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silky fox

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Everything posted by silky fox

  1. What a great Post Ben! very enjoyable to read...and an interesting Gob cut:thumbup1:
  2. Really great pictures there B.B:thumbup:
  3. That,s a great sight Arbogrunt. To me there was nothing that filled me with more pride than working with my son! Good for you:thumbup1:
  4. I think why your post was jumped on is for these reasons WoodEd... i see my climbing saw as a Fragile/ precision cutting device and i have never abused it.....ever. i only USE it and i never drag it through the tree of let it swing wildly on a strop clattering about...i get to work position,Use it in the way i was trained to and return it to my Caritool. I feel very privaliged to be a climbing Arborist and take care with all the equiptment i use wether it is mine or not....i frown upon anyone i see throwing saws,dropping things etc..all these things are expensive and are designed to be used to i high rate but never "Abused" Just my opinion...not having a go mate...As i always say,"Threre are two distinct types in this industry,"Those who know" and those who don,t.
  5. Very concise answers Rob:thumbup1: Any Target,s beneath? (Boats,Ducks)
  6. Looks like it was a great day!...at least it looked dry...see you at the next one for sure:biggrin:
  7. Your fundraising idea is brilliant and i wish you the very best in this venture and i will be following your progress with great enthusiasm mate:001_smile:
  8. Easy Lift Guy for President! :thumbup: Vote Ted Scovitch!
  9. Ello me old mucker! Was just thinking about our journey to the APF and the 5 litres of scrumpy you brought:thumbup:..i've had a week off to reflect on becoming a Grandfather and to think about next year and my future...i may wander back up north to be nearer the little'n or further away from the South..not much happening here work wise...need a carreer:)...just returned to Kew and bought a tasty bottle to toast the health of little Oscar:beer: Next week i have a lovely jungle clearance job near Bushy Park then back with Team Delabodge..then some Oak reductions with Johnny Burch and more Oak reductions over a longer period with my old mate Frosty to start the new year off which i am really looking forward to...May try SRT for those:cool:
  10. What about this one:eating:...cos i,m off to Sainsbury,s to get a nice steak...that should give me something to do i,ll check the thread later...
  11. i,m bored....too much coffee with nowt to do:bebored:
  12. Sorry to hear that Moose:sad:
  13. silky fox


    It,s in South Derbyshire...
  14. Sounds like it was a good one Arran! i would have been there if i hadn,t made other arrangements...so you,re moving down the Srt/rope wrench route? i have been tempted ever since i met Dan and Ian and certainly for access into the tree or ariel rescue it,s the way forward. Looking forward to the pics......come on lads! get Uploading! (or are you in the pub?) if so...get on Tapatalk:biggrin:
  15. How did it go? Spill the beans:001_smile:
  16. Ah Mr Humphries!..i was wondering when you would be along. I knew you would like them. There is something very special about those images. (Are they Edible? they look delicious:001_rolleyes:) or would they be my last ever meal:lol:
  17. Treemoose..the third picture with it,s arms folded:biggrin:...Wolfie!,your cat looks like you:lol: Jame,s,i have the same fluffy white cushion you have:001_rolleyes: Cat,s are cool:thumbup1: no wonder the Egyptians worshipped them...they are my second favourite tree climbers of the Animal kingdom after squirrels...they are great on Ascent...not so good on descent:blushing:
  18. Post a picture up Rich:thumbup: sounds like a very nice munchie! i,m presuming it,s not smooth peanut butter but crunchy?
  19. That is one slick video and the saw looks like a nice peice of "Arb Candy"...obviously the proof of the pudding is in the eating. i see no problem whatsoever with the oil and fuel filling being so near..i always treat filling my saws like i,m handling mother,s milk anyway...nothing worse than oil spilt on the handle etc...if it does the job well i,d buy one! (Plus,it has a "Palm rest":001_rolleyes:) i like little details like that.


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