Context is required though. I understand what your saying but it’s the choosing your battles scenario.
The PFI contract (I don’t agree with it, the contract that is) is rigged heavily in Amey’s favour, changes made by the council or uturns on Work to be done and the council is financially penalised. Where does the council get it’s money from?
No harm should happen as a direct result of the proposed works to be carried out on Sheffield’s Trees however it may do down to the stupidity of individuals protesting.
In the grand scheme I personally don’t think this will upset the balance too much on the tree front plus there is a replanting plan in place. Sheffield has/had more trees than any other city in the UK (sure I read that and haven’t made it up) so arguably it’s overdue on the management front.
Yes healthy trees may be up for the chop but let’s be honest we remove healthy trees for £ notes on a daily basis where allowed to allow sun in a back garden for example.
I can’t be a hypocrit and denounce the removal of trees in a situation such as Sheffield’s tree management program when I’ll happily remove a tree for a lesser cause in someone’s back garden. Again I reiterate management plan more trees are being replanted.
Before people say how dare I, I’m big enough and honest enough to say I love doing what I do but primarily it’s an income it supports me and mine.
I dont know the ins and outs of the contract nor do I want to devote my time towards finding out (time, precious, family) I’m not saying I agree with how the contract come about but the trees still need managing and if the council kept it in house in all likelihood the same Trees would be down for removal, it would just happen on a slower scale.
How many protesters, people of Sheffield would put a claim in for falling on an uneven or broken pavement caused by roots? How much has been paid out in claims due to situations/accidents caused by damaged pavements due to trees?
Sheffield is managing its stock, well or not, is I suppose what we are debating but it is managing as agin its replanting as well as removing in what I’d hope a better setting/environment/location where future problems are perceived to be less forthcoming.
I highly doubt the works completed would even add up to what’s removed in 1 day in say Brazil.
How many of these protesters use/have everyday items that have come from the direct removal of trees? I bet most have tables, chairs, sheds etc etc I bet most have used and continue to use paper, I bet most have chewed gum etc etc
As for your example or thoughts well I’m against crime and in that context would agree with the protest and I’m all for him staying inside with his spork. Again the context thing kicks into play, we are allowed to remove trees @kevinjohnsonmbe and it’s ok to do so heck we get paid to do so, it isn’t ok or allowed however to rape someone.
Hope thats changed the way you think of me somewhat.