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Everything posted by gensetsteve

  1. Because the rest are no better in a lot of cases worse and parts alot more expensive. The Td5 has a dreadful rep but we ended up with one and it has been very good. You hear alot more about vehicle faults as its all over the net. The more popular the vehicle the more complaints you are likely to get. I had a courtesy car in 2004 which was a D3 and thought it was excellent to drive. They cant be that bad as 2004 models with 100k on the clock are still fetching 10k.
  2. D3 and rr sport same chassis and running gear. What is the workshop time to take the body off. It may now be the best way to get to the major items since they shoe horned the v6 in there. Does the wiring come apart with multi plugs. I have been running discovery vans since the ice age and have put off buying a new D4 commercial. Nice vehicle to drive but wrong side of 30k. My disco 1 was 1750 kg empty the D4 is over 2700kg depending on spec. carrying an extra tonne must put it into the class 7 mot ? I am weighing up one of those late baby landcruisers and ditching rear seats blacking out windows.
  3. Long shot but a few years ago we used to have to fit a diode on the alternator circuit of our gensets because when the control panel shut the power off to the shut down solinoid the alternator kept the voltage to it. Could be the diode has failed or been fitted the wrong way round ( assuming it even has one ) May give your sparks something to work on. If you get a new altnator and it charges ok but you cat switch the truck off try fitting a diode.
  4. 1 tonne of beech cord at 35-40% moisture or cut 18 months makes 1.5 cu metres of loose logs. It does not make alot of difference what size the logs are.
  5. to get 2 cubic metres the cord must be very dry
  6. If you take the bottles out and cut them into 6 they fit nicely in the top. You could make sure they dont blow out by shrink wrapping the edge.
  7. Ebay has become so complicated you need a list of terms and conditions which then puts off genuine buyers. If his rep is coming to collect he can pay cash. Paypal is not only expensive its not regulated by the fsa so if it goes wrong you are stuffed. I would not put a vehicle on ebay now unless it is a classified listing then you have control over who buys and a list of potential buyers if the first one goes sour. Ebay does not represent a cross section of society so it pays to be very cautious.
  8. Here we go mine is not powered or braked. It is hardwork to push about with 500kg of logs unless ground is level. It is very wide and leaves big gaps between pallets if you are trying to make best use of space. Its a large piece of kit and will almost fill a transit drop side. Unless it has a braking system I would not want to use down a ramp or on a tail lift. It only lifts about 8" so bags need to be on a palllet. I was thinking of modifying mine to hold bulk bags open and move once full.
  9. Below about 15 mph abs does not operate on most vehicles so if you are relying on abs to stop you on a bend on a loose surface you may be in for a surprise. Check your owners manual people.
  10. I have one that is very similar but not powered. I could give you a review but it would be pessimistic are you ready Dave ?
  11. Buying something on ebay then claiming a refund must be the oldest most common con used on ebay. They even pay with paypal collect in person unless you get them to sign a delivery note they will deny they have been to your house. Or if sent by post will return an empty envelope for you to sign for then claim their refund. You loose the money the item and you have paid for the postage. The reasons we stopped selling on ebay.
  12. I just read what I wrote and can see it could be taken the wrong way. I am sure mikes Landrover is £800 . Just watch your back. I tend to sell large items and nothing over £100 unless its being collected with cash you can say cash preffered if they pay with pay pal I refund it. When you list your item next time tick the box for no international sellers. As a seller on ebay you are bent over with trousers down. As a buyer you were at risk but now ebay has gone too far the other way. They are struggling for sellers thats why everything is free list every few weeks.
  13. Yes I am sure the Maltese people are very nice but if its the usual scam the buyer will have an acct in Malta but most likely lives in Pakastan or Nigeria. Not sure how they will play this as conmen are not going to go to the trouble of selling a Landrover to release the cash unless they get a refund collect and weigh in for £350. They could of course be uk based not bad for an afternoons work.
  14. You may be right and it could be genuine. But my recent experience of ebay is its full of chancers and con men. about 20% on ebay are genuine but most are selling junk that died years ago. Even if the items are new in packet they will be 10 years out of date. And the worst thing recently is even if they say they will supply vat invoice you will never see it. The op will pay a good fee for selling through ebay without paying 5% to paypal as well. Greedy people with a monopoly time another out fit give them a run for their money. ebay
  15. I think this may be right but make sure you dont leave the £800 in you paypal acct as it defo will disappear. The buyer may be completely legit but when there is 65 million people in this country I am sure a few will have £800 for your Rover do you need the hassle of taking a chance on an overseas sale
  16. Having been through this I now specify cash on your personal collection no wrapping packing shipping or courier collections. That way they can satisfy themselves about sold as seen. I sold a concrete trenching machine to cyprus years ago and was buried in export paperwork. I would not think it will be worth the hassle for £800.00 a form of bank payment that cant be reversed would be the only way to go. Dont take paypal as he will complain and get a refund for up to 2 months after the sale.
  17. Does anyone else find Stihl chain hard. I find it soft and easy to sharpen by hand. The carlton chain is harder and seems to hold the edge better but hard to sharpen by hand. I buy carlton loops for the processor for between £2-£6 depending on whether they are on offer. I can machine sharpen them at least 6 times and dont get bar jamming problems on the machine. If round files are mediocre and chains cheap I tend not to worry about hitting hard with bench grinder. Getting into a processor to sharpen can be difficult so I tend just to remove the chain.
  18. commissioned a generator on the roof of the trafford centre in Manchester got absolutely soaked whilst being watched by the Northerners taking shelter in the plant room. Southern grit in the land of the north
  19. Its possible Wales and Glasgow are not the best employment hot spots. If your not too grounded I would stick the back pack on and head south.
  20. There is an additive available to add to summer fuel comes in 5 litres and treats 2000 litres. If I still have some summer diesel left in october I shove some in. If its a standby genset you can still get the non bio stuff for it. Its the only legal use for it now. If its running regular you should turn the fuel over quick enough to stop it going stale. Most fuel suppliers will deliver 500 litres at a time. drain your fuel tank down if you can get into tank mop the bottom out with some bathroom towels it does not need to be spot less just get the inch of water and rust out which seems to be in the bottom of alot of tanks. Its the water which helps the algi to form. We have a small racor filter unit which seperates the water and has a cleanable filter in the top, small pacet fuel pump purrs away and after 10 mins 25 litres of clean fuel.
  21. Gas better for the enviroment. Possibly cheaper to run. Personally I run a mile from gas stuff unreliable especially if left for weeks without running. susceptable to damp. Diesel system stays wet and does not seize up like all those alloy valves and butterflys in a gas system. We have not had as many problems as we thought we would with the new bio diesel you just need to be on to of your tank house keeping.
  22. I had an R reg new in 3 years it had 260,000 miles on it. I think it was the best 300 we had. It had one new head in that time. Went like the clappers and spent most of its life with 3 tonne of generator behind it. White 3 door with wind up windows just needed some UN stickers to complete. Very little trouble but when it went every joint on the transmission was worn including the splines on the wheels. 3 years old unmarked and we struggled to get 5k for it.
  23. Explain to the rest of the staff a grand missing from your bottom line will effect them indirectly and any info will be gratefully received and held in confidence. Then when your sure seek and destroy.


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