I know what you mean; of course this is a hugely complex subject, it's not just an easy black and white issue. The ridiculously arrogant and ill informed, (not to mention partially illiterate), post precipitated a strong response. Lots of very nasty things happened in every civilisation throughout history, I'm not claiming it was just within the British Empire. All the other European Colonial Powers were doing similar things at the time. I just don't think that Colonialism, of any nationality, should be glorified, and to claim that the world would be a better place if the British Empire still existed is just nonsense. (As is the assertion that British culture is in some way superior to all others.) Of course plenty of positives came out of it, but I can't believe that any fair and open minded person could argue that it was a good thing on balance for all those countries/peoples/cultures that we subjugated or even obliterated. Just look at all those straight lines on maps of Africa and the Middle East, they can't be a good thing. Those borders were obviously drawn up with scant regard to the native people actually living on tbe ground. We're still paying the price for those arbitrary divisions now, especially in the Middle East. On the other hand I'm not one of those people demanding apologies and pulling down statues all over the place, that's just pointless BS. What happened happened, it was of its time, we can't change that. Creating the country of Israel where it is was patently a big mistake with hindsight. I dont know the answers either. All we can do is approach these very complicated issues in an intelligent, diplomatic and if possible empathetic way. I do know for certain that sentiments like those expressed below will not resolve anything, and serve only to inflame the situation further.