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Everything posted by tz1_1zt

  1. Looking for some advice specifically on Limes please. In a 14 acre site we have some nice big Large Leaf Limes around what used to be a managed horse paddock. The horses are long gone and we have left the paddock ground pretty much undisturbed for the last 7 years. Over the last couple of years much of what was paddock has sprouted Lime saplings, mainly in clusters but well away from the mature trees (30m up to 60m away). Someone suggested these might be suckers, can lime produce them over those distances? It seems unlikely. Also, can anybody offer advice on moving the sapplings to another part of the same site that has no Limes? Can this be successful, if so when and how? Cheers.
  2. Ordenance Survey seem to have finally woken up to to mass distribution of their digital maps. Rather than having to buy from Memory Map or such like, you can take a £19.99 annual subscription for all of the UK. It all runs in a web browser, and the licence covers Desktop computer, mobile devices, smartphone etc. It allows printing of full page maps, route and waypoint plotting. Seems to be very good value. https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/osmaps/
  3. Great to hear from you vtlogger. I seem to remember that your photo turned up in a google search, it's amazing whats out there when you go searching. I like the set up you have in that photo, do you call that a for-cart or dolly? With two horses you have a very versatile and powerful piece of kit there, how much weight is there in that cart? I'm guessing that you are using the Drop Tongue onto a ball hitch and coupling to the back of that cart. Is it your arch in the logrite brochure with shafts attached, how well that that work? I imagine it's only good for flat ground because downhill it could cause problems if the horse trips. We've been working with Tammy and Kevin to make the Pole Arch attachment for the Fetching arch, some photos here; Horse Logging - OrionForestry.co.uk. It works much like the setup in your photo, the log is wound up into the arch on a cable. The nose end of the log is then drawn by another smaller Scandinavian arch or swingle tree.
  4. tz1_1zt

    Best axes.

    They are unique in the range of quality axes produced, but other companies make equally good equivalents for less specialist tasks. It's not all rosy at the Gransfors workshop, production is becoming erratic, waiting lists are getting longer and longer. There are new name stamps these days and their work is not considered as good as the previous generation. Much of their reputation is based on work carried out by the now retired craftsmen, and not necessarily based on what is being made today.
  5. tz1_1zt

    Best axes.

    My hedge laying is very armature, but I do find an axe is ideal for controlled neat cuts. Rather than a big felling axe I would suggest one of the smaller fiendishly sharp utility axes. My personal favourite is the Hutafors Classic Hunting Axe, designed for every conceivable task that a hunter in the wilderness might need to perform. The head is 850g and the handle 45cm long. You can get a powerful two handed swing on big stuff, but also a controlled one handed cut while bending or clearing branches. It comes sharpened to a mirror edge, so goes through anything. Take a look around our site Forestry Products - Orion Forestry and you'll find it on there.
  6. Good experiment. Next experiment, if anyone can be bothered, would be to weigh a well seasoned logs, then submerge for 12 hours, allow to drip dry and weigh again. Then bring indoors for 12 hours and weigh again. It would be interesting to know what percentage weight water the log actually holds on it's surface or in it's surface. Even if the inside is nice and dry, a damp log with enough moisture in the surface will crash the firebox temperature or make it difficult to light because that water will absorb energy as it steams off, that keeps the firebox below optimum temperature until the water is gone. I expect customers running small 5kW woodburners will experience greater problems than those with big 12 kW fires because once upto temperature they have enough thermal mass to overcome drops caused by damp logs.
  7. You can get metre cubed bags and barrow bogs that have integrated covers. A few guys near us delivers in big bags with their logo and phone number stencilled onto the side, so acts as good advertising as well. Might need to change delivery method. Is it possible to unload a metre cubed bag from a tipper without dropping it and making a big mess?
  8. tz1_1zt

