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Everything posted by stihlmadasever

  1. I agree with khriss,try and get some days with a local tree firm,be prepared to do all the donkey work as they will want too test your dedication. The cs 30/31 is handy and you have experience using a saw so that will help too.I dont know where you are in the country so i couldnt advise you on a training provider although there are some good ones dotted all over the UK. NPTC qualifications are recognised in other countries like the ones you have mentioned so that wont be a problem for you to go abroad and work. Do you have a chipper ticket or a driving license with towing capabilities? as these are highly sought after aswell,infact id recommend you get those before you start climbing as most tree firm want chipper tickets for groundies. Finally id say be prepared for repetative days draggin and chipping,it can get minotinos but the job is what you make it.Try to be on the ball when you pull up to the job- get the cones/signs out,put oil and petrol in the saws try to keep busy and DONT fanny around on your phone...that really does my head in and the team leader will be watching you.If you really want to climb the guys may let you go up to do a small prune with a silky or a similar easy climb. Watch the climbers and try to take on as much info as you can as it will help your progress.Always,always check its ok to work under the tree,dont just walk under-look up to check with the climber or ask the second climber on the deck. Some days tree work is THE best job in the world....some days its utter bollocks. Good luck and welcome to arbtalk
  2. Beat me too it joe.. I was using a sling and a revolver today on smaller stuff,runs well easy to setup
  3. Woah woah woah....thats far too sensable for this thread-your either a right wing nazi or a leftie loony! This attack on corporations and globalisation by the banks is just a step too far.... I 100% agree arbogrunt... Great post
  4. Probably caused by weak quads or glutes.This may help you https://www.livestrong.com/article/374362-knee-exercises-to-relieve-pressure/
  5. Longevity if your refering to the pfanners,but dont think some brands of expensive trousers will last longer than cheaper ones as it just not the case for some. Arbortecs spring to mind as do stihl hiflex
  6. If your only doin part time ground work and the yukons are lasting 2 years id say thats the best you'll get really so why change?? If your were full time ground work and could afford it id recommend pfanners but there gettin to such a stupid price now even i wouldnt conscider them. Stihl do an economy trouser pretty cheap but ive no idea if theyre good or not.Stick with what you know
  7. The same oppressed people who rose up against the despots of Iraq,Lybia and Syria??? Your deluded kevin There are many oppressed people in many countries all over the world,christ Africa's got more than its fair share of crackpots but no ones ever interested in deposing those regimes..why? Little to no natural resourses to plunder thats why. Why has no one stopped trading with Pakistan,or India who both have countless violations to human rights? Pakistan has a nucleur deterant but America doesnt seem interested in that either only Borth Korea is looked upon as being capable of starting Ww3 when if were being honest Mr Trump is tweeting about the size of his red button. But you keep sticking your head in the sand and blaming whinging lefties or the media's blatant attacks on Trump... i know about politicians lying to the electorate to justify dirty little wars across the globe...i fought in one thanks to blair and his cronnies... Hows Iraq now after 2 wars....
  8. We in the yard for 7.30 but rarely get out before 8 as were getting out kit/equipment setup for the days work.
  9. Is iran in chaos....the media would have us believe so...but is it. This is the same Iran that dropped the US dollar,the same as Iraq,Lybia and Syria that stopped trading oil in US dollars and what happened to them... Perhaps just perhaps were about to see another oil rich middle eastern country bombed,attacked or a rebel group backed by the west to over throw the current regime to allow its oil cache to be traded in US dollars... Call me paranoid but its pretty bloody obvious init.Of course the politicians will justify a war by saying its a humanitarian issue or the countrys people are being subjected to inhuman cinditions blah blah...
  10. Greens drink (just powdered brocolli,kale,seaweed etc) with a banana when i get up at 6:00,take dog out,make a coffee and eat porridge with honey and blueberries.get into work for 7.30 dont stop till 11.30 then lunch,usually brown rice/pasta with some sort of homemade tomato sauce ,veg and lean meat. Thats see's me through till knockin off at 4pm If i get peckish i keep cashew nuts and mixed raisins in a freezer bag in my large side pocket on my trousers,usually only crack into those if im on a big climb though...
  11. I would agree to some extent that pestacides and chemicals used in the food industry will and are being seen now for the destructive capabilities they posses on the environment but my rant on the resourse rape of tribal lands was more of an example of the lengths Trumps administration will go to to jump start the economy and falsley promote trump as a successful president.
