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Found 16 results

  1. Liz Jones 2

    Elizabeth Jones

    We burn all wood including pine/Leylandii. We have a 5 KW wood burner. * We have paid Arborists/Tree Surgeons £50 to £100 for a tip load, depending on whether it's hard or soft wood. * Call Mike 07971 580692 or Liz 07971 580693. * Double driveway immediately next to road and very easy tip site. * You can tip straight from the trailer, call ahead and we'll help unload.
  2. Postcode: HA2 7RQ Allotment site with a larger entrance than others in the area - quick and easy vehicle access for tipper trucks. Accepting wood chips and mixed loads. Call or text in advance, many allotment holders living next to this site who can provide easy access. Gate is locked. Easy access for anyone in Harrow, Watford, Pinner, Hatch End, Rayners Lane, Ruislip, Eastcote, Northwood, Bushey, Stanmore or Edgware.
  3. Spdunn

    Sean dunn

    Reasonable size drive with easy access will happily take any free logs in any shape or form.
  4. Emergency regulation introduced to protect treescapes and strengthen biosecurity following the interception of Pine Processionary Moth. Read the full story here: https://www.trees.org.uk/News-Blog/Latest-News/Strict-controls-on-pine-and-cedar-tree-imports-into-Great-Britain-implemented Photo Credit: Max Blake, Forest Research
  5. Hi everyone, we own 24 acres of pine forest which is in pretty poor health and needs to be felled soon. The plan is to fell up to 75% of it, some of it for logs, but the majority for kindling as this seems to be the best way for us to make some money from it. There's quite a lot of already seasoned wood there which we could get to work on as soon as we have all the equipment required. Already have access to a currently vacant and large sheep building which we can use to store the logs and kindling. We're new to all this though so any advice would be much appreciated. Here are some of the questions I'm currently trying to get clear on: 1. What's the best way of going about estimating how much we can expect to make out of it? I realise that this is going to be difficult to gauge reliably, but assuming there must be a way of getting a conservative estimate which we can work to while we're planning. Any useful contacts for this? Any sums I can apply to get this approximate figure? 2. When it comes to processing the wood, it seems that Kindlet and Posch are the brands to go for, which model would you recommend? How often do they tend to clog up and/or need parts replacing? Given that we have a set amount to get through, would you recommend leasing/renting the equipment or buying with the intent to resale? We have 1 heavy duty chainsaw and 1 person licensed to use it, we can transport the logs to the sheep building using either a pick-up truck or trailer, but what other machinery would we need to process this amount in a few months of hard work? How big a difference will kiln drying it make? is it worth investing in buying or renting a smallish one? And how many people do you think we would need to do this? At the moment, we have 3 of us, but others we could pay to help out provided there was enough profit in it. 3. When it comes to marketing and selling, should we be aiming at wholesalers for this quantity or going to local pubs, hotels, shops, etc and selling over a longer period of time? I'm guessing that the bigger players like national supermarket, petrol station and garden centre chains will have contracts with large scale suppliers so aren't interested in smaller/one-off suppliers, is this correct? If so, do you think covid may have created an opening with these buyers who may be looking to stockpile a product that won't go off? Finally, how much would you expect to sell the kindling bags for to wholesalers? And how much to smaller local buyers like hotels/pubs/shops? Apologies for the barrage of questions! Any help or advice on one, some or all will be very much appreciated! Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to help out
  6. Hi, I have an upcoming job that I wanted to get advice from others on. It is a dead loblolly pine that is around 100-200 feet high and surrounded by fences. The fence isn’t much of a problem and I think it can be avoided or replaced if worst comes to worst. My main concern is safety for me the climber and the ground crew. The drop zone if I try to save the fence is small. It has very few remaining limbs. There are no other trees around that I could tie into for safety so pole climbing seems to be my only option. Are there any safety tips? I’m thinking about purchasing a tree squeeze in case of gaff slips but I have never used one.
