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coppice cutter

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Everything posted by coppice cutter

  1. A good barman's biggest challenge is getting people to stop buying when the time comes.
  2. A good salesman will relish the challenge.
  3. Then nature must have decided to have a bit of bogland rather than a pond. Better going with the flow, or lack of it in this case.
  4. But that's only because somebody has decided that they want a pond where nature has no need for a pond. You can't expect nature to look after something that it didn't want there in the first instance surely?
  5. No, because sheep being the contrary-some creatures that they are would probably then decide to go after the new shoots and the willow would end up luring them in to the river.
  6. I've never planted willow but I've quite a number self-seeded in my wood, and like yourself, a lot self-seeded along a stretch of riverbank which I own. My experience of them is that there is nothing as robust. We graze sheep along the river and they are harsh on the riverbank willow at times, it doesn't deter the willow one jot. I do tend to think however that possibly they're not the most pallatable plant as there's always plenty of new growth on the willow which they don't bother with for some reason. But as above, if you're going for asthetics, probably best cut above where anything around it will be able to reach although even then it won't stop them stripping bark if they take the notion.
  7. Absolutely, the consequences of human interference are seldom mitigated by more human interference*. Just let nature get on with it. * - tree planting excepted. But plant them and then let nature get on with it!
  8. Lightweight. Jean Claude Van Damme can catch them mid-air, with chopsticks, blindfolded!
  9. It's bit weird, you pull the battery out and stick it in again within something like 5secs and it allows you to go through all the tones, changing every time you do it. You'd wonder why they just didn't give you a button or something.🤔
  10. All I know now is that the Makita chargers are known for being particularly noisey (which they are) due to their inbuilt fans. Maybe it's something that's been addressed with extra cooling before and during the charging cycle?
  11. I've been researching this stuff high and low for the past few weeks prior to buying in to a proper system for the first time and I haven't seen anything anywhere to support that view.
  12. Most vehicle charging systems actually produce more than is required a lot of the time and the excess is converted in to heat which is then lost via some sort of regulator. So in theory, using the vehicle to charge something, especially at a time of low electrical demand on the vehicle, may simply to using energy that would just have been lost anyway. So it's not a straightforward equation.
  13. I'd hold off. They're already bring out stuff with two of the 40v max batteries, an 80v (or 72v if you want to be accurate) chainsaw can't be far away.
  14. Wow, I hope the bikes don't start doing that or I'll be out of business!
  15. I've no doubt that now Charles is monarch he will act publicly in as apolitical a fashion as his mother did and in keeping with the role. But of-course we will all remember his views on things from before when that wasn't the case, and many will therefore extrapolate and judge him on what they assume he will really be thinking (seems familiar!). Elizabeth wasn't so judged for several reasons. Firstly, she came to the role at a much, much younger age. Secondly, media and it's intrusiveness is now on a different level to seventy odd years ago. Thirdly, it was a helluva long time ago. I suppose what I'm getting is that Charles is on a hiding to nothing if he's going to be compared to his mother as a monarch, simply because a fair comparison is impossible.
  16. Hard to take him as seriously. Then again, most of us were born with Elizabeth as Queen, that's all we've every known. The psychology of that has to be profound even if you consciously try to counter it. But I've no doubt him and Camilla are well up to the job of steadying the ship after such a major upset, and it'll probably be William who will determine the longer term future of the monarchy.
  17. So presumably, rather than the oil actually needing changing, that'll be when the service light comes on? So even if you done the oil change yourself, you'd still need to go somewhere with the capability of putting the service light off before doing a regen on the DPF?
  18. This! I still have a 10 by 5 from my contracting days, great for anything that fits in it but hopeless for anything else as the sides get in the way for loading. A twin axle, drop-side flat bed with ramps is the ultimate all rounder. Son-in-law bought a new one a couple of years ago and we've had cars on it, sheep hurdles, blocks, timber, furniture, tractors, machinery, etc, etc, there really isn't anything that it's not suited to.
  19. The most ridiculous thing in the whole debate is that farmers would benefit the most from decreased production and extensivication, but they're the most against it. While the average consumer would suffer the most (think present energy situation, but applied to food) yet they're the ones largely shouting for it. "Careful what you wish for" was never more apt!
  20. Well at least we can agree on something. I cancelled my subscription to NFU about 30yrs ago when it became obvious that their main priority was selling insurance. And I don't claim Basic Farm Payment as I don't want then to have any say over how my farm is run. I still abide by the vast majority of legislation, but if there's something which is any way detrimental to best farming practice I will have no qualms about ignoring it. They could still potentially prosecute me if they felt so inclined, but nowadays they prefer to just threaten to withhold money from you unless you promise to be good in future. With me, they don't have that option.
  21. Farming is something which can bring great joy, but equally take you to the depths of despair. It's very easy to regard your own place as being the centre of the universe, absolute bliss when all is going well, but then when things go wrong (as they will sometimes no matter what you do) it can just as easily consume you with hopelessness. He's not the first for whom the latter ultimately wiped out the former with tragic consequences, and he certainly won't be the last either sadly.
  22. Except that's not what he does. As you would know if you'd actually watched the feckin' thing. And yes, I did read your post before responding to it because despite what I said, to do otherwise would be STUPID!
  23. That sounds like a start-o-matic. The generator acted as a starter to get it going and then flicked over* to generating again when it was up to speed. Ours was grand until the batteries got knackered and we couldn't afford new ones so it was back to swing start. There was a lever beside one of the pushrods to stop the valve closing while you swung like buggery to get it up to speed with no compression, then you swung the lever back, closed the valve, and away it went. I remember starting it for the first time when I was about twelve. My old fella said that if I chickened out when the valve was shut, and not swing it through the compression, it would break my arm so I better be ready for it. It was a tough education! * - when I say "flicked", it was really a loud clonk from the three big contactors in the control box, no electronics.


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