I've not read this entire thread, though quite allot of it. Got to credit it really, for a bunch of tree choppers there are some very good points here. Far more realistic and far less bs than you see elsewhere.
I was thinking about the money thing when it occurred to me that most of the times I've arrived in London with Scottish money shop keepers/bus drivers/bar renders have looked at me like I'm simple and refused my 'foreign money's so maybe that wouldn't change so much...
There really needs to be more clarity I think on the EU position, borders, currency etc. Currently it seems to add though one side dreaming, the other side talking those dreams down and nothing really being achieved.
I know some will call me an English hating fool but to me it comes down to some pretty basic feelings; I don't agree with all the wars that have been waged under the Union Jack, and I don't want nuclear weapons stored down the coast from me. It may be sort sighted but I don't think the current UK government are particularly in touch with the real world (though admittedly salmondland is pretty far fetched too), and I don't like that a crowd of lying, cheating politicians in Westminster call the shots for a place I see as being far removed from the south east, not so much physically as ideologically. I see the royal family as the nation's most successful benefits cheats (I believe they cost 31 million in tax payers money annually?). No matter how much they bring in tourism, that's 31 million for being born into the right family, which is wrong on every level.
Why would a country strive to 'hit above its weight' as some put it? And what grounds does the UK have to do so? Norway for example, I can see having reason to, but they don't really. They keep to themselves and get on with it. The UK isn't a colonial power anymore, it's a small island with very few exports, very little manufacturing and really very little going for it on an international level. It's like a potemkin economy and something HAS to change as far as I'm concerned.
Most people I know are leaning towards a yes vote, and they're not all working class/neds/racists. They're mostly good, successful people who, similar to myself and many others are thinking 'yeah, this'll bring about problems, but there'll be problems regardless, and at least we made some of these for ourselves. Perhaps we stand a chance of sorting them ourselves'
For the record I'm undecided, though I guess it's fairly clear which way I'm leaning...