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Everything posted by Haironyourchest

  1. Climate change - the great religion of our time. The climate scientists have become the priests, the "data" has become their doctrine, and our CO2 output is our "sin" that will bring the wrath of God (nature) down on our heads. The renniceance is here now, the ranks of the delusion-makers have been broken by the heretics, Trump et al. 30,000 scientists, 10,000 of which hold phds, have signed a statement that ACC is a hoax. How's that for "consensus"? But like any religion, there will still be faithful believers long after history has proven it a load of tosh. Such is human nature, lord bless 'em.
  2. "So stop bleating about young girls gettin pregnant and start workin on getten em pregnant.." Sounds good to me, lets get to work - I won't be posting for a few years, so have a Merry Christmas everyone!
  3. Liberal butthurt is sweet music to our ears Never been a better time to be a populist - Trump is the gift that keeps on giving!
  4. Herbert Hoover and Kennedy were the only other two who refused, or donated, their salary. Hoover was already rich. Night and day - the Clintons left with the furniture.....
  5. I've been enjoying the "Trump Butthurt" videos so much. Delayed gratification:001_cool:
  6. We'll be hearing from him, long after he's gone....a hundred floors above us, in the tower of song.......maybe it was the stress of the election that did for him?
  7. Easyliftguy - what do you think the chances are of faithless electors screwing the Donald on Dec 19th? Does his 20 vote lead make this a near-statistical impossibility, given that some electors will also renege on Clinton?
  8. Now the shackles are off, the boys in blue can get cracking...(skulls, that is).
  9. Very articulate posts on the whole thinking vs memorising, first principles idea. Like how it was put, wish I'd says that. Just a thought - we now have all the world's information accessible from our smartphones at virtually no cost - that takes 80% of the memorising out of the equation as far as Im concerned. The thinking part becomes much more important. They should be teaching analytical thinking skills in primary school, as well as basic psychology, from day one.
  10. Sorry, but what you're doing here is classic denial. I don't mean to be mean, but as far as I'm concerned the Trump victory (and the House and Senate majority:thumb up:) now makes it ok for me to speak the plain truth. "Its on the internet so I don't have to believe it if I don't want to" is basically what your saying. Ok, you don't have to believe it. I certainly am not going to waste my time trying to convince you - as you do not want to be convinced. I might as well try to talk a religious person out of their religious beliefs. Everything you see on television is tailor made to keep you in a state of belief - believe that there is no conspiracy. The wikileaks proves - yes proves, and people will go to jail for it - that there was and is a conspiracy. I went and found an example of a youtube documentary for you, and an article for you, but you claim they are not trustworthy. OF COURSE they are not trustworthy! Nothing is! All information must be analysed, checked, cross referenced. This is the hard work I have done, over the years, to arrive at the truth on my own terms, with open eyes. I can't wave a magic wand and make the truth go into your mind - you have to do it yourself. You might arrive at a different understudying of the truth of things than I have. But that will not prevent me form speaking the truth as I see it, because I earned the right....(cue swelling brass section and distant drums)
  11. I absolutely believe in education. I think I mentioned hard sciences.... Problem is the zombie factories that pass for universities are not producing educated people. If anybody doubts the existence of the New World Order, just google it. Educate yourself about it - and yes it is real, maybe they don't actually call themselves the "New World Order" but they exist. They're globalists, elitists, white collar criminals of the highest order. And you don't have to be a Bond villain to join their ranks - many of the MSM are right in there. Many of the "Bernie Boys" support their vision of the future. The bums in the street think that one world government would be a great idea - total lifelong dependance on the superstate, cradle to grave - marvellous! None so blind as those who will not see. And yes, the "97%" consensus is bullshit. Scientists who support AGW are on the take. End of. Tens of Thousands Of Scientists Declare Climate Change A Hoax - Your News Wire [ame] [/ame]
  12. I prefer the old one, where the "tree surgeon" is an older guy, nice gentle fellow, who has to get out his tree book to identify the tree...."pine...no.....um...oak...nope not an oak....oh! Its a chestnut! I love trees"......gas.
  13. True. Because what passes for "education" these days in liberal universities (and they're all liberal) is just leftist brainwashing, plain and simple. Give me an unsophisticated fundi any day over the product of modern western education (excepting the hard sciences). Funny thing about "education" is most of the people I have known who claim to be educated, are dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to real-world matters - and that includes politics. Of course climate change is real, its just that we, with our cars and factories, are not driving it. And if we are contributing a little bit, it doesn't matter - its going to change anyway whether or not we use fossil fuels. Just another hoax by the elites to gain control of the world economy - control the CO2 emissions means controlling crude oil and coal - that means controlling transport, manufacturing and electricity. Control those three things and you control everything. The "uneducated" understood this ruse for what it was many years ago. Trump has removed our "mind-forged manacles" and we can now speak the truth freely, with the support of POTUS and two thirds of the United Statesians. And this is just the beginning......
