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Everything posted by Haironyourchest
Stereo mate, if you have some old weights lying around, go pump some iron, or have a wee run around the farm. Kick start the metabolism and generate some endorphins. String up a sack o sawdust and beat the crap out of it. Its gonna be good!
Change is the only constant. It affects tectonic plates and human tribal populations. Its stressful. Our ancestors migrated and caused stress to the people who were living in the places they migrated to. Now people are migrating to where we live and causing us stress. And who can blame them? Our governments ("our" referring to the west - the first world) are cowardly. They are cowardly because we collectively craved an unsustainable system and created the current state with our votes, not in one election, but over decades of trending. The government is derived from the people and represents the collective will of the people, whether the people realise it of not. Too bad for those of us who are not "collective" enough. The other thing that bugs me, is the constant belabouring of the less than $2.00 a day thing. How much less? $1.95 ?? Just tell me the average daily wage. Lets assume its $1.50 - in a third world economy that should buy you the same weight of rice as £15.00 or €15.00 will in the first world. So the actual wage is £€ 90.00 a week (no Saturdays off) or possibly more. Yes its still peanuts if your raising a family on it, but feck it its not far off what I make a week, spread out over a year. Naturally, those guys be working 12 hour days for their $1.50/$15.00, whereas I would be working 1.... Dunno how I feel about it really. Theres a lot of slack-arses in the USA and all the west really, benefits dossers and that. Send em all to the gulag I say! Work the chip fat off em, and send em to bed early without any drugs. Don't like it? Well...that's a paddlin' Or better yet, send the middle east and africa a present. We'll trade you one for one......
I smoked from 14 to 30. 10-15 rollies a day. Started by filching Grandad's cigarillos then bought a pipe! Got into cigs after finding a pack of silk cut on the road... Been smoke free four years, just felt like enough was enough one day and quit. No cravings, no withdrawals. Not a puff since. For me it was all in the mind, and when I made up my mind that I didn't want it anymore, it was easy. Maybe for some its a proper chemical dependancy, who knows? After being clean for four year I tried a nicotine gum. It was like doing a line of white powder (I imagine) - was really tired at work, depressed, etc, five minutes later I was flying, mind focused, sociable. Lasted an hour. Pure nicotine in medical doses is a safe drug, as most of us know by now. I does not cause cancer, obviously thats caused by the tar and monoxide etc. It does temporarily narrow the blood vessels though. There is evidence that it has some power to protect against parkensonian type neurodegenerative conditions and altzhymers. Its widely used by athletes and fitness freaks as a pre-workouot stimulant!!!! So I have been popping on average one 2mg gum once every two days, treating it as a coffee-level pick me up, and not abusing it.
Well, most of the homeless I have met have been very nice...a lot of my clients keep one around the place. I think its very charitable and always go the extra mile for them.
In all honesty its a nebulous question and can only prompt nebulous answers. When everything just falls into place, machines behave, no mud, no rain, no midges. Client is delighted with the result, the price and their new pile of hardwood logs. You feel like the A-Team....light a fat cigar and say "I love it when a plan comes together!"....(tried it once but it made me ill)....
All jobs are more enjoyable when there's a really nice bum involved. Always go the extra mile for clients with really nice bums.
