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Everything posted by Johnsond

  1. I can send you a CV if you want ?‍♂️but a brief synopsis is since leaving the Army I’ve been self employed in the marine civil engineering/construction and oil and gas industry, predominantly in the Diving and subsea role, when those sectors have been quiet I’ve done whatever it took to get by and support my family. Thought we had discussed this offline previously along with the whole sea coal thing ??.
  2. Well Mark I guess if I was on the wages they are I’d be happy with the so called lockdown too. Mainstream and social hysterical media have gone to town on this as soon as they got the chance. As for phill well his confusion as to what he wanted after all these years is well known now ?‍♂️. You can not hide away Thought I’d copy this in from a pal of mine, he’s a very pragmatic guy with a very good sense of community etc, in no way a selfish or money orientated individual. My latest rant on Facebook Sunday Morning Hand Grenade! I know my opinion won’t be welcomed by many. I’ve read many articles on the Coronavirus and have read many people’s comments on social media. The coronavirus should be taken seriously and everyone should take precautions to prevent contracting and spreading the virus. Yes, people have died and this reinforces the point about taking this virus seriously. We all have a duty to be extra vigilant and not to get too complacent. However, I do not think this virus warrants shutting down our economy. The measures have been an overreaction and now it’s going to change our way of lives forever. I don’t think people have a grasp of the economic disaster awaiting us around the corner. People are enjoying being furloughed from their work, I must admit I’m making the most of being furloughed by spending quality time with my daughter and catching up with DIY jobs around the house which is great. This lockdown has made me realise just how much I work and has highlighted the little time I actually spend in my home. It’s been refreshing but some people do not realise the consequences of this Pandemic. Employers now realise that they can function with a skeleton workforce, they no longer need these oversized offices as their employees can be as productive working from home as they can be at the office. This in the longer term will hit the support networks for these offices such as catering services and cleaners etc, all the local coffee shops and food outlets etc in proximity to large office blocks will suffer. Some small businesses might find it difficult to restart and for some the financial pressures will be overbearing to the point it’s not worthwhile to continue. The unemployment figures are going to rise as a consequence to this lockdown. Figures from America show when Donald Trump came to power there were 9million Americans unemployed. Within four years Donald Trump reduced unemployment down to 3 million. Unfortunately for him the latest figures show between 26 to 33 million Americans have filed for unemployment ?. I see many people on my Facebook have criticised Sweden’s approach to the virus. So I’ve looked into the stats out of interest. Population 10 million of which 7.5 million people live in urban environments. To date they have had 3,220 deaths because of COVID-19. All deaths are bad and hence why we all need to be vigilant. Anyways the point is that Sweden has not had a lockdown but they have taken precautions and have cracked on as normal. The result is their economy is still buoyant and people are still employed. Furlough is great but the reality is there is nothing such as free money. One day somebody is going to have to pay it all back and yes that’s going to be the U.K. tax payer. The sad thing is some people have a false sense of security when the reality is for some they may not have a job to go back to after the lockdown measures have been lifted and the government stop furlough payments. The banks will not suspend your mortgages and loan Payments and will demand that you start your monthly repayments again. How many people will be worse off because of the lockdown? What will the ratio be when comparing unemployment to deaths within the country after the lockdown measures have been lifted. Another thing, too many people are quick to judge. Nobody knows what others are doing. In my household if I or the kids leave and enter the house we wash our hands as a precaution even if we have not touched anything. At the petrol station we wear gloves and dispose of them after use. In the shops we will not touch our faces, we use hand sanitiser before entering and on leaving the shop. On our return to the house we wash our hands, unpack the shopping, wipe down the shopping, dispose of the shopping bags before washing our hands again to the point my hands are all cracked and are constantly bleeding. Some say this might be an overreaction but it’s better to be safe than sorry. If my neighbours stop to speak to me whilst I am in the garden or whilst walking my dog I am not fearful of contracting the virus, I’ve researched enough to understand that speaking to somebody in proximity is safe enough unless they are showing signs of a fever, coughing and spluttering as they speak. It’s time that we move on with extra measures in place to keep our most vulnerable safe. However, common sense and statistics would suggest that basic hygiene and an alertness to the potential danger with extra precautions taking into consideration should be enough for us all to return to normal