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how about a cover/sheet out off site out of mind or if you have access to a digger put the arm/bucket on it
i googled this wood and the police used it for there truncheons too
good thinking i had,nt planned to go on a bender with my saw its so i can switch my head off as my brain is producing to much chemical forgot the name but even though i,am tired exhusted etc mind and body i,ve got a very bad memory and forget an awful lot of stuff so if i owe you money lol tuff even know i,ve taken one sleeper and a dazzle drop inc a citropram and bedranol and still not tired out i even try walking etc ps also after seeing my doctor and i dont understand why but sat on carpark in my jeep and broke my heart and hav,nt a clue why feels odd a grown man breaking down for nothing no reason etc very odd feeling like this
what country does it come from etc and it sounds like a very uncommon wood its name sounds odd also has it any other uses ??? and bet it was used as brake blocks on old carts etc anyone know its history
i wonder has anyone ever tried burning a bowling ball as in crown green bowling i bet thats a hard dense wood infact they should all be burnt lol as i thinks its a boring game
I,AM VERY HUMBLED THE WAY YOU HAVE RESPONDED TO MY POST IN FACT VERY SUPPRISED THAT ITS JUST NOT ME AND PEOPLE UNDERSTAND WHAT ITS LIKE ETC i have now got on the list for counciling and in the meantime been given diazapham for 2 weeks to relax me and also i,ve a twisted muscle in the top of my shoulders so going for some of that there fizzy,o stuff too my counciling is for depression and anger control ????????????? search me not a clue what i have to do etc As for some boots to keep my feet safe i,am very very greatful thanks from the bottom of my heart for your kind words
i know what you mean as i feel like as though i,ve got a belt round my chest of like somones sat on it and cant breath at times and my head feels like its pumping etc and also cant concentrate at all as though no interest in anything at times very forgetful too i feel like i,am not incontrol anymore some days if i was a horse i would be shot i guess its good to actually talk about it out in the open instead of saying yes iam ok thanks etc when i actually feel like exploding and telling everyone to cock off etc and leave me alone as somthing small and unimportant is a massive issue to me at times i feel out of control etc thanks for listening lads you have been very understanding etc thankyou from the bottom of my heart
i,am stuck for words for your kindness i,am so very very greatful to everyone you should be proud of yourselves to help me like this and would try in return to help anyway i can in future i,am just having a bad run of luck at the moment and my passion for life outdoors being around otherpeople etc is a world away at times all i want is be left alone and would love a full night of sleep too i,am going to my doctors in morning again to try and get him to help me instead of feeding me happy pills all the time as its not for me but if i dont take them i end up hiding away from people as i get so frustrated at times i think it just anger boiling inside me and feel like i,am going to explode my heart rate goes through the roof at times and have to take betablockers t control it i feel shite one moment and hypo the next etc right down to grinding my teeth so bad i,ve snapped/smashed 3 with all the stress and lost loads of weight too
i do hope you get your gear back its like you,ve been violated to be honest i would,nt know how to respond if that happened to myself i would be angy and gutted at the same time so sorry its happened and hope the lowlife has bad luck for the rest of there days infact i spit a curse on,em but a little tip i take lots of pictures of my gear scratches scuffs n all etc just incase one day i have to post on here so people know what mine looks like etc
hey thanks for that bbut got my little dog for company he never leaves my side andcan take a telling off then2 mins later iam forgiven lol My yougest daugter visitsme last night too" love her to bits poor girls torn i can see it in here eyes here family torn apart etc it breaks my heart seeing her cry when she leaves the house she was brought up in i just try and do things to keep my mind off everything etc down on the plot my friend lets me use for my woodstore its nice and quiet dow there in there fresh air does me good chopping splitting my logs for next year thats if i have a house to burn the logs in lol life eh" can be poo at times i,ve worked all my life dept free morgage paid up etc and stand to loose it all through no fault of mine my missus of 18 year was monkeying around with my so called best mate its almost killed me to be honest i was phisically sick when i ound out etc and now down to scrounging a pair off used boots lol when i,am asked are you ok i say yes fine thanks but inside i,am empty and numb you just have to get on there are days were i feel whats the point etc to carrie on in life then think back i need a pair of boots lol chin up theres loads worse of than me at least i got my health i know my mental health aint good but hope one day i can start to get my life back on track and not typing on my laptop at silly o clock in the morning because i cant sleep etc i hope one day to get my head straight n not scrimp n save to get by oh and buy myself a good pair of boots lol thanks for listening too lads it helps me to talk about it
