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Everything posted by njc110381

  1. I suppose bolts could come loose. Really though, if little M4's or something like that were used, I don't suppose it would do serious damage if it hit the blades. There's always Loctite plus if you had a machine like that you'd check them now and again right? How many hours do the rubber bits last for? They don't look that hard wearing?
  2. Funny this has come up. I looked at mine and wondered why they are riveted on? Surely as a wearing part a few bolts would have been more suitable?
  3. That's good to hear. They look like very good machines. I would just have readily bought a Jo-Beau if I'd found one. It just seemed like Greenmech have the market for now. Loads of them about second hand but no Jo-Beau.
  4. Nah, I couldn't do that. I spent £300 on it before it went - full service, fuel lines, wiring. It was all in first class order. In my life I've bought some real junk and I've bought some really decent honest kit from genuine sellers. Knowing how I feel when I find out which way a second hand buy is going to go, I always send my stuff out in the best possible order. It's how I'd want it.
  5. From talking to a number of people who run a CS100 I'm sure long term it's the right thing to do. The feeding should be better, and it's far easier to move around. Now all I need is a roller trailer so I can get it to the jobs!
  6. And there was me thinking that I was following a link to your little chipper video that I've watched more times than I should admit... You silly b******! I bought the new one second hand too. It's mint but saved me a fair bit of money. I couldn't afford a new one. I should think not. It's possibly the best combination I've ever seen. The picture of it craning a tree in a field complete with the trailer and chipper on the front was my screensaver on my old laptop! I will be eternally jealous of that rig!
  7. I'm not sure I could sell my mog. That would be a step too far!
  8. Well today was a strange day for me. Last week I picked up my new (to me) CS100, so it was time for my old Entec Trukloder to go. I've had a lot of interest in it but decided that there was one chap in particular who stood out as deserving it, so I sent him a message last night and he came down this morning to have a look. The pull start had caused some degree of uncertainty with the buyers, but true to form when the chap asked if I'd mind firing it up it rattled into life on the first pull. He checked it over and decided it was the machine for him. So, it's gone. I even got more for it than I paid for it second hand nine years ago and it's earned me an awful lot of money in that time. It's done me proud. Now I'm a little sad. I really hope this new Greenmech lives up to it's reputation. It's nice and shiny and new looking, but it's got some serious work to do before it'll come close to my old Entec! Has anyone else felt this way when "upgrading"? The old thing really did look tatty but it was solid and reliable, and the first proper piece of kit in my collection when I went self employed part time a lot of years ago!
  9. I was looking around the garden earlier to see if I could find something to prune. My copper beech needs some attention but I'm going to leave that to the pro's I think. I could climb it and probably do an acceptable job, but it's not really my department. It's time will come I'm sure.
  10. I picked my little chipper up on Wednesday night. Turns out I got it from Jose on here - it's a small world! I haven't used it yet but it's in mint condition. I can't wait to get the saw out and create something to feed it! I did have a job booked for it tomorrow but the lad has put it back a week. Hey ho!
  11. If it's a genuine hard working staff member then the first priority is getting them to where they need to be. Work comes second. If that means they leave, ok. If it means they need a lift, fine. If it means the whole job screeches to a halt, well so be it if it's important. If it's a p*** taker then they shouldn't be on your job anyway. They'll cost you in the long run.
  12. I wouldn't blame you for that at all. You think just like I do. Hence my post. This is exactly the problem I need to overcome. It's an honest machine that's been with me for a long time. It just doesn't look like it to someone who doesn't know me! I really hope it's got another number stamped on it. Then I can post it up here and elsewhere with my advert. I've got nothing to hide.
  13. There's no plate on the draw bar. Never was I don't think? When you say inside the chute do you mean the discharge chute? Or the feed hopper? I've had both of those parts off a number of times but have never noticed a number, not that I've been looking that hard. I'll have a closer look because I'd love to find it! It's probably hidden under the sticky crud that coats everything in there! The only plate I know about is the big plate on the top of the flywheel housing that I took off so I could paint it properly. If I remember right it had the manufacture date and serial number on it.
