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We are a preschool who runs weekly Forest School days in local woodland. The location shown is our preschool building as you cannot get all the way to our woodland site in a vehicle. We would then transport from there. We would be happy to receive stumps and log pieces for the children to sit on and smaller logs for activities and to burn on our campfire. As we do not own the site, we are limited to how much we can accept, but we will take as much as we can. Please contact to arrange delivery in advance
- forest school
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Hello all arborists, A Sycamore tree that is two-and-a-bit feet in width (I dont know how old this tree is), it seems to be dying. The leaves are spotted black, so am I right in thinking this is Anthracnose? There are many trunks stemming from the main one, typical of Sycamores. All trunks shooting off have bark that seems to have parted (there is not continuous bark going round the trunks). Many branches have fallen off, leaving an unclean cut, these bits of dead wood have holes in them- are these some sort of wood-borers that have gotten into the dead wood? I have cut off all of the new 'suckers', as well as some established ones. The spotted leaves were also touching a birch tree, I have now cut those branches down to stop spread of infection, and they are no longer touching one another. I have also cleared the ground by the bottom trunk of both trees: of dead leaves, twigs and moss etc. I want to save this tree. Is there any way that I can? I am in a woodland by the way in the South East. These spotted leaved Sycamores are spreading, only a few trees remain without these spots. Other trees, such as Birch and Oak are fine. But will they end up getting infected? I am in no way a tree surgeon, just a gardener who likes trees and knows a little bit about them. Thanks.
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- tree health
- sycamore tree
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Harmony Woods is a 10-year planting project, giving all the children and young people in our community the chance to turn 12 acres of land into a natural urban woodland, increasing biodiversity and providing a wealth of opportunities for learning in and about the environment. These 12 acres sit within a 44-acre wood, all of which is new woodland managed by Andover Trees United.
I’m currently engrossed in Vera’s book Grazing Ecology and Forest History, which I cannot rate high enough for its readability, lucidity, and coherency. Whilst on my holiday last week, I read through the third chapter on the study of palynology and how this relates to interpreting how treed landscapes may once have looked, and I have to be honest when I say that the entire field was somewhat (though not wholly) new to me, and what was suggested within the book certainly made me think. For this reason, I’m going to write a little bit about pollen studies and how it can effectively be used, or even ineffectively used, to determine what our landscapes once looked like, with regards to what trees existed, and in what abundance / distribution, according to Vera. Vera begins by ‘setting the scene’, by describing how the Swedish geologist, Von Post, in 1916, produced what is considered the first pollen diagram. Prior to the utilisation of pollen, typically accumulated in peat bogs and lakes (which are regional pollen sinks), larger parts of plants were used in an attempt to understand what the landscape once looked like (up until the last Ice Age some 12,000 years ago) – leaves, fruits, tree stumps, and possibly even larger seeds were three means of how the landscape’s vegetation history was being deciphered, and again these were usually found within peat bogs. In this sense, prior to 1916, the vegetation composition of a landscape was being understood through assessing how plant macro-fossils were distributed (vertically) in peat bogs. For example, if a stump of a pine tree was found below the leaves of a willow tree, one could suggest that pine trees existed prior to willow trees in the geographical area. After 1916, pollen, which readily remains desposited in such aforementioned naturally-occurring sinks, could instead be used. Granted, pollen generally only persists for wind-pollinated species, with the exception of poplars, so one cannot, in theory, decipher the exact presence of tree (and plant – grasses, etc) species – one can instead only interpret, based on the facts gathered. By-and-large, following Von Post’s landmark pollen diagram in 1916, studies into pollen presence had suggested that the landscape was once almost wholly covered in trees (where tree cover was possible, due to biotic and abiotic factors). This is because, when pollen studies have been undertaken, the large majority of pollen found has been from tree species (usually, non-arboreal pollen amounts for no greater than 5-20% of total pollen in the sinks). Historically, and prior to 1934, when Firbas published a paper on how one can also identify and use the pollen of grasses and shrubs to determine landscape composition, there was also a choice to ‘ignore’ the pollen of non-tree species. Because of these factors, scientific opinion was generally that grasslands and wood pastures are an advent of agriculture and man’s influence upon the landscape, in place of wild ungulates (auroch, bison, boar, deer, Przewalski’s horse, and so on) influencing upon the vegetation composition. Therefore, prior to modern man, the European and American landscape was largely void of expansive steppes and pastures, where the land was potentially habitable by trees. The wild ungulates were thus not seen as responsble for carving the landscape, and thus only existed in low numbers within treed landscapes. Instead, these wild herbivores followed the regression and regeneration of trees in the landscape. An artistic depiction of the auroch (Bos primigenius). Interestingly, the breeding of cattle in an attempt to re-create the auroch is being