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  1. Indi_712


    Hi! Lovely to be on here! One of my friends wants to be an Aborist, but she's wondering how many hours she'd have to work, (I'm assuming she'd be on apprenticeship since she's turning 18 soon). I've tried to find answers online but I found this instead, any advice would be helpful!!
  2. Has anyone ever had dpf sensor issues with a robo evo? I keep getting spn 3609 and fmi 03 as well as fmi 10. If so what have you done to sort this? The sensor has been changed the ECU has been swapped over the wiring checked not sure what else to do or look at
  3. Hey everybody I've only had my cs30/31 for around a year but I'm starting to feel really comfortable with the saw now and getting better every time I'm on the saw. I'm looking to take the next step into putting more money into my training now to try and get more work in the industry I currently work for an employer but I'd like to get a position as a climber. What is needed? Cs 38 39 40 and 41? Is that enough aswell as a cs30/31 to start and gain ground and really take on climbing positions? BTW I'm 15 stone and u uneducated on what a comfortable climbing weight is I could maybe drop a stone in a couple month if it helps. Thanks for any help
  4. Hi Started growing some japanese maple/acer tree seedlings but I am confused at what they look like. Some of the high stems are 12 inches + looking at them but they look like grass? Not flat grass though. Harder more rounded grass.
  5. Hi All! i am looking to hire a cs100 or a jo beau for a couple of days in two to three weeks. Does anyone know of a place where i can do this? i have HIP insurance and transport just need the wee machine. all Help will be appreciated!! Thanks Tony
  6. Hi all! I have a big beautiful cedar tree on my property and it’s splitting directly down the center of the trunk. The split is getting noticeably deeper down the trunk, over about a year. What steps should I take to care for it and prevent it from getting worse? thanks in advance for your help!
  7. help needed please can anyone tell us how to fit the baffle plate in this old villager stove. as far as i can tell its a slightly curved flat plate and is should go up on the long bar circled in the photo and rest on the three u shaped loops on the back of the fire, held with the bent clip in the second photo. but it is rubbing on the side bars marked with a line. I'm all for grinding off a bit of the top edge. or are we going about it all wrong? your help would be greatly appreciated
  8. Afternoon, I am just moving into the world of blacksmithing and need something to use as an anvil stand. I’m looking for a very sturdy, hardwood stump with the following dimensions:- H - 420mm D - 450mm If anybody would be able to help and is in the Catterick area I would be happy to compensate them with cash, alcohol or any other service (Maybe not any...) thanks for your time.
  9. Good afternoon all, I have 5 newly planted Leyland cypress trees. Recently they have started to show signs of deteriorating, by way of yellowing, drying out and sap weep. The yellowing appears to be starting from the inside up. The trees took some bark damage during the crazy winds we had back in January? February? Cant remember now, but this was caused by friction on the support steaks. I put some biodegradable tape over the damaged areas to prevent infestation but I cant say for sure if its worked. The tress have grown since I planted them, I trimmed the tops in early march and they grown further since then too. But now this discolouring is worrying me and I'm afraid of losing them to a disease. I water them once or twice a week. Less so when it rains. In any case, I am hoping someone can tell me what they think the issue might be, if there is an issue, and what I can do about. Regards, Vincent
  10. Morning all, First post here and I hope someone can help. We have a small ~10-12ft tall Rowan Tree in our back garden, which started as a bare root dished out by the local council about 6 or 7 years ago. Last year it suffered somewhat with aphids I think, which were being tended to by a large number of ants. This caused the leaves in the affected areas to curl in on themselves. I trimmed away the affected branches and all seemed well. As the tree has blossomed this year it looks healthy up to about 5 or 6 feet, but then the main trunk (only a couple of inches thick) and all the branches above it appear to have died off, there were some buds, but they have never blossomed. There are also a couple of small wounds/breaks visible in the bark. I've read about fireblight and wondered if this is what we've got, or if it's something else? Any suggestions as to what it might be and how I might save this tree please?
  11. I want to start by saying I know nothing about trees, but I think the two in my front yard are not healthy. They have black bark almost all the way around and it is brittle and falling off. The trees still produce a lot of leaves, but I want to make sure they are healthy. Any thoughts? I think these are oak, but unsure.