and move forward. The death toll numbers in the UK can best be described as subjective as if somebody dies they are recorded as suspected COVID-19 without having a test to prove if they did or didn’t have the virus. If in Germany somebody has COVID-19 and dies of a heart attack, on the death certificate the cause of death is recorded as a heart attack. How many people are going to die of cancer because of cancelled operations and scans etc. That’s the brutal reality to this lockdown or from depression once people find themselves with empty pockets with no job and are faced with having their family home repossessed? It’s worthwhile to consider all these facts before criticising this post. The welfare state helps so many in their hour of need but can it survive when there is less people paying into it? As said earlier there is nothing such as free money in life. Anyone who understands inflation, not that I claim to know everything on economics because I don’t and I only know what I’ve read and researched. Think about this, the global stock market should of crashed and burned by now but world governments are pumping silly amounts of cash into the stock markets to keep everything buoyant and to prevent them from crashing. All this artificial money which never existed before is now in circulation which in time will devalue currencies around the world and as a result products and services will become more expensive. Before supporting this lockdown you need to consider everything and if after researching you still believe the lockdown needs to continue then that’s your opinion and you are entitled to it and I respect that. Nobody should make you feel bad because you differ in opinion.
  3. If there’s no defence why did you ask for one then, don’t worry talking about defence your new labour god Starmer will happily defend the indefensible eh
  4. Ok just as well I’m not in the legal profession then eh. Stop panicking and whining eh ?.
  5. If it’s on Facebook it must be true. Don’t panic Mark ok ?. I’d have been impressed if you wrote it yourself mind. Personally I hope it works out for England then Sturgeon will have no choice to follow suit.
  6. Pathetic juvenile politically driven response. The actions the government are taking are along the same lines of many of the European countries easing restrictions and attempting to find a work round of the issues the virus raises. If the reopening of construction sites etc in England can give me the opportunity to earn and support my family I will be making a move whilst obeying social distancing and staying alert to the hazards around me, it’s not hard to do ?‍♂️. Sturgeon can kiss my arse with her attempts to hang onto the control this giver her. The me me me i i I affair that her briefings have become are sickening. The NHS is operating well within capacity throughout the UK with nightingale facilities built and ready. The lockdown is not a lockdown in any way shape or form either in England, Scotland or any other home nation. Loads of businesses and companies are working and rightly so. Currently I qualify for nothing off no one so will take whatever opportunity I can to earn.
  7. Jesus Mark you talk some absolute rubbish ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️ you never do anything other than slag off tories, yet now you claim they should of stuck with the herd immunity, something you slagged off big time. Quite frankly the soft shite comments from Starmer about people now being scared, and Sturgeon saying she didn’t understand what the slogan meant are absolutely pathetic. Spend money !!!! Are you nuts bud have you seen what this is costing on a daily basis.
  8. Lucky you ain’t eh I’m not here to judge individuals or claim I’m adhering to all the guidance like a model citizen, my point is in reality the so called lock down is partial at the very best and that includes Scotland. Sturgeons claims of things being different up here and how she’s enforcing things are just not playing out in reality.
  9. Off track a bit but current circumstances aside ?‍♂️if anyone is ever in Berlin check out the DDR motorcycle museum near Alexanderplatz, not just the Chinese whom were good at copying stuff.
  10. Nice ? Still drawn to the 1st gen rsvr plenty of faults but a lot of bike for the money.
  11. I’d hazard a guess and say Italian ?‍♂️
  12. Indeed but the line between the two soon blurs if a vocal minority get hold of it.
  13. More bullshit legislation and regulations J I think in every day life we have enough of that already.
  14. Dear oh dear J, that’s the selective freedom theory coming out again, as in the right to vote views you espoused often. So last year you had a delay of a few mins caused by horses for the first time in 14-15 years ?‍♂️?‍♂️Come on J how often do we sit behind tractors or construction eqpt !! Should we ban them !!. Horses ridden or driven have every right to be on suitable roads as per the Highway Code. Going down the route of banning what you don’t like is a dangerous path to take. Bit like banning certain sports or pastimes you don’t agree with, its great if it’s not you that’s affected. Your comment on the demographic and the description you used show a total ignorance of the variety of groups involved in what was more than likely a drag hunt. What about driven Boar hunts using dogs in your beloved Deutschland ??. Fox hunting is Banned J if you saw something to justify the bloodlust comments you should have contacted the correct authorities, if they were being flushed out then totally legal.
