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Everything posted by stoxs

  1. Big Boss, i am getting confused betwem crown thinning and reductions!! below i have tried to follow where john cut to get an impression of how much a 30% reduction would take off everyone agree to this being a 30% reduction ish?
  2. yea rich not sure what is right unless you see an XX% reduction, also winter/summer would make it look very different. might be a new thread? trees before and after and a poll to how much reduction it has had!! all i want to do is learn i guess the easyest way is if it is a 25% reduction you can remove 1 in 4 branches 50% would be 1 in 2
  3. I am not criticizing your work John, but you said it was a 30% reduction the end result to my untrained eyes looks more like 50% did the spec change after you inspected the tree close up or do i need to go to specsavers?
  4. stoxs

    chapter 8

    chapter 8 is to put out signs and cones chapter 10 is to supervise someone putting out signs and cones
  5. well i think there would be a stealth attack from the snake like ivy and slowly strangle all the mighty trees into fire wood in about 20 years!!! it must be like falling into slow sand for the trees being strangled by ivy!
  6. pure guess i said the 12 -25 so 1 in 4 or 5 will fail in the next 12 months
  7. stoxs

    lady drivers

    my wife just swore at me !!!!! why do most women think that he boot and bonnet on a car is 10ft long? petrified of hitting another vehicle i guess
  8. like it , looked at a beech few months ago with a major lightning strike only 50% max of cambium left for the first 6-7ft , land owner thought the pigeons were eating the leaves because the crown was very thin! core wood was in good nick and one piece no mush yet. My first reaction was but now knowing a little more about it i think it will last a bit longer, a bigger problem will be the dead branches in the crown falling i think. It is in a private paddock at worst it could flatten a horse!
  9. stoxs


    and the white one is called sootie!! ohhpps i think i might have be rabbitist then
  10. But has you have to factor in weather especially wind then it is important to know location in the country and height above sea level, this will all factor towards haw many would fail i guess or because it has with stood the last 10-15 years like this then why would another year make much difference. very interesting subject, i would love to find out more about other defects and potential faliure I.E included bark branch unions and potential faliure rates between species. .
  11. £1500 dump all the 2ftx2ft chips at garf mc garf`s place job done:001_cool:
  12. not just a wheel weight missing is it? have known the stuck on ones to fall off! more likely the prop though
  13. Being a newbie to this sort of assesment my guess could be miles out but as it is an Oak and a good % of the bark is intact then i would guess low around 5% , but also it would only need one tree to fail at the wrong time and you couldn`t risk leaving it in that location.
  14. agree on the back , colour not white if peeps wear them to work then the will look rubbish in a week, what about the outside colour of the forum burgandy like with sandy yellow writing?
  15. Look good Justin why not make it easy and turn them out for £10 if you donate £1.50 to the childrenstrust then so be it. Think it will be worth doing at least 100 of each i am sure they will sell. what colour shirts u going to print on? are they going to be T-shirts or polo shirts? t shirt o.k preffer polo shirts but make sure they are a deicent size in otherwords XL for me!! if not XX is the writing printed on the back or front? i would say back good stuff like the design
  16. if you think i look stoopid in this green gillie suit look in the mirror mate!!
  17. nice one steve looks real good, puts my home built one to shame good stuff
  18. great news, nice to hear something being done to catch a few of the light finger brigade
  19. Does my Bum look big in this?
  20. if memory is correct there is a sequince on the drivers door to reset the alarm , well this is from a discovery, i thinkit was 3 locks then 3 unlocks. not to sure on correct sequince but something like that. try find someone with a owners manual it will tell you in there. my old disco alarm used to go off if you didn`t remove battery terminal within 20 seconds of turning ignition off, maybe try this dunno
  21. try a Mctimoney chiropractor local to you suffered from back trouble for years but if it gets unbearable i book in and it sorts it for weeks if not months, it may not work but well worth the money AND IT DOSN`T HURT its great
  22. £1 sounds about right i think good idea Justin:001_cool:
  23. Appologies for the late results but here they are chosen by myself and Justin(jonsie) from F R Jones and Sons there are 3 winners and they are in no particular order "Come and have a go....If you think your ARB enough" =frank Keep up with the Jones's with Arbtalk. =Andy Collins If I'm not up a tree, here's where I'll be, ARBTALK.co.uk. =skyhuck well done and thank you to all who entered there maybe some more used in the future if these sell well and there is a demand for more!
  24. Sounds like a scene for Monkeyd to create in his absolute life like realism!! i did once see a Hi lux trying to pull a 7.5tonner out of a muddy field, i think he got about 10ft and did about 25 bounces!!!
  25. Welding Gauntlets are good but it is hard to use a chainsaw with them on, slipping the right glove off helps use andsafer throttle control. Sips are good and with gauntlets there is no thorns in pinkies or forearms


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