my cousins coming to take me out for a ride out whilst he prices a job up he,s a builder etc so text me to get me out the house but not allowed to look at trees lol and take my mind of things as its getting on 4 am nnow and just can,t sleep
had really bad nightmare last night being chased and run down by a lorry strange how the brain works under stress etc
i did go and have a look at my saws though i,ve sharpened the chains up etc just worried about the fuel getting stale least thing gets me stressed out and feel like i,am going to end up shutting my self away from the outside world i need help badly asap and this is my way out a bit having a ramble on here i sound like a right nutter or stupid fool the things i,ve typed on here but it does help me get my thoughts out all i,ve done today is think of making my will out incase anything happens to me as i feel i,ve got to many loose ends and need to keep everything in the right place under control and let go off what is,nt important to me so i dont get stressed out my lawnmowers is playing up too i tried to start it in my shed but just revved up n cut out so its yet another thing that wants doing when the mood takes me (( feel stupid typing this ))
My memory is really bad too forgetting all the time what i,ve done or should be doing etc down to cant be bothered talking to people i go into a daydream so to say and feel ignorant when somones talking to me i just drift of on another planet my lifes a mess at the moment i think i need the quacks first thing monday morning and when it gets light soon i hope to try and do something outside maybe wash my jeep give it a clean as its been sat unused a while on my drive i,ve no motivation at all at the moment i just put a brave face on and say i,am fine ok etc when infact i would rather leave my blinds closed to shut the outside world out i know my heads messed up in which means i,am not mad etc just going through a bad patch in my life my 18 year marriage in the bin skint no job bills coming out my ears my familys torn apart i can see it in my 3 childrens eyes when they visit me as there hurting too i also look like a tramp cant be bothered dressing up so to speak etc etc etc i could go on and on sorry for the ramble but feel a bit cacky