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Everything posted by Haironyourchest

  1. My favourite is Numbers 31, the Vengance on the Midianites. I love to "ask" the Jehova's Witnesses to 'clarify' this chapter for me when they call - to recap: 9 And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods. 10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire. 11 And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts. 12 And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by Jordan near Jericho. 13 And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp. 14 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle. 15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? 16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord. 17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. (!!!) Holy mackerel, Andy!
  2. Now I think of it the AV had a double wall construction for inserting flak plates, I would guess, making it customisable for chest protection as well. If I can make the plates....
  3. Was in the army surplus store today looking at an assault vest, maybe 6 big pockets, E45.00. Thinking it might come in handy for arial work, not necessarily tree work, but other tasks involving a harness, as the vest pockets ride high and would be out of the harness tackle, unlike a workman's belt. Pockets big enough to hold hand tools, the biggest would probably hold a medium size paint tin. The only problem though is the pocket flaps are huge and stiff, would probably have to cut them off, and also the masses of webbing straps which seem to festoon the thing, as they would constitute a snagging hazerd on scaffolding and so on. It's 45 bucks though, and would not like to ruin it as a throwaway experiment:001_huh: Anyone here ever tried using an AV for building work?
  4. I was wondering about that actually - have the double blade myself and its great, but notices the tri-muchler in the shop and wondered if I would have been better off with it. Here's an idea - I want to try to convert my brushcutter into a leaf blower - wouldn't simply attaching a fan do the trick? If they made such a thing it would be ever so handy. The Stihl kombi-system blower attachment is €400!!! for essentially a tube with a fan inside.
  5. Its not what you do, its how you do it and who you do it with. The nicest job in the world can be an ordeal if the team dynamics are nasty. Abusive boss, backstabbing colleagues that kind of nonsense. Whereas tough, brutal work can be a pleasant memory later, when everyone pulls together and the camaraderie is bang on...with the exception of war, maybe.
  6. Secular Humanist Neo-Liberalism has become something very much like a religion if you want my opinion (which you probably don't but what the hey).
  7. Where do we sign up to volunteer? A ratio of 10 to 1 feels about right to me but we'll have to get expert guidance on the optimum for the future health of the colony gene pool. Hyper fertility will be a pre-requisit of course. Will there be trees on the new planet, or will we have to plant them ourselves? To early to know, I suppose.
  8. I just peeled an egg but then didn't fancy it...I'll let it rest awhile. Will probably slice it on toast later.
  9. Excellent vid. I presume the pins are removable for changing out the webbing straps?
  10. [ame] [/ame] Think this proves it:biggrin:
  11. The internet never forgets :big grin: This my all time most sphincter-clenching tree fall vid. Its great that these vids exist - since when have we had the possibility of 'witnessing' real accidents? Ok to read about stuff, but the reality of seeing - wow - just so fast. Makes us be careful... [ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTV2onIYmCI[/ame]
  12. So theres a new thing now - "transracial" - its when a person identifies as a member of a different race then what they're born into. Born with the wrong colour skin, in other words. Black inside, white outside...don't laugh! If you poke fun, you're a deplorable transracialphobic....
  13. From a Danish psychologist in 2009 So that means, we have to treat Muslim and non-Muslim immigrants in a different way? Sennels: Seen from a psychological and also humanistic perspective, it is very clear that people from different cultures have different needs when they have or create problems. My own experience is that Muslims don’t understand our Western way of trying to handle conflicts through dialogue. They are raised in a culture with very clear outer authorities and consequences. Western tradition using compromise and inner reflection as primary means of handling outer and inner conflicts is seen as weak in the Muslim culture. To a great extent they simply don’t understand this softer and more humanistic way of handling social affairs. In the context of social work and politics this means that they need more borders and stronger consequences to be able to adjust their behaviour. heres the link to the whole article. Danish Psychologist: Integration of Muslims in Western Societies is not possible
  14. I said "in the right light". Lighting is everything when you're 65+. - And freeze-frame video footage can make anyone look like a freakshow - its not exactly fair. They do it to Trump all the time.
