At the w'end we were warned about blizzards and and such. Barely got below 5 C's here just south of London - never a flake of sleet.
I really think the met office have succumbed to "blame culture" - they over dramatise every remote possibility so that they can't get blamed for warning about something happened. I think every forecaster has the ghost of Fish haunting them...
"Today there might be rain, sun, tornadoes, ice-storms, heatwaves, ice, fog and indian summers, and tomorrow it might be the same, or different."
Of course the gritters were out anyway getting their overtime and spending our taxes on vehicles, diesel and spanish salt... and making the roads as slippery "as ice" with the overload of grit, and rotting our cars from the anodic and hygroscopic effect, making driving hazardous because windscreens become opaque with a film of NaCl...