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Everything posted by sime42

  1. I've had a couple of similar kits. One was coffee grounds, one was some kind of grain. Both were quite productive. Though I feel they would have liked a higher humidity really, even with the spraying. Not really suited to Centrally Heated homes.
  2. Nice. Maybe the mushrooms came in with the manure, from spores ingested by the horses. Or are you saying that mushroom compost is composed of horse manure? I don't get the salt though, what was the thinking behind that? Wouldn't have thought that would be condusive to anything much growing.
  3. I think they do. You can get spent mushroom compost to use on the garden but you can't use it for everything as it's quite high pH.
  4. Even better, so they're addressing the climate crisis as well. Genius.
  5. So now they're burning money to keep us all warm, that's a novel way to address the cost of living crisis.
  6. Oh yeah, good points, you've got me there! I forgot about that. My parents put in a clump of it and within years it had spread like stink around the whole of what was a large garden.
  7. Some good info on using coffee there. I don't have access to a lot of it, just what we consume at home, so I tend to put it around ericaceous plants like the Blueberries. I'd love to get into growing and using comfrey but not really got the space for it. Never heard anything but positives about it. I might go out and harvest some nettles next year if I can be bothered. I do use seaweed fertiliser, that's pretty good stuff. I've got a 5ltr drum of it, when hugely diluted as recommended it works out pretty cheap. Yeah, bees love blue flowers. I think they're more noticeable to them for some reason; something to do with the way their eyes work. I'm not familiar with anise hyssop, (I'll be looking out for some now, cheers), but they sure love common hyssop. And Echiums, they go mad for them, buzzing from dawn until dusk. They're members of the borage family as well. I do try and encourage as many solitary bees as possible, the hives have been fairly hectic these last few weeks. I've raised a load of French Marigolds this year, to use as companion plants amoungst the vegetables. For pest management; doesn't seem much need for encouraging pollination as the veg patch is alongside the ornamental garden anyway.
  8. And you've found those figures?
  9. Our views converge, on the bottom line at least. The first paragraph seems more like opinion masquerading as fact. Do you have the figures to hand for benefit fraud by British bums versus immigrants?
  10. So as British nurses also get to take advantage of our insane benefits system, Child Benefits and Pensions, then they are treated and rewarded in exactly the same way as the Eastern Europeans and Africans, (there's also a lot of far east Asians in the NHS). I'm not sure why we need to differentiate between the two groups. Bottom line is we need more of them, doesn't matter where they come from.
  11. The pay nurses get is of course far too low for what they have to do, (as it is for care workers, social workers etc etc). Hence the scary A&E wait times we're seeing currently. But why are the slave wages fine for imported Eastern European and African Nurses? They live in the UK so have to pay the same prices as the rest of us. Surely they are just existing, rather than living, the same as British nurses?
  12. Non dig cultivation has been around for years, and is steadily gaining traction. It gives good results; I did it for years before moving house, and will do again from next year. I wasn't aware that they were widely doing it in agriculture in this country, that's good to know. As well as destroying the structure of the soil digging/ploughing also releases loads of locked up carbon. I was listening to an interesting program on Monday actually, all about soil and it's structure. They talked about not digging on there. Start the Week - A revolution in food and farming - BBC Sounds WWW.BBC.CO.UK Tom Sutcliffe with George Monbiot, Sarah Langford and Claire Ratinon.
  13. I reckon the Daleks are ok, as long as you're not in a rush for the finished product and you have space for a few of them. I've got 5 I think, all free; they're more than adequate for all the kitchen and garden waste. I tend to mow the lawn as little as possible and put the mowings in the council bin anyway as I don't want seeds germinating everywhere. Those red worms, I think they're called Tiger Worms, are amazing, they just turn up by themselves pretty quickly. I also see a lot of big green/grey slugs munching away in there.
  14. Nice. Good use of the tyres round the outside. I agree, the Daleks are useless if you need to turn it over, so I very rarely do. It always comes out fine anyway, if I leave it long enough, just takes a while. Having an open or at least opening front is better. We often get rats in ours, after the kitchen waste, so I've thought about using fencing gravel boards for the sides of a pallet bin type. Not convinced it'd stop em though.
  15. Ummmm cheese. How could I forget cheese and tomato? Decent ripe tomatoes with a bit of flavour, not straight out of the supermarket chiller.
  16. Sounds interesting. I've been contemplating building a compost tumbler, with an incorporated sieving system. To save time at both stages. Not thought to combine it with a piece of playground equipment though. Genius if it works! Keep us updated with progress. I've got a few of the Dalek type plastic ones, mostly acquired for free, so plenty of capacity and they work well. It would just be nice to get the compost finished quicker than the normal 2 or 3 years. Sieving it by hand, when I want fine stuff, is a right ball ache too.
  17. That's the agony prolonged for a few more weeks/months then.
  18. Too right; I'd like to forget the last two years,. It's not been the best of times has it? I imagine most people would, even yourself if you're honest. All we can do is move on and hope to learn from the experience. But we digress, this kind of chat belongs in one of those other threads of yours. The Sue Gray report was but a catalyst, your man would have been found out for what he really is sooner or later anyway. (No coincidence that it was delayed for so long. "We'll just have to wait for the Sue Gray report won't we?"!) He was lying long before he came to office, and will no doubt continue to do so, regardless of the current confidence vote. My money is on Jeremy Hunt anyway, not that I'm a fan of his or any of the other names that have been touted so far. He might at least be a better bet than the rest of the little weasels that BoJo insulates himself with. Whoever it turns out to be, it'll be a positive step forward for the Conservative party. (Whatever Mr Robin Horsfall might say isn't actually gospel).
  19. Standard. Talk about missing the point. The current vote of confidence is over the continued, blatant lying by the PM. An erosion of trust maybe, the majority of his party don't even trust him any more. They've obviously also realised that he's now become a liability rather than an asset, as the majority of the voting public have seen through the bluster and buffoonery as well. Due to the utterly dominant factor in everyday existence being a global pandemic every other country in the world has experienced it. I don't see many others going through the same political turmoil as we in the UK are, or governments that have been quite so dammed. As you say, there's more to it, rather a lot more really. Anyway, I thought someone had kindly created a shiny new thread for you recently, in which to rant and whine about Covid. You might as well stick to that one rather than this.
  20. My long dead childhood pet dog. There's more to being a prime minister than Covid restrictions, it's a bit more involved. Just saying like.
  21. Circling the drain? He's been in there from day one. But yeah, it's the beginning of the end. Hopefully.
  22. Keep it simple for me. Cheese and pickle, ham and mustard, Marmite, peanut butter or jam. Or maybe controversially; tinned fish. Smoked fish as it comes out the tin or if its plain mackerel then a glug of Worcester sauce compliments it well. Or tuna and salad dressing.


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