Having been in this game for a good few years the subject of a trade body that REALLY represents ALL the industry is well worthy of discussion.
I thought I had joined one,the AA back in the 80's.Paid my membership,went through the contractors scheme and got approved and ended up on the Nothern branch committee.
Then I realised that I only remained approved if I paid to go in their little book every year. All the meetings I went to had very little to do with getting your gear out,climbing and real tree work, more politics,paper pushing and who's who in the Arb club.
So I also joined the NAA, great but never seem to take off,this side of the pond and so came Delga and the ISA. A lot more down to earth for the contractor/worker.
Then you start to think what you really want from trade body?
Someone to come along and check up on your gear and work.....no
or check how new your van and chipper are......no
How to deal with your clients and run your business.......no
Why do the people think that they need to approve us in the first place and list us into categories. Surley thats why we go to college and or spend a small fortune on NPTC/Loler. your qualifications and experience should be what counts.
Take Arbtalk. 2796 members across all age groups.Juniors getting into the job,through to top climbers and Arb officers. one man bands up to big co's and we all discuss jobs,give advice where we can and even offer to lend a hand on one anothers jobs.The site is proving a real winner,are we becomming a group/society/guild, it feels like it to me.
On the other hand the AA (and I use as an example,not to have a dig) over 2000 members, only a hand full of app consultants and I just counted 188 app contractors. After 40 yrs is that the best they can do? if it is then that must prove their thinking is wrong. They may represent the industry but the numbers show they do not represent the majority.
For years I have heard people shout about how we need to promote the arb industry. How are people going to take us seriously when our own organisations don't take us seriously. It's obvious from previous comments that there is this them and us or celebrity status, we've heard it all jobs for the boys.
Whilst I am the first to agree that bridges need to be put in place within the industry I do not think another guild based on approval schemes is the way forward.
If something could be set up that could mirrow the feeling that Arbtalk has generated, helping people out,meetings,legal advice,sharing info etc,that could be a winner.If members felt they were actually getting some benefit I bet no's would soon grow and you could soon have a voice in the industry.