  7. So, we have this new tree planted in a park nearby.. and I originally assumed it was a scots pine, but wow. The cones are very spiky near the bottom behind the stalk. I haven't seen that before. Zone: 4b Needles: fascicles of 2, little over 2" Cones:have a short stalk Any ideas would be great
  8. New homeowner overhauling our back yard. Aspiring hobby arborist now that I have a yard, and thought I did my research, but a couple of my white pines seem to be in trouble after recent high heat. Need to know if they are too far gone, or if this is relatively benign heat damage that they can recover from. Relevent details summarized below and pictures included. I live in Albuquerque (zone 7) Planted the young white pines in early/mid spring Not sure if they are eastern or western white pines. Card didn't specify. They were thriving until about a week ago when the heat picked up to the high 90s and low 100s One of them (the smaller one) grew about 16 inches after I planted it, the other about 8 inches. They were super healthy looking and bright green until the heat surged. My wife and I were out of town for about 8 days and they were thoroughly watered right before we left. Should We have had someone come to water them given the length of time? They are so crispy now 😥 I am in the process of installing a frame over them on which I will be adding 60% plant shade fabric These frames are not full coverage, so the pines (if they survive) will still get an hour or two of low direct sun in the morning and evening. How much heat damage can these types of standard pines recover from when they are young like this? Should I have planted them in the fall instead? Is the shade system pointless?.. or something that can actually give them the edge they need while getting established? Would love some advice. Thanks! p.s. I also planted a Montezuma cypress that seems to be doing fine, though some of it's leaves are brown and crispy. We have an eastern white pine that started about a year older than the other two pines and it seems to be doing great. We also planted an Afghan pine that is doing really well. We have some emerald green thujas and Italian cypresses that seem to be struggling. Plan to plant a lot more trees this fall, and want to make sure we get it right.
  9. I have a bit of a 'marmite' situation going on with this tree, can't make up my mind if I love it or hate it! Does anyone else have a view? I think I like the freshness and habit of the young tree but feel the mature tree is rather lollopy. At the Barcham Trees nursery we have some 40-50cm tall trees in 20 litre pots available from September 2019. Sometimes referred to as the Chile Pine, Araucaria araucana is also a native of Argentina. This ancient slow growing evergreen tree is well known for its distinctive long slender branches that are densely covered with overlapping spiked leaves. Amazingly enough, it was once a native of Britain. The fossilized wood from this tree was highly coveted by Queen Victoria. Otherwise known as Jet, it was used in the making of mourning jewellery. Hardy in the UK, they are often planted far too close to houses so have to be removed before they get to maturity. This unusual conifer prefers a moist loamy soil and has great apical dominance drawing the tree up strongly vertical so it is very suited to crown lifting. Handle with care - the foliage/leaves are very sharp! The cones are globular up to 20cm in length and take up to three years to mature. Product spec:- https://lnkd.in/gbPKsa9 #trees
  10. Pinus sylvestris fastigiata - A wonderfully columnar form of Scots Pine, so tight in habit, that one has to get quite close to indentify it. There are some nicely maturing specimens in the conifer garden at the Harlow Carr arboretum. The needles appear almost blue when young giving it a highly ornamental feel. Introduced circa 1856, it is naturally occurring in Europe. It can reach over 10 metres tall if it isn’t hampered by snow and ice build up which can cause it to fracture. However there are no such problems in the UK making this a fabulous choice for many aspects. At the Barcham Trees nursery in Ely, Cambridgeshire, we have some 1m-1.5m tall trees in 45 litre pots available from 1st September 2019. You can view and pre-order trees now for Autumn planting. Mature height: 7-12m Mature spread: 1-2m Further product details at the link below:- https://www.barchampro.co.uk/store/products/pinus-sylvestris-fastigiata Enquiries to [email protected]
  11. I want to identify this pine tree at Old Westbury Gardens on Long Island NY. Zone 7B
