hey man give kevin a break, its a well understood psycolgical phenominum that people who beleive they have benifited from something that others could benifit from that they will try to inform others to allow them to reap the benifits also!!!
we see this everywhere in life from purchasing car insurance, avoiding taxes, changing our diet, buying a certain brand of car, having kids, not having kids HELL the list is endless!!!
We are allk made diferently, i have been training people willing to pay good money to learn new climbing & rigging techniques for many years now and was the first person in the UK to train people on the uni (back when it was silver might i add!) and on the wrench.
Many arb's struggle with the new co-ordination patterns asociated with frog walking which, ironicly, many non-climber find far more natural than body thrusting! arbs develop a 'climb reflex' just as most humans have a dive reflex (the phonomemum of holding your breath for longer providing your face is submerged in water) in part the success of the wrench taps into the 'hitch reflex' that most arbs also possess, many arbs (kevin included) are scheptical of "shiny expensive gadgets" he feels comfortable with hitches as do most arbs, it's what we learn on! that said some of the people on our courses are instantly converted they go and buy a wrench or a uni and begin to convert from ddrt to srt
kevin is a passinate guy who has devoted a huge portion of his life into developing a tool to aid SRT climbing, when kevin first climbed SRT he did all sorts of things that most arbs dont have the bottle to do let alone posses the skill or knowledge!!!
I can see the huge benifits of SRT that does not mean that i climb on it all the time or have the desire to, as it goes sometimes i do, sometimes i dont, it takes most people many non-prductive sessions to 'aclimatise' to srt and it's not allways easy, some pick it up quicker than others.
Many people who take the time & effort to become efficient in SRWP will swear by it, it will up their productivity and (depening on their technique!!!) will save teir body's Many other will choose to stick with their ddrt or even go back to ddrt after a stint of srt
I remember when i bought my tree motion, for 17 days i adjusted & adjusted it to try & get it comfy & one day in the pouring rain up an ash tree next to some 33kv i was ready to thow it out!! the next day i made the final adjustments that made it perfect, i had also organically changed my posture when sitting/ hanging in the harness to make it comfy, man am i glad i didn't put it on ebay! I'd recomend that harness to ANYONE & EVERYONE! id tell them to persevere if they find it un-comfy but i'm sure there's some who are perhaps a different build to me, or do a different type of work and the tree motion just wouldn't be the best harness for them
just remember Kevin isn't motivated to bang on about srt by greed or stubourness he loves SRT and he wants us all to benifit from it!!!! that's why he is so vocal, and having spent hourssssss! on the phone to kevin i can vouch that he is a real genuine guy with no perverse insentive to miss-sell srt. But kevin remember that for some people, no matter how hard they try srt will never quite fit right, they may be more comfortable and/or productive back on their Ddrt.
Its good to see that people are sooo pasionate about components of our industry but lets let each to their own guys, as our bro drew said back to the spiderjack........