  15. Well J I think a lot depends if you come from an area with a lot of horses and a lot of drivers whom are horse aware. I’m from north east of England and was raised using horses in a working role, my sister also was brought up with them and competed in show jumping etc and latterly horse driving trials up to international level. A lot of drivers nowadays are probs unaware at what an unpredictable thing a horse can be, learning to drive around my home area horses were a common sight. End of the day you can’t dictate what uses the roads based upon wether you think it has a purpose or not J ?‍♂️?‍♂️. I’d hazard a guess and say statistics would prove that horses on the public roads are responsible for very few accidents as opposed to the antics of say, young drivers. mind you I do believe that kids under a certain age should not be riding or driving horses on public roads unaccompanied by an adult.
  16. Easy brother Mark no love for Boris here, as I’ve stated to you on a number of occasions I’m not blind to any politicians faults. Just nothing worse than incessant whining and negativity. Go play where ?? On lockdown and obeying the rules, PS The article was read prior to me commenting on the posts tone.
  17. Drip drip ? drip ??
  18. Ffs Mark, run for the council as a labour candidate as a start and then you can do something about it eh ??rather than the never ending political posts. I actually agree it should have been done ages ago and said so a good while back, but it’s the last sentence that just drags it down to the standard drip drip drip type of thing you just can’t seem to stop posting, I think everyone gets you don’t like tories or Boris by now.
  19. Yeah paid for upfront Andy, in an ideal world it would have been a fully hydraulic woodmizer but alas the pocket was not that deep. that set up of yours is looking tidy now, those woods look a pleasant place to spend a day as long as you have the loader at hand lol
  20. No I get that Les if time had been on my side that would have been the obvious choice, but the option to buy the logs was offered on a come today and make a decision short notice deal. basically site had to be cleared so I ended up with them a lot quicker than anticipated plus days after delivery I left to do a job in Germany. As regards the fork lift loading option the milling is mainly for myself so I’m under no time pressure admittedly it would make life easier but it would just be another piece of kit to store and look after that wouldn’t get used a lot of the time. As I said earlier I may part with the mill anyway once the last few jobs I had in mind are done.
  21. No not at all just stating a few facts. Making comparisons where the factual circumstances are so far apart that it makes the comparison pointless is !!!!!! well to say the least pointless. Part of the problem is Mark the never ending relentless drip fest ref Boris tends to overwhelm any relevant criticism.
  22. Yeah log grapple space was limited Les where I stored them. So opportunity to stack with loading in mind was not really an option. To tell truth when I’m done with next few projects and finished processing what I have left I may look to downsize a bit.
  23. Well we can not now do what New Zealand did and the long term effects of how that will work out will be seen. So some positives based on the current circumstances ie what would you suggest ??????. I do agree borders should have been shut full stop, how that would have went down prior to a large number of deaths is hard to say. yeah totally his fault 100% I presume he made every decision himself and the people around the table including what are supposedly our best scientists just nodded and agreed with him. Chinese statistics and the government in power are not subject to the media scrutiny you see here. regarding answering my own question mark the lockdown is not being enforced or taken seriously by a lot of people. The advice was and is being given !! What do you suggest comrade “Army on the streets enforcing it” the outcry would be off the scale. Couple of pertinent points Mark New Zealand 18 people per square km, population let’s call it 5 million !!. Uk 259 people per square km, population let’s call it 68 million, start looking at nearest land masses etc and ease of securing the borders then the task of the government becomes slightly less onerous.
  24. Boris is to blame for everything Mark from corona to the price of fish, now that we have established that can you put up as many positive ideas as to how we do things better as you have done with the relentlessly negative and political posts. Sad but not surprising to see the political points scoring and posturing from all sides during what is a nation wide issue.


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