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Everything posted by Haironyourchest

  1. And what if you have made a mistake and he represents them as he promised? And is widely hailed as the best POTUS in recent history? Let's check back a week from now and see where we are then. Im betting money your Schadenfruede will evaporate before your eyes. I look forward with more than a smidgen of relish to your continuing butthurt
  2. Anybody been watching the freak-out videos of the inauguration "protestors"? This one has gone viral - the lady has been identified as one Jessica Starr (shortly to achieve immortality as a meme). The way she looks up at the last minute, just to cheek if the camera is one her for her big freakout performance. A fraud, but maybe genuine at the same time - wallowing in the attention and self indulgence like a toddler having a tantrum. Bought and paid for by Ernst Stavro Blofeld, er, I mean George Soros. Sad. Just sad. [ame] [/ame]
  3. Hahahahahaha! The left will not go gently into that good night - they will rage against the dying of the light (as they see it). To us bigoted gullible folks it's the breaking of the dawn. The door is always open if you change your mind guys - as President Trump said "When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice"
  4. This is actually the same principle as the very first chainsaw - a surgical instrument invented as an improvement on the traditional bone saw which removed fragments of bone from the cut instead of driving them back and fourth.
  5. Had a bit of a confrontation (not really) on the beach this morning. A Mexican American sand artist had done a tribute to The Donald early in the morning, so I drove up to see him in action, since I was in the area, and bought a rake with me in case he wanted a hand. By the time I got there he had done the artwork and gone, and some other fecker had just finished raking it over! I engaged him in conversation, in a friendly manner, and he said he didn't like it that the artist had used "our beach" to make a political statement. Anyway, he finished his vandalism, and then raked a massive "**** Trump" next to the deleted artwork. As he was slouching off to his car, I got out my own rake and pointedly walked past him, down to the beach, and put two big lines through his "****" and wrote my own slogan: "Freedom Of Speech - Go The Donald!!" As I was completing my counter statement, some local pillar of the community approached me and I told him what had just gone down. He said he didn't approve of Trump and was sick and tired of right wing extremism. As I was heading back to the car I noticed that he had changed my SPEECH to SBEACH. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde - I wish I'd though of that.
  6. Well, that was a humdinger of a presidential address!
  7. If you live in a rural area, offer to help farmers and other landowners with firewood harvesting for a share in the wood.
  8. As a teenager I worked for a guy who thought he was Captain Planet. He was a multi millionaire, employed a gang of us for months to plant his many acres with mixed woodland. Was trying to leave the world better than he found it, sort of thing. Drove a banger, lived in a hovel, no toilet even - not even a compost toilet - just a bucket, (but always had the latest, most expensive computer). We suffered hundreds of hours listening to his lectures on the evils of industrialisation, corporations, etc etc you get the picture. One day, I came upon him burning a pile of domestic rubbish in a corner of the garden. Plastic bags, tins. I challenged him on it and his reply was "Well, what else am I supposed to do with it?" I suggested he bring it to the dump like everyone else, where the lorry will tip it into a landfill, which is lined to prevent groundwater contamination. In five hundred years when we have invented a way of processing and neutralising plastic crap, we will know where is is, dig it up and deal with it. He told me I was wrong, and his method was the only way. Ever since that day, I lost the automatic respect for the intelligence of my elders.
  9. Essential when you get the craving! Ok, we'll keep the sun dried tomatoes...
  10. A friend with bipolar disorder and a marijuana dependancy was done for possession a few years ago. I came with him to court as moral support, but mainly to watch the fun, as he was representing himself and was to bring his 'assistance dog' (a boxer bitch, lovely dog) with him into the courtroom. He also invited a friend, who is blind and had his german shepherd with him, into the court. Your man (the accused) was wearing a tiger onesie, like something a little kid would wear to bed, with a head and tail and everything. It was what he was waring when he was arrested. The two dogs started scrapping about my feet between the benches. The judge was ever so patient, but eventually he ordered that the german shepherd be removed. The assistant dog stayed all afternoon until the case was heard, and the judge himself went to his chambers to fetch a bowl of water for the animal. Turns out the judge was a dog lover as well, and they had a long conversation about the amazing powers of dogs to stiff out cancer in urine samples. It was a riot of an afternoon, and the accused made a good account of himself, standing tall in his onesie and cross examined the guards. He was let off with a caution, given the "...Very modest quantity and dubious quality of the substance...!"
