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Everything posted by jarnii

  1. jarnii


    hey drew i did some big trees today and found the tachyon crap. i used richies poison ive but the aussie colours and preffered it hugely cods was on blaze and it seemed even better and we had a chat about it and i reckon blaze or blue moon, had a solid anchor but the tach was just really springy.
  2. chill out and take each branch at a time dont worry about jumping and throwing urself about the place itll look untidy if ur not used to it and probably loose u points. i like to chill and learn thats what the comps are good for, some disagree but i have learnt loads from comps and rate them highly. if ur going this weekend i wouldnt want to try and learn any new stuff id personally just stay with what u have and stay with what you know, a good one to note is what ur gonna say in ur rescue and make sure u understand what u have to do and cover in it. hope that helps and good luck to ya, i learnt loads going to them comps and really rate em, let us know how u get on.
  3. nice one drew cheers for them gonna have a play, moving down to vic over the next few days so gonna be busy but they look pretty good, how do you find they compare to the vt in advantages and disadvantages. any help would be pretty sweet, oh and check ur fb i sent u a message on there, cheers, jarnii
  4. not a clue to be honest was mre of a passing comment than actual knowledge, i have seen some lovely spalted beech and love the pattern in it and hate to see it go for logs, looked good to me, maybe some one on here knows if there is a link and could explain it.
  5. very nice, the wood looked nice, was any of it useable for turning or planking, that stuff spalts quite nice if it holds.
  6. been using a vt for a few years now and love it but i have seen some variations floating about and wondered if anyone had any pics. dont get me wrong i love my vt but if i could tune it just that bit more id be stoked. ive got some time to play at the minute so thought i might, if anyone has anything id be happy to see it. if i gain anything in my meddling in the next few days ill post away. cheers
  7. this is ur anchor selection i know what ur saying but i very rarely ascend on small branches and if i dont have to i dont anchor in really small stuff i choose a suitable anchor, i always anchor for two and that includes different wood species you have to try and prvent and plan for mishaps. it is a good point but you should be in the mind set that if ur leaving a srt system in and gonna be anchored from it then is the anchor suitable for a rescue.
  8. i use a set of over the ankle rock climbing shoes but also got some akus that have never let me down and they seem to be cheaper than the scarpa. also footwear helps but you should be able to learn to footlock in chainsaw boots i found with rec boots it was harder to begin with.
  9. i use a hc on my lanyard, not the cheapest but cheaper than a cinch and it does all of the above. i also use it in a second climbing line application and is just such a good tool the more i use it on the lanyard the more i like it. i used a small 6mm prussic on my lanyard for a while but moved away because i didnt get on with it to well but with the hc there its brilliant. i have the second climbing line to use to. i must admit i do have to consciously remind myself it is there when positioning but now its becoming second nature and i find getting work positions to be really easy and have alot more choice than what i had before.
  10. im not sure how old this thread is but im assuming it isnt that old to write here, im in south australia at the moment and wanting to move to nz and have tried to mail companies over there but have had no replies, im wondering if the links im using are old or something. if anyone has any phone numbers or emails id be gratefull. cheers
  11. the only thing im thinking drew is if u have gone out on a branch to work and are lanyarded in or through a fork. it could cause issues and i would prefer to be on a line where i could be rescued if i cannot be lowered. i fully understand ur point though.
  12. na sorry i cant work out how to get my diagram on here.
  13. a very good point. not much to say to that other than if the drt line is set at the very top of the line then i dont think there would be quite the amount of redirection of the line. the only way i could see to avoid the whole redirecting of line woul;d be to have a long prussic that when u pull the line up goes over the branch and tail hangs in the same place as the srt line coming down the tree (if you see what i mean) then u will have the srt line and the climbing line installed on one line but seperate from one another, i think thats right. ill do a diagram and post it but i have to work out ms paint.
