Hi all
i've read that many want more info on chains and sharpening so i'll try to help if i can as i work for Blount the makers of Oregon chain.
And if i have my way skip tooth chain in .404 [27A] and 3/8 [75JPX] in 063 guage will be available soon in the UK along with full house carving chain in 1.4 pitch [25F] and 404 skip tooth ripping chain [27RA]. You can help by asking for it.
Square ground chain is used across the North West of the USA around Portland where our HQ is. I talked to a forester in the training school who quoted in their clean soft wood it keeps its edge for up to 3 days and is known to be faster. Put it in hardwood and your edge goes quick.
Without a demand for it in the UK we can not add it to our list.
try these and have a good look around, you might save a few for future reference, the selector guide is a good start for an A-Z of saws.
OREGON®: Exploded view
OREGON®: Technical infos
OREGON®: Selector Guide
OREGON®: Catalogue
Find the right Oregon® chainsaw, mechanical harvester or lawn mower part for your power equipment
OREGON®: Public
OREGON , a world leader in chainsaw chain, guide bars, sprockets and manufacturer and supplier of lawn mower blades and mower parts.
Whilst in Portland i asked the question as after 29 years of selling chainsaws and chain i have been told different answers as to wether the side plate or top plate does the work.
Well the answer was the top plate.
The difference between Oregon chain and Stihl chain is the steepness of the top plate and width of the side plate.
From new both chains will cut roughly the same, at 1/4 life the Oregon chain gets faster as the side plate is wider allowing the kerf to flow,its called the chip evacuation channel. At 1/2 life the Oregon chain is much faster as the side plate is much wider, and as the chain gets more used the faster it gets.
The reason is compare both teeth you will see that Stihls top plate has a steeper angle which reduces the side plate size, the older it gets the smaller the side plate is, hence the flow of the kerf is slowed down.
I hope that will explain the difference.