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Everything posted by renewablejohn

  1. We got a forestry commission grant for the creation of woodland on the farm and it included trees,guards,tree stakes, sheep netting,fence posts and 3 gates all we had to do was plant and then we get a small income for 10 years for planting them. FC do stipulate the density of trees to be planted which in my opinion was 4 times the number of trees required but the FC pointed out the aim was to get a quick cover and then thin out which I can now see the logic of.
  2. Autocad is so much easier on a Mac thats why the professionals use it
  3. So why dont they process it on site into torrefied wood once sterilized it could be exported anywhere. I did ask the FC technical dept whether torrefication would destroy the pathogens but as yet we have not had written confirmation.
  4. Get a Mac it does what it says on the side of the tin
  5. To make an unvented bag vented rather than put slits into it use an electric soldering iron to put holes in the plastic. Because you are melting the plastic you still retain the strength whereas slits will weaken the bag
  6. Now up for sale again in the Farmers Weekly only £11750
  7. Sorry I seem to have put doom and gloom on your excellent review of the Riko splitter. As a newcomer you may not have had time to read the specific section on stolen equipment if you do manage to find the time to read it you will understand why your review provoked the reaction it did. You even stressed how you choose that machine because it was easy for you to carry. Unfortunately with google earth it is relatively easy to identify locations from the comfort of your armchair.
  8. Picked up an old caravan at a farm sale for £15 made an ideal brew cabin/ rest room.
  9. Looks very nice even kept in the dry with just a bolt for security. Where abouts in Derbyshire did you say you lived.
  10. Unlike most it would appear on this forum we do take our carbon footprint seriously as it can have a positive effect on our profits. Steps we have already taken include solar drying of timber in polytunnels and zero packaging by using recycled plastic crates and recycled IBC containers all of which goes down well with our green customers. The next phase in our carbon footprint reduction involves the replacement of diesel fuel with woodgas derived from arb waste starting with on farm electric generation then extending to any vehicle using white diesel then finally red diesel.
  11. I would not bother with a kiln for drying logs when you can get the same results for free using a polytunnel. Having said that we will be putting in a type of kiln for drying arb waste down to 3-5% moisture. This is only economically possible because the main output is electric generated for the grid and the waste heat from that process will be used to dry the arb waste. The main components are a Stak 100 gasifier and a capstone turbo prop generator. Biomass Gasification and Pellet Mills In your circumstances a small stak 10 linked to a generator could provide your power on site and the waste heat for your container.
  12. This is what really concerns me as the most logical thing would be to use for biomass but even that is on hold.
  13. Depends what you put in them. I know of one manufacturer who adds perfume but I dont thing they sell any better. The only thing I have contemplated is adding citronella for an outdoor range of briquettes but to date I have been to busy doing natural pine briquettes which funnily enough smell of pine.
  14. Another company thought it was a brilliant idea but instead of buying there own trees they stole our trees paying our customers the £10 deposit per tree which would have cost them £30 each to buy. Went to PC Plod but they did not want to know as in their opinion all christmas trees are the same even though our trees could be easily identified due to the Bonsai techniques we used. Salt was rubbed in the wound when we attended an Agricultural show and they had a stand full of our stolen trees. They were bragging that they had received 5k in funds from the local council to set up their Christmas tree hire business.
  15. Well the government are expecting a cold winter or at least they dont want to be embarassed about lack of salt with 90,000 tonnes being imported from Canada as well as our own mines working flat out all year.
  16. Theres a MF399 on farm autotrader for £6k if it was me I would haggle to £5k as its a buyers market
  17. My Kesla 202T is mounted on the Kesla 9T trailer with 4 bolts but has built in 3 point link anchor points so can easily be dismounted from the trailer for use on front or rear 3 point link.
  18. We used to rent out approx 2500 christmas trees every year. grow on repot and then rent out again. Trees between 1ft and 15ft
  19. Buy yourself a moisture meter and market your logs as guaranteed less than 20% moisture content it works wonders. If you really want to stir it get yours and your competitors logs independently moisture tested then name and shame in your advertising. Esse only put the MC advice on the website following numerous complaints about there range cooker tarring up. In my opinion even 25% is to wet for our Esse it really needs to be below 20% to get the quoted performance.
  20. If you where in Lancashire I could help but its a looooong way to Watford on an MB Trac
  21. Softwood made £1.50 at Chelford auction last week
  22. Cant knock the guy on that statement he even has the maths on his web site to prove it. Just assumes the "standard" log which you guys sell are pi$$ing wet through.
  23. I would want 2 for that price. I dont like working with just 1 if it goes wrong you are stuffed whereas if you have 2 you can carry on while the other is fixed. You also spend less time swapping over equipment. Yes you have 2 bits of kit to maintain but each is used only part of the time so takes longer to wear out. Plus if one gets stuck you have another to pull it out.
  24. Trading standards guy suggests a "local" reports to weights & measures section of trading standards as volume of crate measuring 1.2x1x1.2 cannot be construed as 2 cubic mtrs. Only problem with that would be a "clerical error" as the 1.2 should have read 1.7.


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