  14. ahh crapper ay, sounds like u had a rough time for sure i hate throw line tangles takes so long to get the memory out of them off the spool and then get em to a real good point and then they do that. harsh. but its further than most will get ina comp so well done. as for the drt on srt i know what ur saying rupe and agree with setting up a cs from the deck and ascending on that but if it is a real big tree then id like to srt up and if i had a few lowerbranches then be able to go and tackle them before entering the canopy or main bulk of my work. but to be honest i llok at this as all the techniques i use if i look at the tree i useually know if im gonna want to do a inline or foot lock or tail lock or what ever i think it just gives the freedom to use different techniques and try more stuff and make our job easier or eliminate it from a valid technique or try and move em on. (if they need it) as for it getting in the way i can see this being a issue for me but id have to play with it to comment im not sure how i would approach it at the mo ill try it on the harness and if not i will have to work to get something better for me. the rescue thing i was on about is say u decide to go up on this system then when u put ur inline in half way and move off you will pull the rope away from being directly under anchor point and this will make the rope inaccessible as a rescue line because when the weight of the rescue climber is on the access line it is going to pull the line true and pull on the inline anchor and potentiall have issues for the casualty. hope it makes sense. jarnii
  15. i see what u mean rupe but id have a couple of issues, the first one is if u sit in ur srt line then when u put in the climbing line it is going to be hard to get the right tension in the system to pull out of the srt and the same to pull back into it, i hope u can see what i mean, thats the reason i thought of srting up and then having a prussic above my ascender with a pulley on it. the second would be if you were inlining in the middle of the access line then it voids in for a rescue because the line is going to be pulled in the direction of the climber and not hang true to the anchor point. these are just opinions of mine and are issues i would have but i completely know what your talking about rupe as long as i have the scenario right in my head. i just like this whole idea i think its good just has a few minor issues from my behalf but none that would stop me from using it just try and make it work better for me. drew i take it you went i spoke to rich today and he said it was a good gig, anything else come out of it that was interesting. did u compete or just watch.
  16. yer it certainly has its appeals for me. im really keen to go play but all the trees out in the yard ar far to small. i suppose the other side of it is u will never get ur rope guide stuck if u can put ur anchor point where u want ur final point to be. im keen on this and may see what else i can do with it. i reckon once i have set it up and had a play then ill know a bit more if it is a goer for me but seems to be pretty solid atm, trying to think of some issues with it at the moment that i cant work around. hmm solid effort drew.
  17. very nice, id always considered having a 3 wrapped prussic above my ascender that i could use as a back up and a in-line but wouldnt be good for rescue, could just put a coocoon on a sling on the line and then put a back up underneath it. the only thing id say is i love srt but do find taking all the gear off at the top does get to me abit and having to do it a few times or just once on a accent would get to me but i thinks its all dependant on the size of the tree and the job your doing and the way you approach the job. nice though its a definate one to play with and will be used soon.
  18. i think those of you who do not understand the carabiner and the use in its intended configuration with the hitch climber are missing a trick. the biner does have its pluses and also on the hc im not going to write about them because those of us who use it know the benefits. it is a bit of a let down that a thread in climbers talk should end up being a bed time reading forum, im sure there are better sites to discuss fictional garbage and not retract from the original discussion. it is a disapointment that this is the case because this forum could have been a good tool for us all to learn something instead of grunt at the screen and degrade threads and make people crawl through the trash talk to get to something good i know im not the first person to think this. i kind of hope something could come from this but i do expect some laddish criticism that could yet again degrade a serious point.
  19. jarnii