  12. The stomach area,pelvic floor muscles tranversus abdominus,internal and external obliques,erector spinae etc are what keep you standing erect and are involved in every bodily movement. These muscles and some more i havent mentioned are critical to keeping good posture and a healthy, strong back. To engage these muscles tskes time and practice. A good exercise for this is to lie on your back,lift your feet 6 inches off the ground,at the same time raise your head off the ground.You will feel your stomach muscles "engage" these are the core muscles at the front. Now roll over onto your front with your arms straight down at your sides,again lift your feet and head off the ground,this will engage the core muscles on your back. Once you have made this mind to muscle connection(it will take a wee while) you will be able to lock your core when doing certain exercises. The best way i can describe it is your locking your midsection,it kinda feels the same way when your holding in a big fart...tensing your core area.
  13. Native american reservations cover only 2% of americas land but contain a fifth of the nations oil and gas as well as vast coal reserves. The trump administration is persuing a bill to privatise those lands to gain access to those resourses. 56 million acres of tribal lands are to be repossesed opposing an 100 year old agreement between the US government and the native americans The trumps administrations persuit of boosting energy resourses at any cost will see river pollution,air pullution and a whole host of other enviromental issues sky rocket to a level unseen since the early 20th century. He's willing to posion his own nation to create an economy growth that is based on fossil fuels which will benefit only the corporations. I doubt Trump is aware of half of the issues troubling his presidency as he's not capable of the level of devious fabrication seen in his administration.
  14. At what cost though Timon... He's pulled America out of every global enviromental agreement,he's resurrected the coal industry and is now trying to increase production of oil by drilling for new wells in Alaska.... We will all pay a price for his quest to improve the economy. As for the raise in employment he has been caught fiddling figures as most governments do...
  15. Lifting weights can open pathways in the body that have never been "open" before or re-arm the body with chemicals and sustances that can fix or address long term injuries. There are many chemicals released in the body during resistance training the main three are testosterone,insulin growth factor and human growth hormone.The fact that these 3 all have the power to rebuild muscle tissue,strengthen connective tissue and release endorphines into our blood stream mean we have the ability within ourselves to heal and decrease pain(within reason of course,u aint gonna fix a broken leg by squating at the gym are you) My years training has taught me just how capable the body is with healing itself if utilised properly. Glad to read this post big j,as back pain is so debilitating. Im fighting injuries myself but tendonities is nowt compared too some of the horrible injuries ove read above. Do what makes you happy in the gym,the important thing is to push yourself and enjoy it... Get those endorphines flowing
  16. Said with more than a dollop of sarcasm eh gary..
  17. He inherited his fortune and lost it twice...he has the backing of some of the largest corporations on the planet who got him elected by getting him the best campaign team who took him to the whitehouse...then he fired them... read some of his tweets-he's not smart enough to run the most powerful nation on the planet. The real problem is that he genuinly believes he is. Big ego,over confidence in himself with the attention span of a 2 year old-all rolled up in a personallity that thrives/needs attention at any cost. Not my choice for someone who could send the missles flying...
  18. Ive had the stihl raintec jacket for 2 years and its still goin strong... Id say its more than decent for the price
  19. I wonder how many are regreting they voted for him khriss...
  20. I wish mark hamill aka luke skywalker would take the chidish/semi literate/bigoted bufoon to a galaxy far far away....
  21. Lets get this right... Katie Hopkins has no opinions, no political agenda or genuine concern for her country.She WILL spout any kind of guff simply to satisfy her lust for fame and notoriety. Out of the many examples i could give to back this is the one that makes me laugh more than any thing else is the time she went on This Morning to slag of parents who called there children after places when she named her own child India.... She highlights all that is wrong with our celebrity culture....
  22. Seems theres a trend for things being made smaller... Hope tits arent affected...
  23. Xylitol has only one ingredient steve Xylitol. For your perusal.. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/xylitol-101
  24. Funny you mention homeopathic remedies as my wife brewed her "Polyjuice potion" as she calls it (She's a big harry potter fan) Lemons,tumeric,ginger and honey as an anti inflamitory,tastes bloody queer but it does have an effect.I cant take anti inflamitories for long as they dont agree with me.


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