    Wood ash

    Makes a low ph cleaning solution when mixed with water, good enough to clean the tar off a stove window. So it might drastically lower the ph of soil if you use enough of it. Last thing we want on my garden which is little more than brown clay on pure clay. We sell a very alkali Stove Glass Spray in the shop which is a fairly strong Sodium hydorxide, pretty nasty stuff really. It takes tar off of the blackest stove windows, dissolves j-cloths, turns paper tissue brown.
  9. Interesting. That's what we call a log roller, our "TreeJacks" are a mechanical strut for pushing over leaning trees so completely different to that. We sell the Logrite Canthooks and Log stands, which together make a similar product to what you show in the photos. Bit of info here. Regards,
  10. Logrite have launched wide wheels and tyres as an option for both the Junior and Buck arch (ATV and Fetching arch have always had massive tyres). We've got some on their way over from the US now. All depends on the ground, most customers have no problems with the standard tyres but if the ground gets waterlogged and soft then you may need to consider a wider option. Some customers like to setup a winch and drag the arch out as mentioned. The Fetching model is designed for this, so the wheelbase and tyres make it low and wide. The Junior and Buck models benefit from bigger wheels for winch extraction, to increase the width and stability.
  11. We took our Logrite Fetching Arch and the new 'Pole Arch' attachment along to the European Woodworking show at the weekend. Matt at Hawthorn Heavy Horses was kind enough to use the arch in one of his demonstrations. I filmed it in action, and the . We had the log suspended nose heavy with it's front end lifted up into a Scandinavian arch. Roy the big Suffolk Punch made it all look very effortless, and it think the combo worked very well. The log is a small 3m piece of softwood, no more than 14" in diameter. The Fetching arch will easily take a 25" diameter log and length is only limited by obstacles on the route out. Our 'Pole Arch' attachment sits on the front of the Fetching Arch. It incorporates a heavy duty cable winch to draw logs up and off the ground and into the arch, plus a yoke to sit over the log for stability.
  12. Matt at Hawthorn Heavy Horses recommended Hans Sidback's book during his Essex Horse Logging course, so I went looking for it. It turns out that other people have struggled to find it and the publisher in Sweden was happy to have a UK stockist. We've just taken delivery of a big box of books from Sweden. Details on our website www.orionforestry.co.uk. Title: The horse in the forest : caring, training, logging Author: Hans Sidbäck Publisher: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Research Information Centre/Forestry, 1993. Format: Print book in English ISBN: 9157647623 9789157647627 OCLC Number: 39608487 Description: 112 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm The courier companies seem to think that Scandinavia is on the other side of the planet, so shipping was pretty hefty hence the price. We are selling them for £20.99 inclusive of VAT and shipping, which is a lot cheaper than I've found elsewhere and much cheaper than the $185 that I found on ebay! I'll be taking a good pile of them to the European Woodworking Show in Cressing Temple Barns later this month, so drop by and save the postage cost if you plan to be there.
  13. How did you get on with that? Did you buy one? We are an official Portable Winch retailer in the UK, our importer does not bring in the PCW5000-HS, it's nice and fast but the pulling capacity goes right down making it less useful. The PCW5000 with a large capstan drum is usually suitable for most applications. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
  14. You're very welcome, glad we could help. Winches are on the boat and hit the UK in early March. Allowing for customs clearance and delivery, they'll be here pretty soon. We are taking pre-orders now against our big stock allocation. So get in contact and you'll have one soon as possible.
  15. Make the most the free listing, they are in bed with google and appear very high in the google results. Plus you'll improve your general organic ranking massively if it's used properly. Complete your free listing, add photos, reviews and loads of specific keywords (I think you get 40 with the free listing). Cross link it to your own website, facebook, google small business page and google+ page. Their sales rep told me that reviews are very good and bump you up the google organic rankings even if the yell.com rankings are restricted by sponsored positions. Once you hit high enough review numbers google itself will take those and add them to your small business listing. We did not buy any of their services though.
  16. I googled the text in your images and found an updated version on line which might be useful if you need more detail; pdf here http://www.damp-meter-direct.co.uk/PDF/Articles/Wood-Calibration-Chart.pdf found here; Protimeter Articles Cheers again.
  17. Thanks Woodworks, that's exactly what I was looking for.
  18. We sell moisture meters in the shop, some are very basic poke and read but a new one has four settings (1,2,3,4). It comes with a lookup table for choosing wood variety and the appropriate setting. These things just read the conductivity of the wood far as I know. So there must be a different relationship between the moisture percentage and the conductivity for each wood type. Does any body have these figures to hand. Our moisture meter has 10 varieties of wood in the lookup table, but it's an odd mix of stuff we just down burn over here so not very useful. If I can find out the moisture/conductivity correction factors then I can group them based on the 4 settings available perhaps. Any ideas?
  19. tz1_1zt


