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Everything posted by renewablejohn

  1. They fit some WF Tracs with 2 tyres facing forward and 2 facing back.
  2. Does your other glover have twin blades and if so does it have covers on the blades. I have just bought one and it is missing the blade covers. Was wondering whether there mild steel or cast iron.
  3. But can you not see the problem in that video. The stand has been thinned in the past and is now being clear felled with the 8 tonne. The problem would be the previous thinning to get to that stand an 8 tonne excavator would be just to big and clumsy.
  4. Informed I am afraid theres a big difference between drying logs and drying planks of wood for resale without cracking or warping.
  5. Nice if you can afford 50k on the off chance you can use it. I thought I was being extravagant having a 4k shear head just to make life easier.
  6. You can say that again. Got totally shafted by them they should not be allowed to carry on trading.
  7. Household insurance policy which had a 25k max legal cover if you had an employment dispute. Was all authorised prior to court hearing legal fees upto 25k would be paid then advised by barristers to accept "drop hands proposal" at which point NFU refused to pay any legal fees leaving me 15k out off pocket. |
  8. I presume this is the No F..ing Use company who cost me 15k by not paying out on a 25k legal policy. Would not touch them with a barge pole after taking my money and no claims for over 20 years.
  9. That timber looks pretty mature to me. Anything around here that is pulp size is clear felled and will never reach maturity.
  10. Thats why its so much quicker on an excavator but then you dont have the reach.
  11. Vid I found of the kesla head I use. If I need the reach I use with the forwarding trailer crane to take out the tops before doing the bottom cut. Where you dont need the reach fitting to the excavator is far quicker. [ame] [/ame] Vid of using with timber crane [ame] [/ame]
  12. I thought we where talking thinning not mature felling. My little 3 tonne quite adequate for thinning even if you have to do a high then low cut.
  13. Its pretty useless for drying logs due to lack of insulation in its design for doing milled boards and beams it will be hopeless as you need good control of both heat and humidity the control being sadly lacking in the glenn farrow kiln.
  14. Think it was under 4k but came with my kesla forwarding trailer so dont have a separate bill.
  15. Always think they look awkward at APF if your using them for thinning. My 3 tonne is only 4ft wide so handy for taking out a full line and thinning the adjacent rows.
  16. I use a kesla shear head on a 3 tonne excavator and its very cost effective for thinning.
  17. Reminds me of my father in law. Had a standard issue NHS metal walking stick so to distinguish it he stuck the thermal sticker off his slippers onto his walking stick. He caused a riot as the old folk all wanted a thermal walking stick they had not twigged it was hot due to it being propped up against the radiator.
  18. I extract for our local FC so that piles of cut timber are not left for the fairies or fire brigade.
  19. Knowing Aldi next week they will be half price.
  20. Not when Aldi are selling logs at £3.49 per bag. Looks like there supplied by CPL but I thought CPL where only wholesalers so whoever is suppling CPL must be very cheap.
  21. Thats why I operate a free drop off point at the farm. Any softwood is processed for our own use and all the hardwood is dried below 20% MC and sold at 100 m3. Only problem with the wetter woods is having the right equipment to dry it without going mouldy and traditional solar kilns are ideal for this.
  22. My machine is set up for G30 soec but I would be very dubious about chipping direct into a feed hopper without knowing the moisture content of the timber.
  23. Classed as your employee with all the associated paperwork. Double check using the HMRC tool http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/calcs/esi.htm
  24. Well not quite everyone or do we just ignore the thread where people are moaning about Joe Bloggs down the road starting up selling crap logs at £25 a builders bag, Just ask the wood has to come from somewhere.


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