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Everything posted by Drew87
If you don't know W.Wizard,, I'd prefer to kindly keep it to myself bud.. No offence intended at all fella.. Reason being I'm hoping to try it on more species & see what happens,, Eventually/Possibly taking it a fair bit Finding it difficult to Practice (& Do) due to lack of: Space, (Not lucky enough to make a lot of Noise round these parts), Spare Cash for 'New Ideas' & my 9yr old son back in my life after a very Longed Out, Expensive & Stressful Contact Order, WHICH I WON JUST BEFORE XMAS.!!! [emoji869][emoji16][emoji869] & .. Time.!! "Never enough hours in a Day" .. That phrase is a torment in itself.!! [emoji36] Just tinkering as much as possible for now, I'll tell more when its a better & 'safer technique [emoji6]' .. [emoji2] & can improve on this 1st piece. [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]Thanks for the positive comments & interest though you lot,, was going to scrap the idea & try different methods, dyes, oils, staines, even acids & metals to change colours, effects etc.. Might still even go with it all.. [emoji848] who knows.?.. Trial & Error.. [emoji1] I'll post failures and wins,, whatever's going to happen, happens [emoji28]
Thanks Stubby,, Compliment coming from you dude [emoji106]
Thanks Saul [emoji106]
Quick mess about on the Mill Planking a Scott's Pine.. Getting used to Setting Up the Mill,, & trying to get better,, keeping Rob D's advice in mind.. & enjoying it (when can get the time) Whole new world in a field of trees, new experience, playin about with my wood [emoji52], fire & oil mixs,, This is the result of one piece,, could sand n do a better finish (get speckles out more),, just seeing how this and that works atm.. and what grains come out of it..
Would of loved more time to slab these
Utter shame ..
Log, 6ft L x 2.6ft W. Milled: 48" Alaskan Rail: Scaff Plank .. Nailed on,, Not Screwed Saw: Rebuilt Husqvarna 2100cd (Not Ported) Bar: 42"
Think it means 1981.?? Meaning,, It's 6yrs older than Me.. [emoji15].. EPIC SAW THOUGH.!!! NEW STEEL PULLEY ON ITS WAY FROM THE STATES.. (Keep pulling the cord out, coz its got a MASSIVE intake orifice) ,, Then need to figure out how to get to the Anti-Vibe Buffers, to replace them.??. [emoji848].. Then I'm happy to say it would be.. "Com-ple-,ted.!!!" [emoji869][emoji851][emoji869]
[emoji23] Cheers Bud [emoji106] .. Always the 1st to joke Stubby.. "P" actually.. but hoping it isn't standing for "Peter" [emoji27] Need it Carbon Dated really dude [emoji1]
Was wondering If anyone could help with the Age of my Husqvarna 2100cd please.? Its a White Badge.. Made in Sweden Serial: 1004119 TiA [emoji106]
450 Range is fairly priced if looking for New, 50cc.. for lighter stuff.. Fuel efficient too.
353.?.? And why your 550 on its last.? Not worth replacing with a piston kit..?
555Rancher .. 372.. Loads out there bud.. Have a shop around & if possible, ask for demonstrations.
[emoji1] .. I just had a look on an old Arboristsite.com forum page & Some guys said & I quote "They eat Stihl's for breakfast" [emoji51] .. Looking forward to putting it on the Tacho, to finally put it through some wood. [emoji27][emoji120] .. 9months to find a new cylinder that was useable,, became the LONGEST 6 weeks delivery period of my life.!! (10.5months to have it in Hand.!) Swear its given me a grey streak..! [emoji1] Biggest & definitely,, Oldest Saw I've owned.. Been a Task & a Half which I've enjoyed all the way. Will upload a vid clip of it on Tacho when that arrives .. but for now .. HAPPY DAYS.!! [emoji869][emoji27][emoji869]
Update: It took 9months to find a Cylinder for the Husky.. (6weeks just getting it delivered to London from Canada) .. And .. THE BEAST RUNS.!!!!!!!!!!! Tacho in the post from ebay for £5.85 .. to check rpm (done by ear & a guess & lots of luck & prayer) but she blooming Runz.!!!! "YYEEEEESSSSS BUUDDDDY.!!!" [emoji869][emoji16][emoji869] 1st ever rebuild, And she Runz again.!!!!
