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Everything posted by Johnsond

  1. Look out the window Mark the sun is shining this morning so try and let a bit of that bounce off you. Regarding defeatist that’s not quite how I see it more akin to being jaded after watching all my life a succession of labour then conservative then labour then conservative ?‍♂️?‍♂️. The saying you can’t please all the people all the time is very true, you can’t realistically expect any government to be totally ahead of every game and expert in all fields. If they had shut down things as the Chinese did the civil liberties crowd would have went nuts. My own view is as an island nation we missed a golden opportunity to seal all borders and cut nearly all commercial flights out right at the beginning , ( Globalisation ??) I’ve no doubt they acted on advice but hey ho I’m not whining about it. Im not here to support or deride anyone so don’t feel the need to sit and put up links to any good work that’s being done. On a different totally non political note once this is all done I’ll be down in Northumberland to see family and will need a dozen or so logs to mill up to do some repairs at my sisters stables, any ideas ??. You can buy me a coffee too and put it on ltd company expenses ?
  2. I’m not the one dripping about things Mark (You do get that point I presume )so I’ve not yet left my box as you so ineloquently put it. All I asked is rather than the constant non political affiliation tory drip fest was throw in a few positive ideas. You can’t keep saying the same back as the question was originally asked of yourself ?‍♂️?‍♂️. Anyway you need to get to sleep or you will be too tired to fulfil your director roles or take advice from your accountants ref tax reduction. PS Everyone needs a GOOD accountant I’d agree, 30 yrs self employed I’ve seen a few at both ends of scale. you are not the only one who sees social injustice or has been skint mark, you know where I came from.
  3. Mark I’m not the one whom comes on here relentlessly dripping on about Boris or the Tories. All governments are cunts ?‍♂️ You not worked that one out yet !!. I asked you in an earlier post to put up a few answers or positive ideas etc etc etc rather than the standard left wing anti tory whinge fest. I presume you ain’t an unintelligent guy and the fact that you have realised that going ltd and partaking of a bit of right wing capitalist style tax burden reduction in life would back that presumption up, but as others have alluded to you definitely are blinded by the regional labour indoctrination.
  4. Mark it’s a waste of time as your mind is made up as it has been on many occasions, to be honest If id posted as much discredited shite as you I’d not be banging the same drum still. The negativity is tiring bud, stick some answers or ideas up for a change eh
  5. Yawn ? bloody yawn ? Mark for once give us a positive and tell us what the answer to all this is in your opinion rather that just pointing out or putting links up to anything that half agrees with how you view tories and Boris.
  6. I can only dream of such order and neatness ?
  7. Find my mill tends to be doing the more mundane stuff too Steve. Was out today milling cladding and beams for my own use, nothing exciting but the ability to knock up your own timber is very handy at the moment.
  8. Lot to be said for this, to be honest I considered it for a good while prior to building my own trailer. I’d have been looking at a 16ft as a min and having owned a tri axle in that length I know what a solid decent tool they are and I think the levelling could be done easy enough with the same type of legs you see on most of the woodlands trailers retrofitted to some fabricated outriggers or box passed through between chassis and bed. . I looked at possibly putting the mill to one side and putting bolsters on the other to do as you say and carry the wood milled back. What put me off in the end was the weight and the fact they are very low at the back end for getting into some places. Milling tomorrow for my own use and luckily it’s close to home but still a pain to have to stack the timber and go back later with the ifor to collect.
  9. Well that’s me enlightened ? ?
  10. ?‍♂️?‍♂️Enlighten me geordie slang Meister
  11. Probably what the Americans thought when steptoe and abbot where masquerading as the opposition.
  12. Ffs get over it and change the record. We had the election, your predictions were proven to be totally wrong. Let’s get through this unprecedented situation and a few years down the line we will have another general election then you can cast a vote to make a difference as you see it. Be careful what you wish for as ltd company sole trader type set ups don’t really sit well with your left wing citizen smith type socialist heroes.
  13. Citizen smith never misses a chance. Hopefully Starmer as much as I hate his London elite credentials will at least form a credible opposition as opposed to those pair of fucking idiots you blindly worship. She had no soul and was nothing more than a lying racist angry woman, some of the same genes she’s passed onto her son I see.
  14. Truth is Andy it’s probably not worth the hassle bud. Totally pointless felling of 5 healthy trees that provided privacy, shade and a habitat for birds etc, that’s what is the annoying part of it. Lot to be said for having no immediate neighbours ?
  15. No afraid not, just a stupid thing to do that has felled healthy trees for no good purpose. They are at least 15m from his property and of no real monetary value. The whole place is full of half finished jobs and no doubt the trees will lie where they are indefinitely. You are right no legislation against being a twat ?‍♂️ cheers
  16. Hi All My sons place borders a small holding which quite frankly is a shit tip but each to there own. There is a fence bordering the properties and on the neighbours side right next to the fence line there was a row of mature trees mix of beech, rowan and pine. Anyway the neighbour has took it upon himself to fell all the trees that formed a barrier between the two properties and has left the others either side still standing, “for now” !!. I’m not sure if he was obliged to speak to anyone or is allowed just to do what he wants !!. The trees were a decent feature and to be honest a good barrier to the eyesore beyond. Any advice would be appreciated.
  17. Cheers I’ll pass your condolences on to guys I know in that situation. Pretty dumb arse statement quite frankly.
  18. On a serious note if you go to the woodlands mill part of the milling forum you will find loads on how owners have set up trailers and winch/ ramp arrangements.
  19. You will work it out once you start loading logs ?
  20. Small world Andy that stuff is the dogs bollocks The first mrs father got me into that years ago over in Finland. Probs best vodka I’ve ever tasted. You do have to watch out though as it does have a habit of going down nice then creeping up on you big time. He was a typical Finnish man ie of very few words and that was the ritual when we visited regardless of time of day, shot of that straight from freezer neat . ?
  21. Cheers Les Hoping to try and replicate the finish I had on a Tikka M595 super deluxe, it had mat oiled type finish no shine at all. , beautiful bit of wood, I’ve regretted selling it many a time.
  22. Hi All Looking to remove the gloss/lacquer type finish that’s on an old anschutz 1427, had this thing for 21 yrs now and have always meant to get round to sorting the stock. Looking for the best option to remove the existing coating and any ideas on best oil finish for the stock afterward. It’s not a showpiece and gets used regularly in the field. cheers


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