  14. Ok I got one more - Electronic Lazer Distance Measure. Bought in Aldi for 27 euro, 30m range, accurate to 1.5mm. So East to measure verticals that would have required faffing with a tape measure, trying to get it to not collapse, or having to fetch a ladder. Very very nice gadget. No more having the tape fall off the thing to be measured when halfway across the room. No more getting mud on the tape, no more buying a tape measure several times a year ect.
  15. Could also try laying off the sugar and drink apple cider vinegar in water instead - its supposed to be anti-inflammatory and benefits arthritic conditions, so maybe it would be good for inflamed tendons as well. I love it, its yummy.
  16. Ok, I posted a youtube vid link about Obama encouraging illegal to vote (felony) but we already know he a scumbag right? This is Much Better!! [ame] [/ame]
  17. We've been using homeopathic remedies for decades now, never see the inside of a GP consulting room anymore. The remedy you need is dependant on the type of pain you are experiencing. This - ripped from a random site. Homeopathic Remedies There are various homeopathic remedies which can help you deal with Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow). Arnica Montana is a homeopathic remedy for an injury or strain of the elbow muscle. Belladonna is used in case of sharp pain and swollen and inflamed elbow. Bryonia is excellent in case you feel pain when you move your arm. If the whole arm is in pain, Ferrum phosphoricum is the best remedy for you. Kalmia latifolia is recommended in case the pain spreads from shoulder or hip. It is also used for sudden pain which is worsened when you move your arm. Rhus toxicodendron is the best if you experience stiffness in the elbow, which is worse during the night or in the morning. For swollen, painful and stiff elbow, you should take Ruta graveolens. This remedy is also used if the symptoms of Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow) get worse if you move your arm, and if you feel weak and tired. Sanguinaria is used in cases you also feel pain in the shoulder and when the pain becomes more severe when you lift your arm. Another homeopathic remedy is Sulphur, which is recommended for burning pain and inflammation. Identify what kind of pain you have, and buy the corresponding remedy from your local pharmacist or health-food store. Take one pill three times a day, but not before or after coffee. If it works you will become a lifelong convert, like so many others.
  18. Ever see the youtube vids where guys taste army rations from the vietnam, and even WWII era? Pretty gross stuff. Peanut butter holds up pretty well, apparently.
  19. Some fraud happening on the Democrat site of things, mostly. Voting machines flipping votes that kind of thing. Apparently they can steal about 2% on any given election year. Also polls are skewed by main stream media to favour clinton. Still betting on Trump.
  20. '04 60 HP Kangoo here, 1.5 lt dCi. Its rated to tow a ton, breaked, but I don't think the 1.5 will really do that in reality. I only tow half a ton max. Its slow, you have to use the gears, Im a slow-coach anyway so doesn't bother me, but on a motorway there will be problems, unless you like to stick it in second and boot it, taking the revs to 4000, which I personally feel is abuse. Cant you get these new engines remapped for more HP? Or does that just increase the revs across the gear range and knacker the engine faster? Seems happy to tow half a ton at 30mph in fourth gear on the flat at about 2000 rippums. The Kangoo is brilliant because the passenger seat folds away, mesh bulkead swivels and you get another 5-6 square feet of storage. One thing - and its a big one - the back doors on the older kangoo will not open when a trailer is attached. Don't know if the new ones are different.
  21. Not difficult so long as your battens are correctly set up. Maybe youtube it, sure there are loads of tutorials.
  22. How did we manage before they were invented? Which leatherman have you got?
  23. Victorinox Spirit plier multitool - Most useful thing all round I've ever bought. The weatherman style tools were great when they were invented, and some of the real lethermans are good, but really this tool beats everything out there by a wide margin. Its built like a surgical instrument...wouldnt surprise me to learn that its been used as a surgical instrument! [ame] [/ame]
  24. Anybody mentioned cryotherapy yet? Don't know much about it, its for sports injuries, a rubber cast filled with ice water which circulates via a tube into a thermos container continent more ice water. They make a cast/bladder/whatever you want to call it, for all major body areas and joints. You ware the thing and carry the thermos around with you, and it keeps the area cold for 6 hours.


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