  12. saw a video a few months ago of some guy using chalk on pine cut (presumably to prevent sap getting everywhere) just wondering if anyone has used this or something similar? thanks in advance
  13. Hi. I work for a local authority in South Bucks and we manage Country Parks. We have the following timber stacks for sale (as firewood presumably): ALSO, read to the bottom if you are interested in potential felling jobs with timber sale as price). STACK 1...Mixed species but approx. 65% deciduous, all cut 8 ft long, diameter varies from 2"-2ft, average diameter 6/7", stack measures 5ft 9" high, 88ft long. This was cut Winter 2013/14. Good access - can take photos of road surface for interested parties. Warning: only 50 pieces are over one foot diameter. Small bits inc. birch but the big bits all all oak. STACK 2...Grand fir and pine, all cut 12ft, 4"-20" diameter, average 11" diameter, Approx 140 pieces, cut Feb 2014. Good access - same place as STACK 1. Storm damage clear up. STACK 3...Scots pines, all 12ft long. 4"-2.5ft dia, average dia 1 ft, stack size 5ft3" high, 42ft long, approx 300 pieces, felled and stacked spring 2014, 55 to 60 pieces are over one ft diameter. There are a few other bits of conifer and sweet chestnut dotted around on the ground, which we would be happy to listen to offers for if you visit. In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions or request photos of the timber or the access points. We also have a sizable clearance job to undertake at one of our parks. Brash would need disposing of (fine to burn at certain times of year). It is under HLS so there are terms and conditions to adhere to. The ground conditions are potentially pretty wet in the winter, so we would be needing seasonal extraction and we want the brash disposed of (burning ok but seasonal - basically winter ok only!) The Felling Licence is in place and calculated as: 5.8 hectares, all Scots pine, approx. age of trees 35 yrs, the dbh is 31. The selective felling percentage is 70% to come out. The licence calculates the metre cubed volume at 600 m3. At this moment I'm just trying to ascertain interest in the felling and clearance job - I may have to put it out to tender depending on value. Certainly public liability insurance and tickets will be required and we would have to set you up as an official vendor etc. but this hasn't caused any problems in the past with official businesses etc. Enquiries are very welcome at this stage. Whether we clear it all in one go or stagger it over five years is also debatable at this stage. Cheers. Matt.
  14. A bit of a conundrum with this pine tree. The tree is looking great and looks in pretty good health. One of just a few remaining at the top of the site where I work and this one is still growing well. Its also evergreen and keeps things looking interesting in its locale. However as you can see in the photos the roots of this tree go under a fairly heavily used path. The path used to be tarmac and the roots ripped up the tarmac. In 2015 the path was dug up and then resin bound gravel was put down instead. The roots are starting to come through the path now and this will be an ongoing saga I can only imagine. I think I need to either move the path, which would be a bit odd looking or potentially put some sort of bridge over the path area, take up the path and leave it as soil underneath the ramp/bridge. But again that also may look odd. Anyone got any ideas of what is the best way to solve it. I am surprised the tree itself is still doing so well. Apologies, the photos are not the best.
  15. My first ever post to the forum, only learnt to climb 18 months ago so no doubt there will be bits that the more experienced climber would have done differently etc. Any constructive criticism welcome Also, I was the one who rather stupidly walked behind the stem as the groundsman felled it (only way past), I was expecting him to take longer then he did combined with miss communication. Shall not do that again! Thanks [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfEYFENAmio]Huge Monterey Pine Dismantle Salcombe Devon - YouTube[/ame]
  16. Hi, I currently have 5 acres of woodland containing Douglas Fir and Scots pine. I am looking for a little advice about what to do with it. I recon there are around 350 - 400 trees, between 40-50ft tall and all dead straight. I have the option of logging it and seasoning it for next year and using the dead ones this year, or.. Selling to a saw mill which can make it into boards, utility poles etc Any ideas? Thanks


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