undertaken, by breeding characteristically-similar (to the auroch) domesticated cattle and allowing them to exist in the wild. Image source: Open Up! However, where it gets interesting is when one looks at what tree species were present in the pollen records. Before we look further at this however, we must recognise that the dense forest will generally be host only to shade tolerant tree species (beech, lime), assuming it has reached its ‘climax’ (prior to this climax, more light-demanding species will be present, initially with birch, hazel, pine, willow, and so on, and then with species such as oak). For this reason, if we assume that the historic landscapes were covered with high forest, we can assume that much of this high forest will be of climax species, as man was not historically around to carve apart such landscapes with cattle and for arable activities. Despite this, this is not what the pollen records show. In fact, hazel (Corylus avellana) and oak (Quercus robur) contribute quite significantly to pollen records, and as neither species will regenerate in high forest (because they are not shade tolerant), how is it possible that large tracts of the landscape were high forest? Unless the species were able to regenerate significantly enough in high forests to feature so readily in pollen records, which goes against the species’ understood biology and ecology, there must have existed landscapes where significant light was able to reach the floor. This is where Vera suggests that the landscape could very well have been shaped by wild grazing animals, who kept large areas adjacent to groups of trees or forests open (where there was the ‘mantle and fringe’ vegetation), and the thorny scrub that grew within such a grazed landscape enabled for hazel to grow in thickets and oak to succeed within such thickets (of hazel, and particular thorny scrub, on which ungulates would not generally graze). Oak, in particular, can in modern day be observed not to regenerate in high forest, but in grazed areas amongst thorny scrub (I myself saw this the other day at Dunwich Forest and nearby heathlands, where oak was regenerating not amongst high forest, but within the gorse and bramble scrub). A young Quercus robur growing amongst gorse and bramble, and protected from the impacts of grazing as a result. Vera also raised concerns over interpreting the high amounts of tree (arboreal) pollen in pollen records as meaning the landscape was largely comprised of trees. This is because the pollen sinks, as already stated, are generally regional (peat bogs and lakes, of which large lakes are more often used). Because tree pollen is released early in the season, and is usually released in high abundance at an elevated level in the canopy, there is a much greater chance of tree pollen travelling greater distances, where it will reach these regional pollen sinks. Conversely, grasses release pollen during the summer, and at levels just above the ground, where winds are less strong and there is a greater chance of the pollen not travelling too far (because of the lower wind speeds, and the trees and shrubs in leaf ‘trap’ the pollen in situ). As a result, a regional sink, such as a peat bog, even if large areas of land, even almost adjacent to the bog, were grassland or pasture that were bordered by trees, there is still a very high probability of non-arboreal pollen not accounting for more than 10-25% of the total pollen distribution in a sample. Not only this, but even if we assume that the landscape was wood pasture where animals grazed, the suppression of the grass by grazing herbivores and the fact that open-grown trees have much larger, fuller crowns, means that pollen ratios between arboreal and non-arboreal sources will likely register as if the area was instead a forest (for example, the total crown area of an area of wood pasture and of high forest may not be all that different). Trees in wood pasture will also have more clearance for pollen to travel great distances, and thus end up in these regional sinks at high levels. Even modern-day records suggest exactly this, and in this sense a wood pasture can be interpreted as, if assessed on pollen records alone, high, dense forest. Of course, this suggests that pollen records only tell part of the story, and it is easy to mis-interpret findings based on pollen studies. What could be considered mantle and fringe vegetation (regenerating birch amongst gorse), with Dunwich Forest’s pines in the background. Bear in mind deer (at least) are found on the site, so there is some grazing pressure. If you have found this post interesting, then please do consider buying the book. There is no way that I can give the whole picture here, and instead I have only given a fragment. Hopefully, it makes sense, and hopefully it gives an indication of why suggesting that the landscape was once comprised of massive expanses of high forest is perhaps not entirely accurate. In the modern day, there is no doubt that grazing by cattle has suppressed the regeneration of forest, and man’s conservation efforts with heathlands and grasslands has also stopped forest regeneration; as has man’s carving-up of the landscape for building and development. However, historically, when wild herbivores were still actually in existence, as man hadn’t pit-falled the last auroch to its death, the landscape may have not been covered exclusively by high forest where conditions allowed. Considering that fire is not seen as a massive driver behind the regression of forests to grassland and then back to a form of woodland at a later date, and the beaver is not considered to have been the only mammalian influence behind the loss of forest patches (again, according to Vera and the sources he immersed himself in), perhaps wild ungulates had more of a role in shaping the landscape than is generally considered. Food for thought, no doubt. Graze on that literary resource, and head out for pannage in your local library. Source: Vera, F. (2000) Grazing Ecology and Forest History. UK: CABI Publishing.