  12. Hello everyone, I have a tree in my back garden and it needs removing. The tree unfortunately leans over into our next door neighbors house/garden, It's quite a large tree about 20ft tall and the trunk is about 4ft wide, In the bad winds and rains when the branches fall they all go into the neighbors garden braking there ornaments becoming quite the headache. Anyway i need some info on what kind of chain i need and what chainsaw and if you know where there are and chainsaws for sale shop's/site's would be great The image below is an example of what is in my garden, i will have to get one of the kids to get a picture of my actual tree up asap. Thanks everyone http://housetohome.media.ipcdigital.co.uk/96/0000121dc/6386_orh550w550/Herbaceous-border-in-English-country-garden.jpg
  13. Hi guys, Got me a cs100 a few months ago - used it maybe 6 times - I'm very impressed with its capabilities but now I'm having a few issues with it cutting out. It's an older 14hp model with pull start it starts, runs & chips great (its barely been used by previous owners) but after a while it starts to die as if it's running out of fuel. So I fill it up but it still does it. So I think it's dirty or dead fuel so I drained & flushed the tank. It ran o.k for a while but now it's doing it again - I noticed that it when it's sputtering before dying & I tip it backwards with the handles it revs back up again but that only works for a few mins. So I thought it was maybe a low oil level switch so I filled the oil up but the problem persists - it may still be an oil issue as I can't seem to get a clear reading on the dip stick - the oil gets coated on inside of dipstick tube & fouls the true mark of the oil making it difficult to measure. Long story over - is there anything anybody can suggest that might be causing this? Am I missing something obvious? Are these machines particularly proned to any issue like this? My next step will be to take the tank off & blow out all the pipes but the revving back up when tipped is telling me that it's an oil level switch but I'm not even sure whether these engines have them. It's a briggs & Stratton vangard that's on it. Any help would be much appreciated guys - I am competant at most simple mechanics but I'm not experienced at diagnosing problems on any petrol engine of this size.
  14. My fantastic Polish builder has done such a great job on our house that I trusted him wholly when he recommended a supposed qualified aborist to crop a bit of height off our gorgeous cherry plum trees. Unfortunately it would seem he had no idea what he was doing as I came home to x2 completely butchered trees - every single leaf bearing branch removed. I am completely and utterly devastated What do you recommend I do?? Do I keep them and wait for them to grow back?? Does anyone know how long this will take?! Will we see any green this summer?? And will they ever blossom again?? How quickly might they grow back?? I'm not sure how long I can stand seeing the depressing stumps for that long... Would be great to hear any advice or recommendations that might help us through this dreadful situation. Thanks so much.
  15. Hi all, I have recently moved to the Finisterre area of Brittanny, France, and I am looking for any kind of experience/ advice available. Having been here for a few weeks already and it not being in my nature to sit still for too long, i have begun to get itchy feet and i am looking to get back into some kind of useful work, I have some basic level french (having a french partner, and a couple of years of leisure time studying) but i feel the only way to get a real education is to be out there talking the language. If anyone knows of anyone companies locally who be willing to take on an intern of sorts, willing to work for little to no pay, i would appreciate the help. CV available on request, key points included; 6+ Years Experience in a fencing company 2+ Years NPTC Qualified (30&31) (maintenance, cross cutting and felling) Thanks all!
  16. Hi my name is Nathan, I am a 21 year old apprentice arborist in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada on track to write my ISA certification by the end of summer 2015. Upon completion of my certification I have been strongly considering working abroad for a year in hopes of learning and experiencing new cultures and ecosystems. I consider myself to be physically fit and knowledgeable about Western Canadian Arboriculture and id really like to broaden my horizons in terms of both work and experience, my climbing skills however are more limited as my training has been mostly directed to ground and boom truck pruning although I am eager to greatly increase and establish myself as a climber. All this being said about myself personally I consider myself to be laid back and I have both a strong respect for both people and nature. I have heard Sweden is a great place to practice, however im open and interested in hearing any and all stories and opinions of countries and places to work and live in as well as places that pay higher than usual for professional tree work! Happy and Safe Cutting, -Nathan
  17. Welshdayo


    Hi I was just wondering the right route to go about getting rid of brash, I recently had a quote accepted for a job which is not big enough to warrant me hiring a chipper. Im based in bridgend area of south wales and would really appreciate any help on this matter
  18. Just wanting to get some business name ideas?
  19. First off hi everyone.. completely new here but I hope to settle in and become some use.. I'm completely new to wood chippers and took the plunge recently with a fixer upper from a well known auction site. I bought a Lindana TP150 in good faith under the premise it needed a new crankcase oil seal. I couldn't go to collect it myself because I'm stuck home waiting for an op to get me mobile again so a friend picked it up for me. Sadly when I started looking it didn't just need a crankcase oil seal, Ive also stumped up for a new crank, oil pump, clutch shoes gasket sets and most of the bearings. I'm now to deep to stop but hoping I was past the worst and consoling myself I'll have a fully repaired chipper soon. Ive come to the wiring which I find also butchered, Jas Wilson kindly mailed a wiring diagram and its imeadiatly obvious I'm missing the protection controller. It's a Hackslercontrol HC960. Jas Wilson can supply me one new but I'm almost broke from repairs now. Has anyone got this part on an old machine they can sell me please. On top of the thousand pounds in parts Ive now had to spend I'm struggling to find the money for this next part. I'd very much appreciate any help offered. Ive been sold a pup, I know it but it's all I have to work with.
