Originally Posted by skyhuck View Post
Which part of the infowars video do you feel is inaccurate? Its very easy to just label any thing that does not fit your personal narrative as "rubbish" why not engage with the argument being made and point out the false hood and inaccuracies as you see them?
Do the DUP not pretty much hold similar views to muslims? Yet Muslims good/DUP bad, is it a race thing?
DUP are a political organisation. Islam is a religion, not a race remember?You miss my point (as usual) If the DUP is "bad" so must be islam, do you think they don't vote? I only mention race as what other reason can there be and as you have shown earlier, many don't seem to know the difference
Do you think communism is a good thing? and is not responsible for 100M deaths? Is this really A road we want to head down?
Socialism and Communism aren't the same thing Thin edge of the same wedge
If people were waving swastika people would be up in arms, but the hammer and sickle is fine Stalin killed far more than Hitler.
I don't know anyone in the Labour Party who is flying the hammer and sickle
Its called the "loony left" with good reason, they appear totally devoid of even the simplest reasoning ability.
You call them 'Loony' Left. In fact Labour has it's roots in Left wing politics. As for reasoning, at least Labour had a manifesto that contained something to apply reason to. It only makes sense to those who know nothing of economic, once we have a £10 minimum wage, with all the pay increases above base that would follow, how much corporation tax do you think there would be? The very corporation tax that is going to pay all the bills
They lost the election, but claim they won, criticise the Torys for accepting DUP support, but their own sister party in Ireland believe the exact same thing and in any case would need DUP support themselves in order to take power.
Accepting DUP support has the potential to cause more harm to the peace process in NI than anything else politicians have done.
So why has your leader offered to take power, when he would need them?
They are utterly bonkers.
If you say so Yes, yes I do
The youth are be haled as heroes for voting, would that still be the case if they have voted Tory, I think not
The youth wouldn't vote for the Tories as they have no appeal at the moment. I think you're doing the youth a great disservice by assuming they can't make up their own minds about things that directly affect their lives and futures
So I'm doing them a disservice, but you point out they will only vote in their own self interest?
We live in the time of the individual, where people live in bubbles and feel no need to educate themselves beyond their own self-centred , self interest. They have no interest in the facts, unless they fit their own personal interests.
You've just summed up my position on your statement