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- wood pasture
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Easy access & will take anything at 2 locations: Home in Ewshot & Paddocks in Farnham
- tip site
- paradise poochy play paddocks
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school Silverwood Special Needs School (on the A342)
Tim LOTC posted a tip site profile in Free Tip Sites
Silverwood School is a special needs school that takes pupil from all over wiltshire. Pupils who are able help to take care of the site by maintaining the woodland and gardens. Our pupils love wheelbarrowing woodchip to all areas of our site to help develop areas and maintain the paths and beds at the school. Please come during School opening hours Monday-Friday 7am -5:30pm (avoid 8:40am and 3pm as this is pick up and drop off.) The tip site is just on the left as you come through the white gates. Multiple loads welcome as long as its well off the school road, close to the woodland. what three words///dockers.withdrew.engaging. If you have clean woodchip your welcome without checking. DO NOT sign in, tip and go. Thanks Tim Melrose Head of outdoor learning Silverwood school-
- special needs
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Hi all, thanks for taking the time to read the listing. Looking for 3-5m³ of ideally clean woodchips to fill the bottom part of my garden which I'm trying to give a woodland feel to. I'm also open to (some) hard/softwood logs which I plan to use as decor to attract wildlife/bugs etc and some to cut and store for fuel too. Tip site is out the front of my property, either on the driveway somewhere or on the front grass directly outside my property. Please call beforehand to discuss. The area these are going to be used for will allow me to do bushcrafty things on a natural surface, cover planted beds, as well as be able to do various outdoor play activities with my son. Thanks!
Wood chips & hardwood accepted. Both need to be clean, no roots, no branches, no mud, no weeds, Please call ahead to book in delivery. Look for Sustainable Farms on the map, don't look at the red pointer for the postcode as its 500m south of our correct location.
- kiln dry hardwood logs
- kiln dry hardwood
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Hi, mentioned this a while back but didn't think we would get job, and now we have. We mainly do tree surgery but got asked to clear a wood of fallen trees and hung up trees (mainly from last winter) Species are Beech, Birch, Cherry and Ash Roughly there are 6 Beech around 24 -36inch dbh, five Cherry, around 18inch dbh, then 3 Birch 12 -18inch dbh and one or two Ash around 16 inch dbh all trees above are woodland grown, and around 60-80 foot and still sound for firewood also got a stand of larch with 10 dead in amoungst it, again around 60-80 foot and finally three large field hedge oaks and a large dead Chestnut that have got to come down. I am guessing that the field grown stuff especially the chestnut is probably no use to any one commercially? not sure about the larch (still solid) but would the other woodland timber be worth us cutting to length, stacking roadside and selling for firewood, or is there not enough? - and its not exactly easy processor size if any one is interseted please let me know as starting today and would be interested to know what length to cut timber to for firewood (2.5m?) will be extracting with a timber trailer, so if anyone very local, we could deliver thanks for any help. Peter
Hello all, We have a free to attend event on Saturday 9th September celebrating Native Woodlands and tied in with the removal of an old larch plantation, planted in the 1950s, from one of our sites. The event will include equipment demonstrations by Mendip Forestry and felling technique demonstrations by our local and dependable tree surgeons. We're hoping that the event will raise awareness of what the sector is all about! It would be great to know if anyone else has ever ran or been to an event like this before, and any advice regarding advertising and content would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Ian 20170810 NWR event poster.pptx
- woodland
- arboriculture
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Evening All, I'm lucky enough to be in the process of buying a house and outbuildings in my small corner of France. Luckier still there is around half an acre of chestnut plantation, current average DBH of around 15-20cms. Spaced 4 metres apart with 5 metres between rows. Questions: 1. Are these stems too big to effectively coppice? 2. Which other firewood/native species can I inter-plant? (which will tolerate the shade of the canopy, which is currently pretty full, but which will be broken a little by the first round of thinning/coppicing?) I'm aiming basically to turn this regimented mono culture into a firewood producing, wildlife/ dog walking area.
