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I’ll also echo mattys post, as I understand, it was well out of Justin’s hands, and, (believe it or not) he got screwed over as much as every one else
Kyle Reyes | Hiram Figueroa Jr WWW.LINKEDIN.COM Kyle Reyes Well that’s a bit different than our government’s approach to its people that’s for sure. ATL can cry and drip as much as they want but this sort of thing is not gonna go down to badly at all in the US. No people’s car comparisons please 🙏
Little is flat too!
Yet more vague waffle, saying very little of actual clarity, conviction or even personal fact. My home is this little island that's been pretty peaceful for a good few hundred years, where the police operate by consent. Charity does begin at home, if people wish to donate to charitable causes that's fine, but aid should only be for disaster relief maybe upto a year after that you're on your own. A governments duty is to its citizens 1st, not some African country too interested in the next government motorcade when they are more than capable of feeding a nation as your soft power has achieved absolutely nothing. Soft power & democracy in these places just created over reliance of daddies cheque book, corruption and a hatred of the west, so in the words of Eric cartman "screw you guys I'm going home"
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Nope totally chilled tonight 42 down on weather just you reading something into nothing as is so often the case, nice try though 👍👍 Just prompting your team mate to be a bit more honest.
- Yesterday
Little Johnny went to the confessional. “Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a very keen girl,” he said. The priest asked: “Is that you, Little Johnny?” “Yes, Father, it is.” “And who was the girl you were with?” “I can’t tell you, Father. I don’t want to ruin her reputation.” “Well, Johnny, I’m sure to find out her name sooner or later so you may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?” “I cannot say.” “Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?” “I’ll never tell.” “Was it Nina Capelli?” “I’m sorry, but I cannot name her.” “Was it Cathy Piriano?” “My lips are sealed.” “Was it Rosa DiAngelo, then?” “Please, Father! I cannot tell you.” The priest sighed in frustration and said: “You’re very tight-lipped, and I admire that. But you’ve sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an altar boy now for four months. Now you go and behave yourself.” Little Johnny walked back to his pew, and his friend slid over and whispered: “What’d you get?” He smirked and answered: “Four months vacation and five good leads.”
The matching drip trays will cost over fiver each alone i reckon but if buying by the 1000 probably abit cheaper
You're excitable tonight. Still being a bee? 🐝
When was this ??
It could also have something to do with their Arab neighbours wanting to eradicate the state of Israel off the face of the earth 🤔just saying like. Don’t let this distract you from the previous question mind 👍
Permaquip-Multicar Road Rail lorry WWW.EBAY.CO.UK Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Permaquip-Multicar Road Rail lorry at the best online prices... This looks cool
Only 1 way to find out! (Small story: I made a wheel barrow hopper out of pallets - first lockdown, couldn't get into a shop - anyway, that hopper has outlasted the rest of it, admittedly the donor parts were all ready 10 years old at the time, if you don't try it will never work)
So SP one straight question you just seem to not want to answer 🤷♂️ Just to understand the context of how you approach certain topics, could you in a few short words describe what you do and if you are employed or self employed 🤷♂️this is not a difficult question I would have thought. 👍there’s a good chap
Got to look at the numbers, I reckon it would be pointless adding in if I was about to retire in a couple of years and had the spare cash - keep that cash and take less cash out the private pensions. Not sure though if I had the cash whether topping up the private pension or state pension would pay off better - would need to guess how long I'll to for, and if all the private stuff will go on till the end like the stat pension will. Tricky!!
Most employees at US Institute of Peace mass-fired over late-night email APPLE.NEWS Congressionally created and funded thinktank taken over by ‘Doge’ seeks to prevent and... Talking of value for money 😂😂😂😂
No I certainly don’t. I used to have one in plain white about 25 years ago, it couldn’t pull the skin off a rice pudding, and bugger all legroom or room in general in the cab. So no some other daft bugger is welcome to pay 10k for it.
Read it again Gareth and put your understanding head on. For charity and altruistic works we are at opposite ends of the spectrum, your 'home' that charity begins in is a lot smaller than my 'home', that is OK. That is not the point I was making. I didn't go on to the long period of peace we are enjoying... but having a strong financial interest in another country is one of the best peace making tools there is. The EU and no major conflicts within that group - strong financial interests, the US, no conflicts between states cause the finances are intertwined. To a more modern take, Trump whether he realises it or not is offering to invest heavily in The Ukraine but in doing so is offering to invest militarily to protect those assets he wants to control. Look at Israel (as a well publicised example), 4 billion in trade within the middle east, out of about 70 billion in exports - small amount of trade to their nearest neighbours... and coincidentally little incentive to hold a ceasefire. Finances rule and control the world and as above hard cash flows, yes, but the softer side, the no conflicts flows the other way
I bought a load of fork handles from sam turners. The top T peices were not very well attached though I like the old one piece handle design but they aren't sold anywhere as handle blanks in the UK would be nice to make some but maybe with the wood grain direction they look abit weak versus the metal D versions?
I wouldn't expect you to get it.
Well, they're a bit too multi-coloured aren't they?
We did consider it as an opportunity to make a bit of trouser money. Those pots have got to be at least a Fiver each to buy from new. If you guys were local I'd happily share them around, I'm very tempted to go over there tomorrow to get more, hate to see good stuff going to waste.
Ill guess smooth bark piece is beech like stubby says, others ash but hard to tell.