  14. Hi guys. I've got a bit of an issue that's just crossed my mind, and I wouldn't mind your thoughts. I've got a chipper here that I'm selling. It's an Entec Trukloder, like the TW18/100g. The problem is a few years ago I started stripping it down ready to respray in company colours, and in doing so I removed the serial number plate from the top of the flywheel housing. I got sidetracked and never did respray it, but now I can't find the bloody plate! It's an old machine that I bought used around ten years ago. I could probably dig out my purchase receipt for it but I'm worried that it will still put people off. So I suppose my question is, if you were looking to buy it what reassurance would you accept that it's not a dodgy machine? I appreciate I've slipped up a bit here!
  15. We take all or grass cuttings away in ton sacks. At the end of the day we tip them at a local allotment. We lose our waste and they have a huge communal compost bin that they can throw stuff in and help themselves to whenever they please. Everyone is happy because it's free tipping and free soil conditioner! Paying for a green bin doesn't appeal! It's a modern way to deal with something that isn't really rubbish at all. I know people who do a tip run and then buy compost on the way home - you can't educate some folk!
  16. A couple of years back my old Entec, which uses an 18hp Briggs engine, had the same issue. That turned out to be a cracked fuel line sucking air. Once replaced it worked perfectly again. Replace the pipes and give the carb a service whilst you're at it.
  17. Thing is, I've got a larger cage side trailer that I could put it in if I needed the space. It would be nice to leave the chipper on the trailer when I wheel it into the shed so I want a fairly small one for that reason. Will they not chip straight into a pickup off of a roller trailer? I generally put a sheet down under the tailgate of the truck to catch any stray bits, and tip it in the back when I'm done
  18. The single cab on the landy is pretty tight to say the least. You've got under seat storage and a bit behind the seats, but it's not a lot. Bed space on a 110 double is pathetic. Ok for a bale of hay, but that's about it. 130 double cab is where I'd be looking.
  19. Nice mog. Can't wait to see it up and running. The point Skyhuck raised about the springs is worthy enough of note that I thought I should bring it up again. The AV springs can cause some pretty serious braking issues in the wrong circumstances so it's worth checking out. When speed and weight is combined on a unit as unstable as a mog, you at least want to know that it will stop as required! The problem comes from the lack of taper. When you start to add a little bit of weight the original springs will move a fair bit initially. That movement between axle and chassis changes the position of a little brake pressure adjuster, so you get more braking performance as the weight goes up. Problems arise when you start to load up the AV springs but don't really squeeze them down hard. They don't flex much initially and so the brakes don't know that you're loaded up. It really isn't ideal as you can end up with a pretty hefty part load and the brakes thinking that you're still empty!
  20. Mog model is everything. A little 406 won't like anything much bigger than an 8" machine weighing not much over half a ton. A 2450 on the other hand will carry pretty much whatever you want to fit! Schliesing or Ducker seem popular on the bigger machines. On a little one I don't think you'll go wrong with a TW150 as it's so light and short.
  21. I was going to say that the only time my old Entec doesn't throw far enough is when the revs bog right down on a thick bush of conifer or a large log. It's gravity fed so down to me. If I feed it right the chip hits the back of my pickup cab pretty hard! I reckon Sam has probably nailed it.
  22. I'm itching to apply for my membership to this little club. I've pretty much bought a CS100 but haven't collected it yet. So no picture to show off! I'm mulling over what sort of trailer to get for it? I'm thinking a roller trailer could be better than a small cage side? Ease of removal is key, along with getting it close enough to the back of my Ranger for it to chip into the bed without spilling too much. It's replacing an old Entec Trukloder, which for those who don't know is the same as the TW18/100g. That's treated me very well over the years but having recently got a job that needs the chipper taking in to the garden, I reckon now is the time to modernise my kit a little.
  23. Where the grinder hits them should be concave. I think it's called a hollow grind? It really helps them to self feed properly. If you've always had them ground flat you will be amazed at the difference.
  24. It looks to be feeding much better in the second clip. I assume you have the blades ground concave rather than flat? That makes a huge difference on mine
  25. It sounds a bit slower than my 18/100. Does it only have one blade? The mods look tidy. I probably would have left the bar off, although H&S probably wouldn't like it. Chippers have to be far too stupid proof these days. As long as I can reach in up to my armpit and not touch the blades I reckon the chute is long enough.


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