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Woodland / Forestry Worker Caterham is one of the UK’s leading co-educational schools. It is well placed for access to town and country: the beautiful two hundred acre site is five minutes’ drive from Junction 6 of the M25, twenty minutes’ drive from Gatwick and a short walk from the local station, with several trains an hour into London. We have 44 hectares of woodland, including ancient woodland, at the head of the Caterham Valley. A management plan has been produced outlining a long term regeneration and coppicing programme, to improve habitat, woodland health, diversity and to provide an educational resource. The successful candidate will undertake the various silvicultural operations which are outlined in the School’s Management Plan, as well as day to day management of the woodland. Work will include thinning, coppicing, planting, fencing, spraying, ride cutting, arranging the sale of firewood to local merchants, ordering materials and record keeping. The attractive presentation of the woodland will also be important. Work will include the use of a modest sized forwarder for timber extraction. It is a sensitive site, both ecologically and socially, so the candidate will be very aware of issues of safety, extraction and soil damage, haulage/collection, as well as woodland use by the school and public. The candidate will be expected to work on their own initiative on a daily basis, though under the general direction of the Estates Bursar, Head Groundsman and a woodland consultant. The work will be assisted by other members of the School grounds staff whilst doing woodland work and in exchange for their time, the woodland worker will also work in the school grounds. The candidate will also work in close association with the School’s Head of Outdoor Learning to ensure that planned works support and enhance the educational use of the woodland. Salary will be based on the recommended Forestry Commission pay scales, taking into account qualifications and experience. For further information and to apply, please visit the vacancies page of our website at The closing date for applications is Monday 4 December, interviews will take place later that week. The school reserves the right to appoint at any stage of the recruitment process; early applications are encouraged. The School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Applicants will be required to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Woodland & Countryside Manager – Bristol, M4, Marlborough Salary: Up to £34,000 p.a. with benefits inc bonus, car/vehicle, 22 days annual leave, pension, sick pay Location: Marlborough At the forefront of green service provision across the UK since 1989, Glendale offers innovative solutions for the total management and maintenance of the green environment. Delivering exceptional quality and striving for complete customer satisfaction, Glendale delivers an unparalleled portfolio of specialist green services. Glendale carries out a significant number of woodland & countryside management contracts throughout Dorset, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and along the M4 corridor and now require a manager to oversee and grow our business in the area. Services at this office include woodland and estates management, vegetation management, fencing, tree surgery and grounds maintenance. Based at our offices in Savernake Forest, Marlborough, the successful candidate will be a proactive manager who will be able to offer sales, operational, financial and commercial management. This is a hands on role involving monitoring the progress of teams on site and taking quick and effective action to maintain both high productivity, client satisfaction and profits. You will have full responsibility for the office order and quotes pipeline so candidates with a strong local network of contacts will be at an advantage. Candidate should be qualified in woodland or countryside management with a demonstrable wealth of experience in a similar role and hold a valid UK drivers licence. Ensuring all work meets quality and safety standards, whilst maintaining tight control of costs, programming and monitoring of work are all pivotal to the role. In addition, you will need good time management and administrative skills, display good people management, coupled with excellent communication skills. If you think your have the skills required for this position, please send your CV and Cover Letter to [email protected]. Alternatively, you can send you applications direct to Helena O'Keeffe at Attwood House, John Comyn Drive, Worcester, WR3 7NS. For an informal discussion on this vacancy please call Terry Doyle, Regional Director on 01392444432 Closing Date: 16th June 2017 Glendale Managed Services are an equal opportunities employer.