thanks for the link Our price: £59.59 (VAT exempt) why no vat etc too" ???. To be honest i,ve only worn my wellies cos i got no boots and end up with the bottom of my legs wet with sweat and there heavy clumbsy on mi feet too thats why iam after some boots and the ones i watch on egay go for mad money then postage ontop etc so just thought i would ask amongst friends for a lift in my quest for my foot protection a even got my eyes on rigger boots but the backs collapse on them i was told not to bother as they can be hevy in wet not waterproof n just become a soggy boot i will get sorted one day but no way would i use a chainsaw in trainers as stated in one of the posts thats just mad i got a friend who was given a job to do using a chainsaw and as a novice only used a petrol disc cutter in the past etc he had his foot under in line with chainbar where he was cutting up fallen tree on the ground and dabbed the chain across the top of his foot after cutting though a branch and he almost severed half the end off his foot toes n all bone tendons the lot was off work 9 months on crutches etc not nice at all. His foots buggered now in later life etc walks with a stick now
If you dont ask you dont get etc i hope you dont mine me asking but has anyone got a pair of size 10/10.5 work boots to protect my feet when sawing up my logs as i,am skint at the moment not much work my marriage after 18 years on the rocks and my daughter is at uni and just got her first car and me living on my own now after a bad breakdown depression etc & bills bills and more bills etc but life goes on and have to pick myself up dust myself down and carry on for my childrens sake etc back to the boots anyway i dont know how or when but noticed my right wellie has a chain strike on the front now and didnt even know it:thumbdown:. So its brought me down to earth a bit not to get in the line of my chainsaw ever again and have been looking around ebay etc but i,ve just no funds to buy new boots to use every now n then and the secondhand boots are out my reach too etc i would be very very greatful to any one who could sell me a pair of boots to protect my feet etc that you dont use anymore i would be most greatful
i think your bang on and i will have to bite the bullet and let the gas people have my pants down etc lol
sounds like a plan that cheers i will get intouch with justin @ boc in the moro thanks ps i will keep this mig welder i,ve just bought and forget trying to weld exhausts n cars with a stick thankyou
I ALREADY HAVE A BOTTLE LOL has anyone got a air liquide account please i phoned them this morning at widnes they will change it etc but only through a account holder etc I DONT WANT A STICK WELDER ASO DONT WANT PUB GAS LOL read the title it says refill i know your only trying to help me etc lol but its so frustrating as air liquid want £120 to open account and £35 to refill only way i think is to open close account with my spare bottle etc
i have my reg set around 6lbs as i use outside often and god knows what an exhaust would look like after a stick weld lol. I do odd car mot jobs aswell too sorry i did,nt mention it in my first post thats one reason i went mig i can also weld a lot longer as its a tidy mig not a toy short cycle then rest etc i just want to refill a large bottle so i aint back n too and it costing me a fortune for spiders n dust to live on etc untill next time i use it
thanks but no thanks as i,ve gone for a larger bottle as them things only hold a gob full of gas i,am after welding not driving to n from haydock for gas every time i want to use the welder i,ve tried this rout with my mates welder and there aint nothing worse than running outa gas half way through etc i know its a pain
god why is it such a pain to get gas i bought myself a mig welder and got a 5ft cylinder for my repairs etc as i wont go down the pub bottle route etc . I cant get a refill without an account etc please tell how on earth did you get round this problem as its grinding me down now i dont want an account i want some gas lol. For the odd welding job my garden gate or my exhaust or odd bit of angle iron welding etc its just a real pain i,ve worn google out today searching
i just got myself last night a 180 amp migatronic but now on the look for a welding bottle now and a gas supplier near me as i only use every preston guild etc i dont want a rental contract but want a mix of argon/co2 for decent welding so want to stay away from pub bottles etc has anybody got any advice please
what are your thoughts of a oleo-mac 942 please be gentle with me i,ve been asked to repair this for a builder/roofer i hav,nt called him yet etc he just said it stopped and i hate liars i,ve flicked the exhaust off and grimdeath has had a visit no oil in petrol etc i hate it when a saw has been run on raw petrol makes my blood boil what should i do repair it or lob it in the bin as i know nowt about these saws are they chepo,s etc as it reminds me of a husky to be honest >>>>> is it worth a piston kit or a pot n piston kit ????? as i,am unsure if its chrome bore etc both are badly marked up it must of been hot and running at full chat when it failed etc
ps if the interior is in good condition and drivers seat fabric pedel rubbers and steering wheel not got loads or wear etc shiny gear knob etc etc you will be fine cheack the seat belts return ok too as if its had loads of use stop start in n out of drivers door too check it for slight lift on hinges all this will give you a good insight of the cars use if its just done moterway miles it,lle be a good"un not worn out through town driving super,market trolly bashed etc
IF THE CARS A LOOKER IN GOOD CONDITION ETC WITH FSH it at worst could only be due a clutch as you have done well if you get 120.000/130.000 es out of a clutch so if its a good looking honest clean car at that milege you have nothing to worrie about buy it if you like it just have it checked over brake discs tyres accident damage etc etc but if its true n honest buy it there a good motor