While we're on the subject of hard work I just wanted to say that I always was a man to work. I was born working and I worked my way up by hard work. I ain't never go nowhere yet but I got there by hard work: Work of the hardest kind. I been down and I been out And I've been busted, disgusted and couldn't be trusted. I worked my way up and I worked my way down. I've been drunk and I've been sober. I've had hard times and I got hijacked And been robbed for cash and robbed for credit. Worked my way into jail and outta jail And I woke up alotta mornings and I didn't even know where I was at. But the hardest work I ever done is when I was trying to get myself a worried woman to ease my worried mind. Now I'm gonna tell you just about how much hard work I had to do to get this here women that I'm a-tellin you about. I shook hands with 97 of her kinfolks and her blood relatives and I done the same with 86 people that was just her friends and her neighbors. Kissed 73 babies and put dry pants on 34 of em' as well as others And done the same thing several times - as well as a lot of other things just about like this. I held 125 head of wild horses, put saddles and bridles on more that that, harnessed some of the craziest, wildest teams in the whole country. I rode 14 loco broncos to a dead standstill and let 42 hound dogs lick me all over. Seven times I was bit by hungry dogs and I was chewed all to pieces by water moccasins and rattlesnakes on two separate river bottoms. I chopped and I carried 314 armloads of stove wood, 100 buckets of coal, and I carried a gallon of kerosene 18 miles over the mountains, got lost, lost a pair of shoes in a mud hole. And I chopped and I weeded 48 rows of short cotton, 13 acres of bad corn and cut sticker weeds out of 11 back yards. All on accounta' cause I wanted to show her that I was a man a I liked to work. I cleaned out 9 barnloads and cranked 31 automobiles, all makes and models. Pulled 3 cars out of mud holes and 4 out of snowdrifts. I dug 5 cisterns of water for some of her friends and neighbors and run all kinds of errands. I played the fiddle for 9 churches meetings and I joined 11 separate denominations. I signed up and joined up for 7 of the best trade unions I could find And paid my dues about 6 weeks ahead of time. Waded 40 miles of swamps, 60 big rivers, Walked across 2 mountain ranges and crossed three deserts. I got the fever and I got sunstroke and I got malaria and I got the flu and I got moonstruck and skeeter bit, the poison ivy and the 7 year itch and the blind staggers. I was given up for lost and dead about 2 dozen times. Struck by lightning, struck by Congress, struck by friends and kinfolks as well as by three cars on the highways and a lotta times in peoples hen-houses. I been hit and run down and run over and walked on and knocked around And I'm just settin' here now trying to study up what else I can do to show that woman that I still ain't afraid of hard work. (Woodie Guthrie)
My friend has recently come down with it. His medical assessor reckoned it was caused by over-enthusiastic one-handing of his top handle saw for too many years. Twisty wristy at weird angles plus dynamic load....
Protectionism by Husqvarna or whoever the hell actually makes the orange chainsaws. The trade in used saws don't do anything for the shareholders. Policy therefore: quash online trading of orange saws as much as possible, make em all buy new saws. Idiotic, and impossible to implement, but anything that puts a few more cents in their coffers.....if you do sell that saw, its a sale lost to Husqvarna. Thats happening hundreds of times a day. Thats worth an algorithm or two, and a job in "enforcement"
Q. What do Plumbers, Porn Stars and Motor Mechanics have in common? A. They all make their living by contorting themselves into uncomfortable positions whilst getting covered in fluids and handling slippery tools.... (...a Haironyourchest original...)
Looks like paradise David. Lucky Poles, and all the eastern europeans, fabulous healthy countryside. so...A couple of African Buffalo are on holiday in North America, strolling across the great plains...and they cross paths with a pair of cowboys. One cowboy mutters to the other, as they pass "Gee Frank, those are the ugliest damn Bison I ever seen..." Well, the Buffaloes are shocked at this rudeness and stare after the cowboys as they ride off into the sunset. The one Buffalo turns to the other and says "....I do believe I just heard a discouraging word..."
How to Sell Wood For a Newbie
Haironyourchest replied to Stihl Unknown's topic in Forestry and Woodland management
Im getting a migraine just thinking about this...but then...Im a sissy.... -
Just what kind of maddnes is this! Only in Australia!
Haironyourchest replied to Ghettoblaster's topic in Milling Forum
...vs a barefoot Filipino with a sharp 090 and a good eye? -
ive had better days...And a small h&s warning...