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- glendale
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Fowberry Farms Ltd: Woodland Work We are currently looking for a woodland worker to join our small team for 2 days per week at Fowberry Estate located just East of Wooler, Northumberland. This would be as a contractor and additional days may be required on occasion. It is essential that the right person holds a City & Guilds NPTC Level 3 Award in Felling and Processing Trees Over 380mm (QCF). It is also essential that the right person is fully covered by their own insurance. It is desirable that the right person has some experience operating tractors and trailer based timber forwarders. It is also desirable that they have a basic knowledge of Continuous Cover Forestry. The personal qualities we are looking for is that the person is trustworthy and can work alone as well as part of a small team. Competitive day rate and the option of Deer Stalking permission as a proportion of pay available. If you are interested please contact the Estate Manager (Kevin Cumming) on 07468610833 or email: [email protected]
We're looking for a new team member! TREE AND LANDSCAPE – CAD TECHNICIAN JOB DESCRIPTION May 2018 COMPANY BACKGROUND The Tree and Woodland Company was set up in 2010 and offers consultancy and implementation services for tree and woodland projects throughout the UK. There are currently 4 full-time staff as well as self employed sub-contractors. Our key skills are management of trees in historic landscapes, hazard tree assessment and woodland management on large estates, managing trees in development sites, and golf course tree management. We provide specialist advice, draw up work recommendations, project manage, and also deliver work proposals using our team of sub-contractors. BACKGROUND TO ROLE The person in this role will be responsible for supporting the arboricultural team in the production of surveys and reports. The scope of the role will cover the production of drawings in various software packages; report co-ordination and formatting; assistance with planting designs and onsite project management. It is predominantly therefore an office-based role, with some scope for site work. The Tree and Landscape Technician will report to the Senior Arboriculturalist, and work alongside other team members. The role has developed out of business growth, and the consequent need for full-time support to the arboricultural consultancy team. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES Creation of arboricultural and landscape drawings in AutoCAD, Adobe, and Illustrator; e,g, development-related tree plans, landscape masterplans, historic landscape restoration plans. Report co-ordination, formatting, and checking. Assistance with planting designs and production of planting bills of quantities. Assistance with project management of planting projects onsite. Keeping electronic and hard copy filing of jobs up to date. Assist with updating company website and preparation of marketing materials SKILLS REQUIRED Essential: Competent in use of AutoCAD, Adobe, Illustrator, or keen to learn these programmes Sound knowledge of Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel). Reasonable working knowledge of trees, landscape design and/or horticulture Good organisational skills. Good interpersonal skills, working with other team members. Desirable: Experience of planting design work. Use of GIS mapping systems. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE At least 1 years’ experience in an arboricultural / horticultural / landscape role. Arboricultural or landscape qualifications valuable. HOURS AND SALARY 37.5 hours per week, 9am – 5pm with half hour break. Working hours have some flexibility by agreement. Competitive Pay rate to be based on experience. CLOSING DATE for applications is June 1st, 2018. HOW TO APPLY You can apply via LinkedIn:, OR Email your CV to Nicola McKinlay: [email protected] A cover letter to tell us more about you is welcomed, but not neccessary. Please note, we are unable to communicate regularly on this forum - therefore, please direct all questions to the email above.
Volunteers needed to help manage our 27acre woodland on a 45 acre farm. (December 2014 to March 2015+) Most work will be to help with extracting, felling, & planting trees. Plus some firewood chopping, milling timber, and various bits of work around the farm (chicken feeding, general maintenance etc.) Accommodation is in a caravan out on the land (2 caravans available), self-catering on a WWOOF basis (willing worker on organic farms) which means you volunteer and get a small contribution towards food. There is also a solar-shower, outdoor cooking space, sauna / lake & lots of gorgeous woodland - but it is 'out-there' and means being reliant on a fire for heat, and a spring for your water. Send me a pm or email if interested or you know someone who might fancy a month or two helping out in the woods in South Devon. All the best Doug
What do you guys think? I'm considering hauling the old camper van across the Irish Sea to the Confor Woodland Show 2013, but am wondering if it'd be worth the time and expense. I know it used to be a one day show, which I normally wouldn't bother travelling for, but they've increased it to two days and are promoting it as a biennial sister show to APF. So, will there be two days worth of 'stuff' to see and do, thus justifying the trip?