    those stars cover up a long old rant ay steve
  20. jarnii


    hi guys, when i went to college i had worked for 18months before dragging brash, when i went to college i had some of the best lecturers i could have wanted and a good set of guys to study with. admittedly there are now only 8 or 9 who are now working and doing well and working with good companies. when i was there i wanted to do the job so bad and tried my hardest and still do now. i worked at a very good company and had to drag brash and got some great tuition from the boss and other people i worked with. the point i am trying to make is that there are issues but the issues are not only with the colleges but also with the employers, if i had gone some where and just dragged brash for weeks i would not still be doing it now i think the colleges should get students a basic understanding of what they are doing and give them some real experiences and then the employers bring them on. yer you have to earn your climbs but most companies are so driven by the money and not by helping other climbers. i expect some flak for this post but it is just what i have noticed. i am lucky to be doing what i do now because of the people who got me there and they were in the colleges and the industry i think they need to work together and not resent.
  21. hi. i have used the ocean polyester and have been mixed with the results i have found from it. on some set ups i have found it to not grab like i would expect it to (vt 4 up and 2 down). and on others i have found it to be to grippy where i have found jumping and opening up the hitch quite difficult (vt 4 up 3 down). this doesnt leave much room for variety between the two other than really being techy with leg lengths which to be honest is something i have really done. all of my hitches have been used with the hitch climber which if u are thinking of bying is definately worth the investment if u are in to that sort of thing. the big plus i do have with the op is i have been amazed by how long it lasts i used a piece for many months with out changing it and was surprised when i changed it that i was actually quite happy to still climb on it. yes it is expensive but its like all things u get what u pay for some will argue this point till blue in the teeth but i like to try new gear and have no problems with spending money and higly rate op and when i think about other cords that would have to be replaced then i think u can save money by using it especially if u dont do jumps and open the hitch up and generate massive amounts of heat. i was also made aware that the op we have on the market at the moment is not the correct design and is actually stiffer than the one that was meant to be released. im not sure why this is but i can only imagine crossed wires or a mess up and the factory. but this is all hear say and can not be taken as fact. as for the armor prussic i have not personally used it but have been with people who have and they enjoy it for the first few climbs until it gathers every piece of dust and gunk in site and then doesnt perform as it should but this is only a review from the three people i have climbed with who have used it. it may perform well in other applications such as foot locking but have gaged some bad replies about it as a hitch cord in the main line climbing role. my personal choice is beeline as someone above has said i relly enjoy climbing on it and does everything i want it to do and does it well but as with all of these things it is not a cheap way to go but if money is a huge issue maybe this isnt the right job when safety is paramount and other cords can burn out 20times quicker than the more heat tolerant ones on the market. i also think it ios very dependant on what line u are climbing on i have found cords that work well on one line are no good on others and have had to change things around this is a minor point but i like to have the right tool for the job and like it to work well so some times it is better to have different hitches in the kit bag for different line set ups (pine ropes are a good example) these are just thoughts and opinions but hope some of it helps u. i apologise for the shabby punctuation and grammar but it is sunday. jarnii
  22. i have looked at this when i first started to use srt and did ask the question about the rescue whether by a groundsman or a climber. after looking at the pros and cons of both i have settled for a groundsman rescue because of how easy and instantanious it can be. as long as u have a groundsman who is competant of understanding ur lowering rig then it is alot easier because if u have a reason for a rescue then he can get lowering u within a minute but if he has to climb this could take minutes. i tried some rescues towards the end of last year and only rescuing from about 10ft this took me no quicker than 5minutes. the rig i have settled on is a pirana decender and a prussic back up. this is all mounted on a rigging paw so i have enough attachment points and clarity of what is where. some may look at it as ott but i find it works well and is a reliable system. i will put some photos up when i get my camera sorted. i have found this system to be a reliable one and a easy one for a groundie to understand and takes a matter of minutes to show anyone who is on ur site. there are so many issues in srt and footlocking and access in general we cant ever please everybody. it can be a financial burden but one i have found well worth the investment. hope this helps answer any of the questions and adds some ideas to the pot.
  23. hello pertho i live in the home counties and have plenty of good trees near me to climb. currently waiting to move to another country so keen for the climbs. got plenty of spare gear some has to go so im sure if u need bits i can sort u them out at a good price. pm me your mobile number and we can arrange a meet up. jarnii
  24. jarnii


    i did a comp last year in europe and went to the euros and was really good to see how other people do things. im gonna do more comps in europe this year and have found the easiest way is to contact the competition liason people and just ask they will send u dates location and costs. i do know the euros are in sweden in may i think the weekend after the swedish comp.
  25. ill add my name to the list to lower everyones chance of winning. only joking. count me in


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