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Crazy Cutter

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Everything posted by Crazy Cutter

  1. Wasn't the 365 out way before the 357xp? And the 362 was a belter of a saw i would rate it more than my 560xp. My concern with all the new saws is parts quality and too much plastic i just can't see mine lasting?
  2. You will end up felling the resistant ones as well without knowing. Anyone with decent white ash should fell now as the disease darkens the wood making it un-marketable. The felling in denmark i feel was for this reason not as a precaution.
  3. You beat me to it! We need to do nothing and carry on as normal. How many people have an ash in their garden walk on the leaves going to work and then travel 30 miles! How many farmers have flailed their hedges and moved from one holding to another?There seems no point in spraying boots etc. If you don't have this disease next spring you will have. Leave all trees and only fell for safety or as part of your usual firewood/thinning programme. Any felling of live trees now will only kill off those which are resistant to the disease.
  4. We can only hope they see sense. The horse has not only bolted but is already dead. Any knee jerk reactions now are too late and will only harm the economy. Leave the trees as they are or fell only for public safety and cut as firewood within your coppice or thinning programme. Burning on site will be an utter waste of time as the disease will be country wide by now. Many of the confirmed sighting are hedgerow regrowth so banning access to woodland won't work. How many infected hedges have already been flailed?
  5. Thanks. Still haven't got it to garage yet loads still need delivering! Gear changing clunk worse but higher pitched as though not attached to something? Whine all the time and gear change at times can be sloppy. Will take it in tomorrow so we will all know. Anyway found ash dieback today in the wood i'm thinning.
  6. According to ashcroft the noise with the pedal up is the springs on the friction plate and is a common problem on landrovers but nothing to worry about.
  7. I think this is the gearbox. Will be using an ashcroft one this time. This re-con box has been in one year and 12000 miles bit pissed off. Norfolk has quite a few landrover 'buffs' and specialists but when it comes to the crunch don't quite have it.
  8. Did you read Oliver Rackham in the Mail yesterday?
  9. I find with landrovers hammers and rubber bands work best for me.
  10. 87 year. Thinking at mo hopefully its clutch. Driving fine again just loud whining but release bearing noisy when foot off clutch will send it in today. I thought both diffs where raised on this model. My props don't have alignment marks so struggling to put them back as they were. Landrover wouldn't have anything else.
  11. Two heavy trailers on today. Gears go tight usually when coming back down. Lots of whining big bang and the clunk lose all gears coast for a bit and then all back. Still whining though ujs all new only problem garage has fitted both props in line when they should be off set.
  12. I was starting to wonder if it was both. Gear changing clonk has got quite bad over last few weeks and often a delay before it does it worse in low box.
  13. Any ideas? Defender starting to whine like a turbine when pulling laden trailer. Has been a whiff of clutch a bit this week but today started to whine when delivering. Sounds as though its coming from clutch area and does it when accelerating or on the over run. Any thoughts from the greasy handed clan?
  14. Gensetsteve tried to send private message but inbox full!
  15. It can be the grub screw below the stick that needs tightening up.
  16. My problem is i have been doing logs for 17 years, to put my price up one year to 80 a cube i would lose all my customers i keep edging it up every year now!
  17. I'm at 60.00 for hardwood, people are gulping at that!
  18. The economy has a lot of re-adjustment to do yet. Too much relying on banks and debt with house prices at inflated prices. Look at Japan always in and out of recession for the last ten years and houses going down for the same amount of time. Too many people have managed to earn money without doing much for it. Energy prices will keep any recovery small.
  19. Thanks for the replies you guys. Until three years ago logs were just a by product of my forestry work then we had two cold winters and i've now moved almost solely into firewood production which could be a mistake. I cut and fell my own wood and currently knock out 300 tonne a year. I find that if i do other stuff to keep the money coming in i fall behind on the woods/logs and then quality suffers. I just can't get it out of the woods quick enough! I'm caught in the middle really nether one thing or the other? Big kit and harvesters i can't afford and don't rock my boat so i don't see going bigger as an option. Thrust said about people having bigger loads with him currently its the opposite for me!
  20. Fair play but logs are personal to a lot of us. I can supply the best quality at the lowest price and still people will go elsewhere. So like you say prehaps its time to stop.
  21. Very true and the lots here are up to their necks in all forms of debt having thought the bubble would never burst. They also struggle with a bit of jealously thinking the little old firewood man is now better off than them cos he charges a 'fortune' for his logs!
  22. My prices are up on last year. Its price all the way here at the mo, lots of soft and poplar flying about or very small loads. North norfolk is retired or middle class who won't spend. Which don't help me selling a larger seasoned hardwood product.
  23. 52.50 was for a mixed load. I suggested a half load or pure softwood to no avail. You will not believe the number round here doing logs now, somehow i have just got to sit tight?
  24. I just don't know anymore! Getting more fed up. Regular ordered at 10 cancelled by 4 husband felt i was now far too expensive at 52.50 a cube.
  25. Sorry to say met office are steadily raising the temp on our five day chart!


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