We've been filling out forms!..... Any thoughts (good & bad & indifferent) on Glastir Woodland Management? Glastir Woodland Management offers grants to manage existing woodlands that are 0.5ha or more in a single block Glastir Woodland Management, along with the Glastir Woodland Creation scheme, replaces the Better Woodlands for Wales (BWW) scheme and completes the Glastir Woodlands Element. The scheme is targeting Welsh woodlands to deliver the following Glastir objectives: managing soils to help conserve carbon stocks and reduce soil erosion improving water quality and reducing surface run-off managing water to help reduce flood risks conserving and enhancing wildlife and biodiversity managing and protecting landscapes and the historic environment new opportunities to improve access and understanding of the countryside To help deliver positive outcomes for these objectives, area and capital grants will be available for the following operations: thinning restocking infrastructure boundary work protected and priority species vegetation management pest control public access
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- woodland
- management
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We have ditch problems.... the problem is that it appears most of ours haven't been cleared since perhaps WW2, or earlier?! This has resulted in waterlogging issues, including tree roots getting washed out. The ditch areas range from not too squishy (easy to walk on) to extremely squishy (welly boot sucking material). The ditches have been left for so long that the bottom of the ditch is pretty much at normal ground level.... not sure I should be calling it a ditch?'s more of a 'used to be a ditch'. Our plan is to dig out the ditches without using heavy equipment and transport the ditch humus into the meadow to be used for horticultural purposes. So we know what we want to achieve... and my question is: What do you use to dig your own woodland ditch?
I am keen to get into coppicing and would like to acquire an area to coppice. Does anyone know how you would go about or where you could find woodlands to coppice? Thanks Adam
- 12 replies
- woodland management
- woodland
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Commercial Planting Team required...
John Shutler posted a topic in Forestry and Woodland management
Is your name phill or Matt? -
A friend and colleague of mine has developed a tent which can be suspended from anchor points in trees it's called Tentsile and has applications in leisure, exploration, forestry, and humanitarian releif. He's trying to raise funds to bulk order units to sell at an affordable price. If any one's interested you can see his crowd funding site here. It's an exciting concept and from working with him on some pretty amazing treehouse projects he knows his stuff.
Dear all. Can you please offer any advice. I am looking to apply for planning permission to build some barn buildings to help with timber work in 22acre mixed woodland (*mainly undermanaged and overcrowded)... Thinking of 3 structures. 1) shelter for mobile sawmill and dry covered workspace. 2) Big barn to store & maintain machinery & stack drying timber (also double up as bit of a workshop). 3) Barn to act as dry room for workers, and small office with compost toilet. Also could do with a firewood drying barn but think that this could just be a temporary pole barn structure in a field? Can anyone offer any advice on planning permission needed in national parks? Also what should I consider as essential in my buildings? I am felling 5acres of infected larch this winter which I want to process onsite & store for future firewood sales. What size barns do I need to make? Also what do people suggest for roofing options? Many thanks. Doug
Hi, I currently have 5 acres of woodland containing Douglas Fir and Scots pine. I am looking for a little advice about what to do with it. I recon there are around 350 - 400 trees, between 40-50ft tall and all dead straight. I have the option of logging it and seasoning it for next year and using the dead ones this year, or.. Selling to a saw mill which can make it into boards, utility poles etc Any ideas? Thanks
Hey everyone and thanks to webmaster Steve for getting me through the anti spam barriers! We're looking for my replacement here at National Trust: Downhill Demesne and Hezlett House, North Coast N.Ireland. Downhill Demesne & Mussenden Temple - National Trust - | Facebook I absolutely loved this job to bits but I had to move on up at some point and the Site mgr post came up so I went for it and got it.... anyway.... Whilst Arbour work will make a significant amount of the early winter works on the estate this post is a very varied role going from visitor services, events logistics, training of volunteers, students and the Academy position. It would certainly suit someone looking to ease off from the heavy tree work and get more involved with all aspects of estate mgmt, gardening/horticulture, conservation, visitor engagement and more. Whilst the wage @ circa 17K might not seem much this is incredibly rewarding. relocation expenses would be paid, numerous benefits and ongoing training with Europe's biggest charity. All I can say is read the role profile on the jobs listing to get a real idea of what it entails. --> Full Role profile and apply here:
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- woodland
- planting trees
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