Completely Agree RichR.!! It was a First & Last for both instances,, that could of been much worse.. The Passing Out was honestly scary.. Never happened before,, So realising I am ONLY Human & Not a Robotic Work Horse, that doesn't need sleep was dually noted. Never again to be repeated. I do / should I say.. did.. Pride myself on how Much I could do on my own,, to keep up with Two Climbers Cutting,, being pressured to do so on a daily basis by Big Named Bosses & Colleagues. (23 street trees in a day on average,, while other crews only done 9) .. Resulted in being 'hit' too.. Never again, for anyone. Needless to say,, I was happy to talk to the boss to try reduce the amount done to 20,, He refused and thus,, let me go in the end.. And refused to replace my lid (personal one & he never supplied one in 3yrs of employment,, then I went UTR & he used that to get out of replacing it on the 60ft Head Smash, not even an Accident Report filled out, and the climber who done it,, put my uniform through the chipper as it was 'SOAKED'..) .. Never gonna go back there again,,,
Have found only one firm in London, but haven't subbed for them, yet,, "All Female" but there is a firm in mind in Wales, that I have Subbed for before.. Their lovely & knowledgeable, skilled, & V n the other half of the firm are Partner's too.. Live & work together, Never argued (not once about anything), Never brought personal life to work.. (Very professional not do so isn't it) V & her Partner were great pair to Sub for. A lovely pair of Women in the industry,, easy to get on with.. Great Arborists and People in General [emoji106] I trained along side a female in Hereford, on a different course to us,, with Dreadlocks.. Think her name was Lisa.?.. anyway,, She passed her Climbing Course(s),, n watching her climb made no difference to which sex she is (M/F) .. Tilt my Lid to any female that sticks to this game full on [emoji106]
OREGON Ripping 73RD 3/8" x .058" (1.5mm) - 64 Drive Links 73DPX064E - Oregon 73DPX Chainsaw Chain - 64 Drive Links × 1 Rob.. Could the Nose Sprockt of Failed because the Bar & Chain isn't a good match / just simply not compatible.?? And that be the reason for the failure.?? Im using slighty diff chains as that on 42" bar,, same Oregon (75RD-3/8) but is 1.6mm Are you sure they're all Matched Properly Hunter.? (Drive Sprocket, Bar & Chain.?)
BillPierce,, Thats my understanding of the Difference in the Chains .. Ripping Chains should be much faster than X-Cutters.. as they are designed to rid MORE material.. (ie: Cutting teeth & Clearing teeth) VS (Cutting teeth Only, which run blunt quicker too) If not,, There's something pretty wrong with the Set Up.. (My understanding of the two Chains designs)
Rob D.. Dont you get bored of answering this same question.?? (Copy & Paste it be easier now) Swear I asked it not long ago.. yep.. I did too [emoji1] Hijackin from a Newbie Miller experience now: Simple answer to the title.. Ripping Chains are the Nutz over X-Cut.!!! Now I have 5x Sets of Rippers & Itching to get my saw for milling running tickerdy boo.. I havent used mine yet but have had a go on someone elses more experienced at it than I & Vid Recorded someone else who,, (While I worked like a mule).. Quartered the oak log for Transport, & Reasons for that was he was only goin to plank them,, and obviously,, for ease of moving them.. The X-Cuts I bought (5x) I sent (3x) of them back & only use the X-Cut chains for knockin the Hinge off.. Literally only use.. After seeing the finish Rippers left & how much easier it looks on the Elbows & Neck. Its clear as crystal why there is No Competition.. GOOD QUESTION about the smaller saws though.. That was my next question for Rob at a later date.. So no need to ask it now.. Cheers Both of you [emoji106] My new on subject question(s) .. Was the Nose Sprockets reason for failing,, Due to the lack of Oil.?, & resulting in sprocket being burnt out The wrong Bar Match with Chain.?, Operator Aggression ie: Trying to get it through the kirf too quick (Too many pressures acting on it) Or a simply a bit of all the factors above combined.? Or something less likely I haven't mentioned.?? & How much experience Milling have you had please Hunter, absolutely 0,, or a little prior to doing it yourself.?? Gettin as much info about it as possible so my set up lasts as long as possible.. Smaller saws for Milling Longer Logs, going with the Grain, sounds waaaaay too much work load and will pop,, thats kinder obvious to me.. But would it be ok to do Shorter, Softer Material than Larch.. Liike what I have in the garden.? (4ft L x 28" W Scotts Pine) Is my personal logs that I want to use for cladding my hot tub,, Will have a Depth of 1" once Milled,, Ssoo,, My logical thinking.. It would have a tad less pressure acting on the Set up of a smaller saw & as long as I take my time,, Would be ok to do it this way/probably end up popping the saw anyway.??
How much are you willing to Pay or did you pay Subbies that day though Stefan.?? No,, No excuse to sleep on the job.. Let alone what it looks like on your firms name to customers & public.. No excuses for it.. We let a guy go for the samething.. Bad attitude & Found him asleep in the truck when I was on the phone to the boss of the firm, askin why we haven't planted enuff Street trees yet .. We knew the reason.. But wont post it.. But it was bad one. "Laterz dude.!! Dont come back.!!"
Hot day,, No sleep & Tall, Heavy bits of wood to move.. Keepin up with two ppl ringin them up.. and still cant really see scale.. Im stood a fair distance away to get the stem in the pic.. Nice sized garden.!!!