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AA Teccie (Paul)

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Everything posted by AA Teccie (Paul)

  1. Ricky, You could consider the 'RFS Cert Arb' (Royal Forestry Society 'Certificate in Arboriculture'), a recognised level 2 (craftsman) acedemic / technical qualification to compliment your existing NPTC quals. It's very well recognised in the industry at the craftsman/operative level and would/should improve your knowedge of trees and arboriculture generally. Not sure about the machinery side of things though, probably that's more hands on or agric mechanic(ing) course. The RFS Cert Arb can be self study, via Hort Correspondence College, or worth making the effort to a land based college I would suggest to then allow for net-working opportunities whihc may bring some work, or at least some good suggestions, your way. Good luck..! Post back if you want any more info (to be sure I catch any 'post back' easire to go via AA forum box as then drops straight to my 'in-box'.) Cheers.. Paul
  2. Perhaps, if it's a moral dilema you're encountering which I fully understand, you could drop them a line on plain paper, i.e. not a business card, and leave the decision with them. Obvioulsy thop if the following week you saw another contractor working on the tree it would grind somewhat. Dunno, it's a "tricky un!" Cheers.. paul
  3. As Mozza advises above I too have seen many HC like this and not associated it with problems. That is provided of course it;s restricted to the bark layer and not the wood, i.e. possibly bark incremental expansion and not an actual split/crack in the wood. I guess it could also be the early onset of the bleeding canker but is seems to straight and regular for that with no obvious 'bleeding'. To prune or not to prune?...hmmm, how's business at the moment?! Cheers.. Paul
  4. Know it's probably a "yeah right, get real Paul!" reply but I see this being a Ts & Cs thing in that IF, on arrival at the worksite, dog excrement is present requiring clearing from the worksite (BUT not removal from the property) a £50 additional fee will be chargable. You would need a quote acceptance system that involved them signing a 'chitty' (usually a tear off slip) both accepting the quote AND the Ts & Cs. I would also draw their attention to this on the front cover of the written quote (a brief description and refering to the specifc T&C) and, if on arrival at the worksite you were greeted by 'the problem', take photographic evidence of before and after. My best suggestion I'm afraid...to a very difficult problem Good luck. Paul PS Don't forget to address it on the site risk assessment too....aghhhh, bl**dy H&S bods!
  5. Hi all, hope you're keeping well. Sorry not been around for a while but I've been very busily 'otherwise engaged' recently and on hols for the last couple of weeks or so (Spain was great but for how long can they continue to celebrate winning the world cup....ALL night long!) Referring to an ealrier comment I acknowledge that, other than the status of 'AAAC' and use of the logo etc., the AA currently gives little in the way of extras. However we do regularly send HSE/H&S updates electronically and other related information periodically. Plus we are only a phone call away from offering arb technicla advice which, whilst available to all AA members, is most frequently used by AAACs. However in terms of doing something REALLY useful its a numbers game I'm afraid, i.e the more members/AAACs we have the more we can do. After having said that I acknowledge we need to do more / offer more in the first instance to make it finanicially worthwhile and beneficial to your businesses (hence my recent exploits.) Please do bear with me a little longer and I believe we will have a package available that has much greater appeal, particularly to the smaller contractor, than what we have currently...thank you! The other thing tho is that almost all contractors, regardless of a positive or negative outcome to the assessment process, cite the vist and audit as being initially quiet daunting BUT afterwards a very positive and useful experience with lots of good advice and feedback offered. Plus of course further guidance and direction on how to improve...that's gotta be worth summat surely! Re - The Tree Contractors Directory, my understanding is that this is as the name implies 'a Directory', albeit with a great web presence and very good presentation, but it does not undertake any level of checking of standards or compliance of a contractors performance (or at least I don't think it does.) Cheers all.. Paul
  6. Excellent, hope the course goes well for you...if not, for nay reasons, please do let me know. Cheers.. Paul
  7. Hi Sal, Please see Arboricultural Knowledge - Training for details of next course. The format, to be quite honest, involves sitting in a classroom for a full day of fairly 'hefty' stuff...albeit very interesting but quite challenging, potentially. IMO you need to come with one of two mindsets in order to benefit: 1. As a new learner - treating the course as a 'sign-post' day advising you of where you need to be in order to attain the necessary knowledge for the orle of AA Approved Contractor manager etc. 2. As an existing learner - treating the course as a 'tester' of where your knowledge is at currently and highlighting any areas for improvement/update etc. The course does not aim to teach you what you need to know, i.e. impart all the necessary infomration for the various topics covered, as that coul dtake a full year of a Tech Cert. course etc. Hoping this to be of help. Good luck..! Paul
  8. Hi Andrew, I'm not aware of any recent books on tree pruning techniques which is probably indicative that not much has changed recently. Natural Target Pruning still 'rules the day' I think but many still need to catch up with that (based on previous AC assessments.) The European Tree Pruning Guide (2005) and the 'pending' revised BS3998 are the most recent I'm aware of. Cheers.. Paul
  9. I'd leave the bar (WHAT AM I Saying????...OH YEAH WEIGHTS) n go for the dumbells for a while, including incline presses. Good luck...alternative = a 'wonder bra'? Paul
  10. Hi all, sorry not been around for a while ("no worries Paul!" did I hear you say?..ha) Had an interesting chat about this the other day when a potential loophole (yet to be substantiated) was uncovered to continue the use of AS but as a tree stump treatment ONLY and not as a herbicide and not for typcial herbicide uses, i.e. weedkiller of perniceous woody perennials. The chap reckoned his supplier had said they could still do so (supply) provided they didn't refer to it as a herbicide and indicated it as a tree stump ONLY treatment. If this is so then it may mean we can continue to purchase and use it BUT I do need to confirm such with HSE/Pesticide Authority. Paul
  11. Hi Paul,