  11. Same here. Do you also reach for the milks at the back of the shelf in the shop? I do, happy to admit it.
  12. Just a little diversion - do you shotgun guys eat what you shoot? (not the foxes, obviously) - pheasant etc? Just watched a thing about lead contamination in game in the USA - they are thinking about phasing out lead bullets for copper. There is an argument that a copper slug, carrying less stopping power, is less humane, but other studies say they are fine. They took blood samples from people who live in rural north american communities that are frequent consumers of game and they have notable higher levels of lead in their systems than the general population. Apparently the slug, or pellets, as they pass through the animal, fragment to a degree, and the main mass and shards also shed microscopic particles of lead. When scanned with a ex-ray the lead spread in the carcass is quite evident - it spreads out farther than what one would imagine.
  13. A lot of the food we eat is unnecessary rubbish anyway, and we eat two thirds of it and chuck the rest in the landfill. Kids won't clean their plates, people buy food on a whim, try it once and leave it in the fridge to go bad, and then do it again a few months later, forgetting that they don't like that product. Three milks open at the same time. At least the staples should be organic, flour, bread, other bulk carbs and milk products, traditional veg etc. The prices could be raised a little bit, and also subsidised by a higher VAT on non-essentials like jars of sun dried tomatoes, sweets, snacks, basically everything else on the shelves.
  14. Well, this vid might have been posted somewhere here before but what the hey. The guy survived a chainsaw to the neck, with the application of a Celox product. [ame] [/ame]
  15. Just back to the blood-clotting-product research and I found this on the Celox website Celox™ blood clotting agents are made with chitosan, a natural polysaccharide. Chitosan has a known metabolic pathway. That means any residues left in the body is broken down by the body’s normal enzymes and converted into materials normally present in the body. This is unlike other haemostats that can leave mineral residuals in the body6,7. Chitosan is digested by lysozyme, a human enzyme which is present is tears, saliva and mucus. When digested by lysozyme Chitosan is broken down into glucosamine a sugar already present in the body. Glucosamine can help lubricate joints8. I don't know why I didn't check their website in the first place! So it appears that the mineral based coagulants can ingress into the circulatory system, causing long term problems, but not Celox, which is an organic, shrimp-based product. It also turns the blood into a gel, not a solid, so its easier for the surgeon to clean out. I'll be buying a gauze roll or pad of the stuff for the bum bag.
  16. The ladies were mortified. Now there's talk about putting a shroud around the tree.
  17. I know an auld feller who likes to stagger between pubs - and can usually be found leaning sideways against the wall of the last establishment he patronised , while he awaits his chauffeur (any random person with a car and an hour to kill, who wants to earn a tenner the hard way). Anyway, to come to the point - if you ask the chap how's it going he will invariably reply: "Whooo! The drink is a bad dose!"
  18. The German sense of humour - holy marckeral!
  19. Awesome vid! Gonna learn that song by heart, brilliant. They say that on certain foggy nights, when the moon is full, you can still see the ghost of Joe faceplant off that excavator boom.
  20. The Florabest Lidl one comes with an Orgeon 16" AO95 'Doubleguard' bar - would the mounting end of that type of orgeon bar be the same a dime tip? I haven't a clue but sure someone here does.
  21. pick up a cheap mains electric chainsaw in Lidl, Aldi or Argos or similar and buy a proper narrow tip carving bar and chain for it. That will be doable for under 100.
  22. Well, I got my consaw = TS400, from 2005, the remains of the Made In Germany sticker still there. €400, rebuild with TecoMec top end, new main bearings and filters. The filter housing that contains the foam pre filter slots into a groove on the concertina main filter housing and seals with a squishy rubber gasket looked like it was not sealing well due the the groove being damaged, so I re-engineerd the mating surfaces with epoxy putty and ran a finger of grease around the new groove as well, just to be sure. Water hose connector part was missing but not a problem as I rigged up a section of air hose which works perfectly. Cuts like a dream with the water, starts on the third pull. Lovely machine.
  23. I vote scots pine, loads of it on the coasts here, branches often fall into the sae.
  24. (In speaking about an overly sensitive person) "Shure, yer man's alright but he's a bit of a clitoris at times..." (pint of stout) a shcoop. "Come-here-I-want-you-go-away-from-me!" (Delivered machinegunissimo with jocularity and meaning "Listen closely, you're not fooling me!"


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