    If you want a bit more than just waypoints I've always liked Memory Map, been using it on Windows mobile and Android for about 10 years now. The app is free and offers a short complimentary licence for OS maps to test it with. You then buy credit and download the map squares required. The 1:25K OS maps are very useful for walking or driving around the countryside, and might help give a bit of context if you want to plot tree sites.
  20. tz1_1zt


    The GPS chips in decent smartphones are probably the same as you get in most handheld gps devices these days. Why not use a smartphone with a GPS app. I use 'GPS Status' on my old Samsung Galaxy III. It downloads A-GPS data online for faster fixes and better location calculations. It also has a Mark Location function to save points with names etc, but there are loads of apps for saving waypoints. Right now I'm sat inside a big Aluminium building, under a false ceiling and the location accuracy by the window is; DOP/HDOP/VDOP 1.9/1.1/1.5 So it's seeing loads of satellites and receiving lots of position data, but I don't know how that would convert into a position accuracy in metres. The satellites wander around anyway, so without a known ground fix you will never get anything better than 10m accuracy even if you return to exactly the same spot.
  21. I find the narrow taper is usually narrower than the split as it drives the grain apart. Now you mention it I do find that it gets stuck very infrequently. Plus I can throw a 1.5kg axe around all day, getting a big swing when required. 3 or 4kg axes are designed to be lifted and dropped rather than swung (in theory). Swinging a big one all day (ooo err) would be exhausting. Each to their own though.
  22. There was a company called Tipmaster two stands down from us at the APF show just gone. They had a nice high sided tipper with big tool chest in front. Tipmaster - Home regard,
  23. Vermiculite is temperature stable up to about 1000+ degrees Celsius so the heat of the fire will never break it, but it suffers from being brittle and very water absorbent. Good Danish Vermiculite is much tougher than the nasty Chinese stuff. Look out for lots of big black particles, they are a sign of poor quality mica and board. Our customers break bricks all the time by throwing logs at them which is usually quite obvious. But most cracks are caused by the vermiculite absorbing moisture over Summer while the stove is the coldest thing in the room. In Winter they get all exciting and wind up the stove forgetting that it needs to be lit gently first time. Damp vermiculite cannot withstand the expansion forces that a fierce fire causes, and this introduces small cracks. So light the thing carefully with a small kindling fire and allow it to cool down and dry out. We carry 9" x 4.5"x 1" Danish Vermiculite bricks in the shop for £4 each, they fit many stoves or can be cut down. A 1000x600x25mm board of Danish Vermiculite costs £64 plus postage if interested. Regards,
  24. I use a nice slim Swedish splitting axe made by Hultafors. We happen to sell them in the shop, but they are really good even at list price. They go for a very thin tapering head that dives through the wood much better than the big fat wedges that a lot of UK versions seem to have. It's more of a precision splitter than a 'whack it very hard' kind of splitter. Also mine weights 1.5kg rather than the 3 or 4 kg that maul axes seem to be, so much easier to use for long periods.


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