air inlet then you have a 1430. 1410 and 1412 models both have 2 wheels, one at the top and one at the bottom. If none of that stack up and you are having issues with black glass pm me your phone number and I will give you a bell to discuss. It may be a very old model that did not have an air sweep, Morso stoves if looked after will last 40 years plus. A
  24. STOP STOP STOP !!!!. The glass is getting dirty for one of two reasons assuming you are burning wood. The most likely is that you are using primary air UNDER the fire, wood burns from the top down, once the fire is established the ONLY air you want entering the stove is via the secondary air supply which comes down the inside of the glass. On the Herald 8 the primary air supply are the two slides in the lower part of the doors, the secondary air supply is the slide above the center of the two doors. Set your new fire on a bed of old ash, that protects the grate and makes it last longer. Start the fire with primary and secondary air fully open and even the doors slightly open for a few minutes. Once the sticks are going put smallish bits of wood on and close the doors, once they are going then on with full size logs and close the primary air supply slides, the fire is now managed with the secondary air supply slide above the door. The other reason for dirty glass is crerosote on the glass, always load your stove with the cut ends facing the side of your stove, thats where gases that contain the crerosote come out. If the cut face is just inside the glass the crerosote will get onto the glass before the fire can ignite it, again the fire will burn it off but it will take some time. Your fire when managed properly will burn off crap on the inside of the glass after an hour or two. You will get a small build up of smoke right along the bottom inch or so of the glass, this is because by the time the secondary air supply which forms a curtain between the glass and the fire gets down to the bottom it has all been pulled into the fire. A squirt with smoke remover from your local stove shop will shift it, Mr Muscle kitchin will also do an acceptable job. If you are burning smokeless fuel then leave the secondary open all the while and control using primary air supply, keep the grate clearish of ash when refulling. Smokeless fuel burns from the bottom up hence the different settings. I am surprised that your stove retailer did not either send you detailed instructions in addition to those supplied by the manufacturer or come and give you a hands on driving lesson. Maybe you bought it online. A happy xmas to you all. A


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