Haironyourchest replied to wisecobandit's topic in General chat
Days like that make me feel like my number was up and I just scraped by due to good karma. Could have been a whole lot worse! Consider what fate might have had in store that you just avoided: Run over by own truck. Trepanned by grinder. Grinder goes flying, cuts cord, electrocutes dog and his master. Break repair completed but fails next day causing 50 car pile-up and hundreds dead and injured....etc etc... -
I used to get terrible under-arm rash from working in t-shirts and cotton shirts. At days end it was just debilitating, I'd be wretched with discomfort that could be described as agony. I tried working in vests, thus allowing my pits to breath, but no improvement. It was the sweating and chafing that done it. Then I discovered the Rashguard. Its a figure hugging lycra top, basically, with tights, if you want to go the whole hog. Never looked back. Its all I ware now, at work and play. Sweat-wicking, hand washable, quick drying, keeps you cool like you didn't have a shirt on but keeps you from sunburning. Rugged, tough cheap (sondico brand €15) Also known as a base layer. If anyone hasn't tried em.....try em!!! Its like clothing from the future.....
Sam...what's your recipe for semtex?
I just got me a new Stihl 201T-C with M-tronic...
Haironyourchest replied to ArborClimber's topic in Chainsaws
I too have just bought a 201-C (the back handle model) with M-Tronic. I didn't realise it was m-tronic until three days later when I couldn't find the carb screws! Bit miffed actually, because I specifically didn't want the auto tune carb....but I'll have to put up with it. One immediate gripe is that the captive clutch cover nut vibrated loose on the first tank, threw the chain and the chain catcher mangled it. Yay for safety features, but too bad for the chain. Maybe a quarter of the chain drive links are trashed on the back curve, the part that makes contact with the sprocket, so, brand new chain = scrap. Caught it doing it again today, but got it in time. I realise that I have to tighten the nut more than usual on my other saws, then it seems to be ok. Flooded it this afternoon. Plug out, petrol out, pulled over till dry, and it was grand again. Other than these few gripes it has been a pure joy to use. Feather light, no smoke, no smell, no vibes, powerful, handy, ergonomic, in short - painless... Anyone know if the M-tronic can be replaced with a regular carb? -
Looking for a good led torch for yard thanks
Haironyourchest replied to mendiplogs's topic in The Lounge
Jon, there's a pile of great torches out there these days, small and outputting thousands of lumens with lithium batteries. Just whatever you get be mindful about the batteries - the cheap rechargeable lithium 123C cells that are so popular for these kind of torches can thermally destabilise if one of the cells is a dud in a multi-cell series and cause major grief - its rare, but does occasionally happen. Google it for more expert views. Basically your aircraft grade aluminium tube with sealed ends can become a pipe bomb in your hand that not only explodes in flame and shrapnel, but also spews highly toxic smoke and stuff as well. I won't own a multi cell flashlight that runs on lithuims for this reason. Alkaline are ok, as are rechargeable NiMH as far as I know.... -
If you don't already have debts and obligations, don't for the gods sakes get into the position where you have to work like a slave. Its been said "Work To Live" and if you hate every minute you're there, then yeah, sure, but wouldn't it be better to enjoy your work so much that you Live To Work instead? And part of that is not working to mental and emotional exhaustion so that you end up hating what you started off loving. Take a care, young men and women!
bloody right!
Best paint for protection against rust
Haironyourchest replied to Woodworks's topic in Maintenance help
The joys of being a heavy machinery owner..... My powder coated concrete mixer rusted badly, I painted the rust with boiled linseed oil. Looks horrible bunt hasn't rusted no more. Not gonna impress anyone with a mixer though, but a chipper needs to look good.... I feel your pain. -
You'd better believe it. We have too many deer round here...and the forests are nothing to write home about even...problem is venison is worth less than mutton in Ireland. People just aren't interested. I know someone who farms deer as a hobby, but it pays very little. They're ornery and dangerous, need massively tall fences, and are really only for export, which again reduces your bottom line, and to top that theres only a few guys with the permits and so on to buy and sell game, and they have the market cornered. Wild deer would be too random. A lot of it's pretty tough.... But still forests would be better.......
Collect the excrement as you find it, consolidate in several layers of paper bag and save. After payment has been received, wait a few days then when the opportunity presents use your Big Shot to fire it back onto their property, at the house or car, if possible..... OR. Stipulate in the contract a surcharge of £20 for every turd trodden on or log-squashed in the course of the work.