Glad you said that you have questioned climbers a number of times,, because I have over the years,, will probably get slatted for this next comment,, over the years I have worked with a lot of climbers, and still do, most are just average sorry to say, I know about 20 lads who climbe and TBH there is only 4 I would employ and there age range is from late 20s to mid 40s but all have one thing in common they come from a forestry back ground, so if it don't need climbing it don't get climbed,,sorry to say but some of the younger climbers i know think they are the dogs nuts and someone like me knows F- - - - - - l because I am just a silly old bunt (only 45yrs in the job),, the attitude needs to change, when I was learning I listened to the guy I worked with as I respected his many years of experience and I am still here doing it un scaved,
As others have said HSE will be all over this and some serious questions will be asked ??,, I think the industry needs a big shake up ATM to avoid accidents like this and far to many people pushing the boundaries to far,
Sorry this incident happened but yes accidents do happen and i wish the lad all the best and hope he makes a full recovery and goes back to the job of climbing a bit older and wiser,,