  20. Hi all, if you can help shed light on what tree this is would be much appreciated. They are causing shade over a garden & I'm wondering whether to advise felling, pollarding, or leaving them to get on with it. Only problem is that I have absolutely no idea what tree they are! Thank you for sharing your wisdom in advance! In case the picture doesn't work - it is about 30m tall with a curving trunk. The bark has distinctive diamond shaped lesions in silvery bark. Very wet ground in a flood zone. Here is the pic https://www.dropbox.com/home/Crowdy%20Mill/Amy's%20pics?preview=Photo+12-03-2017%2C+11+01+58+am.jpg
  21. Hello All, I have a customer that has a rather large oak tree in the rear garden near the house / conservatory. They would like to have a reduction made on the tree to gain some light but also make the tree healthy again. By the looks of the tree it hasn't had any decent work on it for a while and there is deadwood and suckers which are not needed. The house has a big area for van and chipper and good side access. The tree is right by a fence line with the neighbours, however a good amount of area to drop rubbish in the owners garden. There are in Stevenage, Herts and i think the tree is under a TPO - although at present time I've not checked. Anyone out there up for this job? I have been asked to find a decent contractor to complete job. Help is needed as they are asking bout when it will be done not if! Thanks Rob
  22. Hi Everyone, I’m looking for some help in changing my career and hopefully becoming an avid member of this forum. I’m currently 24 and based in the west midlands, I’m looking to become a qualified Arborist with the intention of moving to New Zealand within the next 2 years. I have no previous experience in the industry. I’d like to hear your guys advice on the below if possible? • Do UK tickets mean anything in NZ? I have asked this question to potential employers abroad • Is it worthwhile me training in the UK or should I just start fresh in NZ? • I was thinking of doing the Proclimber course but due to the financial commitment I need to be sure of its benefit to me now and for when I move • Do you feel that the course would be a good method for me to enter the trade • What could I do within the UK to increase my employability in the industry in NZ and for my time working here in the UK? This is not just a whim for me, I’m really dedicated on changing my career to something that I love and I’m willing to invest and do what it takes. I’m just looking for some input from people in the know. Any help is really appreciated, Luke
  23. I currently looking to get a working holiday visa in Australia (specifically Brisbane) and just need a few tips on how to go about looking for work etc. its all a bit confusing I have a level 3 extended diploma in arboriculture and if you can count training over 2 years I have experience there along with roughly 6 months working with my current employer. The nptc tickets I have are: CS30, CS31, CS38, CS39, Chipper, Pole Pruner, Mewp, Rigging, Stump grinder Just need a bit of a push in the right direction as its all very overwhelming but something that i'm extremely keen on getting the ball rolling. Trying to reach out to any employers out there in aus who are reading this or anyone who is employed there! Any help is greatly appreciated!
  24. I am thinking about setting up a prusik pulley system but am unsure of what equipment to get. i have the obvious the prusik and a micro pulley sorted, But i am unsure on the micro ascender to use and also could this work with a Blake's hitch. Tips/suggestions would be a huge help. thanks
  25. Hello, I am currently wishing to undergo a career change, I hope to become a tree surgeon but realize to do this I will have to start with the basics and undergo the training I need. Would you or do you know anyone that would be interested in taking on a trainee / apprentice? would there be a basic minimum i would need to do this ? such as the courses i have listed below. I am currently saving to complete: Basic Crosscutting and maintenance Small tree felling Tree Climbing & Aerial Rescue Use of a chainsaw from a rope I will hopefully be completing these over the next 4 months. if you know of any grants or funding that i could access i would be very grateful. Or if you want someone to update your website / social marketing in exchange for course payment, that could also be an option. I am looking for experience, either working for a company or an individual that would be willing to train me / share there experience with me and help me achieve my long term goal. I am currently in full time employment and am looking at the options available to me to re-train either at college / with a tree surgeon or company in the south (I live in Bournemouth). I am very determined and have a variety of skills, as you can see in my attached CV. However i would like to reiterate that its experience I am after, a foot in the door and a chance to work my way up the ladder, so to speak. If I have to continue my current employment to pay for the courses required and gain experience on the weekend, I am more than willing to do this. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to your reply. P.S the free chocolate is for the person who is willing to take me on and train me up Jamie Macdonald CV.doc


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