  15. So on another note - does anyone else find Marine LePen attractive? My girlfriend has been watching youtube vids of Nigel Farage and thinks he's quite handsome. Got to agree the guy has charisma. As I get older, I'm finding mature ladies more appealing than they would have been a few years ago. Hillary is still hot, in the right light. When she was in her prime she was a stunner. I watched a doc on the life of Angela Merkel, and tried hard to find some sex appeal in her as a younger woman, but - sorry Angela - it just wasn't there, for me.
  16. So, getting back to Trump - but staying with the theme of religion - how long before we see the emergence of an actual Trumpian Religion? They're alread referring to him as "God Emperor Trump" in certain corners of the internet, whether satirically or not I don't know. But he's certainly an ideal candidate for the position. The Solar Hero, the Dying and Rising King, whatever, who saves his people from the powers of darkness then ritualistically dies, usually every four or eight years, to be replaced by a new king. The old pagan pattern, still alive and well in our social system.
  17. Take the chain off your biggest saw, wave it overhead, Leatherface style (refer to my avatar) rev the bejeezes out of it and chase them around the worksite. Video the chaos with your phone propped against a tree and post on youtube with circus music soundtrack.
  18. Apparently this is how it works: The Perry Bible Fellowship
  19. Got a point there, but just so you know - Snopes is an elderly couple in a mobile home funded by George Soros and has a hidden Left bias. Just saying.
  20. Bolthole mentioned a tourniquet - I just bought one, CAT - (Combat Application Tourniquet) can be applied one-handed, if you drill the procedure. Read up on their use, realistically if you hit an artery with the saw, or a sharp timber splinter, broken bone etc, only the tourniquet will save you. As a buddy to the tourniquet - a 6" Israeli bandage.
  21. Hey - other ethnic groups in the area c 1000BC were chopping off the whole thing! The Hebrews were like Guardian readers by the local standards....
  22. Im gonna throw in an idea that I had some years ago, for what its worth. The Jews, in Europe, east and west, never assimilated. For over a thousand years they refused to assimilate, I think everyone can agree on that no? But they did integrate. They found a function in european societies - trades, banking and loan-sharking being the most famous one, obviously, as the church forbade it to christians. They were hounded and hated more or less at different times and in different places but they stayed in europe, doggedly refusing to adopt the culture of their "host nations". Now consider this: the presence of the jews prevented christian europe from falling asleep. Western culture was in danger of sinking into a religious complacency. There was very littly evolution, no scientific progress, sociological stagnation. But the jews, the continual thorn in the side of the european consciousness, kept reminding us that we did not have it all figured out. How could we believe that - when the evidence told us that the outsider was richer, sometimes, certainly cleverer, did not believe in our religion, and yet continued to exist. I hold that the jews unknowingly performed an incredible service to our culture, by not letting us fall asleep, long enough to allow the renaissance to flower. Later, they performed another role, that of mirroring to us our own barbarity - the holocaust - the psychological after effects on our culture were to essentially make europe grow the **** up, morally speaking. I just wonder, if the muslims in our countries are also unknowingly helping us in some way. Namely - by stimulating our resurgent nationalism. It is thanks to them that we are awake to the creeping globalist takeover - which would plunge the whole world into a kind of cultural dark ages where it to succeed.
  23. How many "migrants" is enough? Is there a magic ratio that a given society can absorb before it ceases to be a functioning society? Does the type of migrant influence this hypothetic figure? Is there a metric for the number of traditionalist muslims a western country can "tolerate" before quality the economic and sociological strain is too much? Has governments addressed these issues? There are literally billions of third-world people who would risk their lives to come to the west. There must be a finality somewhere. As far as Im concerned I'd happily have a quarter of the population be a combination of eastern european, western european, indian, with a smattering of americans and so on. Many if not most of my friends are non natives. Im a first generation native. Maybe half of my clients are non native. Foreigners are very important for any culture - they bring different ways of doing things, new ideas, fresh genetics. But we have to be real about it.


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