    Thanks for the post.


    He can advertise his 'wares', so to speak, either via the AA website of the Arb Mag (glad you liked it.)


    Head Office (tel. 01242 522152) and either Mel or Simon are his best point of contact.




  12. Hi Ben, Unfortunately we (the AA) won't be at the Yorkshire show I'm afraid but we will be at APF in September so if you're around it'd be great to have a chat then. Otherwise you can do so anytime here, or ideally via the AA Forum which then drops straight in my 'In-Box'. Cheers.. Paul
  13. Morning Tony, Unfortunately, unlikley, as Guy works with us part-time and his days are usual days are Monday & Tuesday I don't think he will be there on a Thurs-Sat. His contact tel. no. is 01242 552152 or email [email protected] Cheers.. Paul
  14. I too struggle with this Sean, in fact I strugle with most fungi (shhh!), and would welcome any light being shed on the matter from others. To some degree I associate the fungi with the tree species observed upon but that seems to becoming an increasingly inaccurate methodology. Had some one posted Hama's photos and asked what is it I'd have gone for Rigidiporus....now where did I leave that copy of the H&SaW Act??? Good post...n piccies, thanks! Paul
  15. Tony, in asking "what can I do to have myself tested..." I take it you are referiing to the AA testing you to see if you reach the required level, i.e. level 4, for Professional Member status? Firstly, in order to gain that level of membership you need to have been an AA member, either as an Associate (no formal quals req'd.) or Technician (level 3 qual req'd.) for the preceeding 2 years. Thereafter it's a case of submitting your portfolio of evidence to demonstrate the necessary level of knowledge in 10 of 13 topic areas (see AA website for further info) This does incur a costs as the Association engages external assessemnt for this. If you are seriously considering this route, as appears to be the case (n 'gud'on'ya for that) I would definately speak to my colleague Guy and determine how best to proceed (he's a good chap, kinda like me...kinda, but better!) Cheers.. Paul
  16. Along with many other reasons that's why this forum is a fantastic asset to the practising arborist AND of course those who are willing to contribute their experiences, good and bad, such that we can all learn from them...thanks! I guess a key question is could I / should I have done anything more to avoid the incident ('near miss') and I find it difficult to think of anything immdiately BUT clearly we are now all aware of the dangers of previously 'pollarded' (AKA 'topped') Eucs all next time we ('okay'...YOU!) anchor into one then load it with 2 people hanging on the rope to test it before beginning your ascent....oh yeah n don't forget the 'hard hat' just before you do so. Cheers.. Paul
  17. Hi Ben, I know I live in a 'H&S ideal' world most of the time, which I acknowledge is not always treribly representatitive of the 'real' world but, in part, I feel that is my role on Arbtalk. Hence, I would reply by saying that the PPE required by an operative is determined by the 'risk assessment' process and this would not determine chainsaw trousers to be required...obviously. That said if it is anticpated that you 'will' require to use the chainsaw on the job at some stage before you descend for a break then I can see some logic in saying start with them on. However if chainsaw work is not anticpated then there should not be any insistence upon wearing them, and, more particularly, where they would increase the risk of heat stress and fatigue whilst working...it's madness! Cheers... Paul
  18. Hi Andy, thanks for the post. Absolutely, one should adopt the 'work programming' approach whereever possible, as you have outlined, thereby avoiding the potentail problem encountered by (arguably) lowering the level of control of one risk to improve the level of another, i.e. Type A's to improved heat stress. I never wear my chainsaw trousers doen the pub...but then I'm not allowed down the pub these days (sounds like someone else might be wearing them....'the trousers'..shhh!) Paul
  19. I can fully understand your stance here, and indeed some companies have adopted that stance as standrd practice, BUT would you be classed as a 'layman' in repsect of your decision otherwise? As a curent trained, qualified and experienced arborist (AKA 'competent') I would suggest you are very well placed to determine the H&S aspects of your decision. The expectation would be that you would do this via a risk assessment route and, in general H&S terms, the longer you use a chainsaw in the tree the greater the exposure and the increased risk of cuts, hence my previous comments about sectioning as opposed to pruning. Conversely, clearly many arborists use Type A's regularly and there is now the opprortunity to defend such, if challenged, using refrenec to the AFAGs. Cheers.. Paul
  20. Hi all, jumping the gun a bit here as I have't read all the previous posts. The LG Misc. Provisions Act 1976 (Sect. 23) is a 'discretionery' power, adminstered by the LA rather than HA (but oftne the same organisation) and I have worked for LAs who both enforce it and those who don't. Of those that did it would only be as an absolute last resort and the complainant would need to demonstrate such and the 'danger' would have to be significant and imminent...otherwise sorry it's a neighbourly dispute. Not much help but perhaps a clarification. PAUL
  21. Hi Chris, so sorry to hear of your sitaution that must have been quite a shock and well done for dealing with it (my guess would be insticnt would take over and 'the shock' would set in later.) It does howveer raise a VERY important point regarding 'refresher training' and the fact the HSE promote a min. of annual, regradless of requalifying every 3 years. Soem have said before that refresher trainig for something they do 'day-in-day-out', i.e. tree climbing and using a chainsaw, is madness BUT for something you don't, i.e First Aid administering (or if you do there's something amiss), it makes a lot of sense...coz you just never know! Lastly the other big plug here is 'relevant' training which acknowledges the standard First Aid training at your local community center whilst with a HSE registered provider may actually not address he kind of injuries and incidenst your likley to encounter (says he sincerely hoping not!) Take care out there all and I sincerely hope your Grandad makes a full recovery...best wishes! Paul
  22. I'm afraid not, a min. level 4 qual. is required in the scheme standards but, currently, this is not confined to arb (although if not, adequate arb CPD to level 4 would need be demonstrated.) Further if a member has achieved 'Professional Member' status via the assessed route, to include a portfolio submission (10 of 13 topic areas), to prove competence then this may present an avenue to AA Registered Consultant status. To be honest Tony if my reply on this subject seems a little vague, that's because it probably is as my colleague Guy Watson ([email protected] or tel. 01242 522152) manages the RC scheme and he is best placed to advise. Cheers.. Paul
  23. Hi Ben, To be honest it was something of a 'passing comment' and acknowledged that during a section there is more intense chainsaw use, and hence greater exposure to risk. But to be honest it's down to you guys to determine on a job by job risk assessment and at least there is the mechanism there now to do so formally where as previously there wasn't (in terms of HSE speak.) If company policy dictates Type C's then there's probably litlle you can do excpet take more frequent and longer breaks during hot periods (such as now) to recover and recuperate. Of course that equals reduced production time so that should make 'the bosses' review the policy. Thanks for the post (and to all) and 'stay cool'! Cheers.. Paul
  24. Kretzschmaria...????...aghhhhh!!!! Think it's back to Ustulina now innit....Hamadryad / Monkey 'D'??? Paul
  25. Morning all, hope you're keeping well and enjoying the sunshine ...don't forget the factor 50 tho and poss the Type A's at the heat of the day (remember tho it has to be justified on the RA and probably wouldn't stand up if you're section felling...but poss for pruning using a chainsaw provided you pay extra attention to 'work positioning' AND use hand-saws wherever poss!) Anyway main reason for posting is to say I'm just a tad busy at the moment, both work and home, and unable to commit as much time to the forum as it deserves. Hence if you do reuqire anything from me directly PLEAESE post through the 'AA box' and it'll pop into my email box prompting me....thanks! Joking apart enjoy the sunshine BUT keep those '6packs' covered (mines still theres somewhere just well insulated these days!) Cheers.. Paul


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