Ok, a few points raised.
SRT for access, brilliant, but i can do that with the kit I already have, and have been for a while.
Then the other problems that have been raised all seem to have solutions which is GREAT. IN addition to the problems I have raised there was also the one of your hitch falling down low and casuing you to fall out of the tree!! This problem was solved by putting your lanyard over your shoulder and cliping it to the HC, GREAT!
So, then the problem of micro adjust on bendy limb walks is to add an adjustable bridge! GREAT! (got rid of my adjustable bridge years ago)
The Pantin might unclip causing major panic so add another krab there. GREAT.
All of these problems have been addressed, GREAT, but none of these problems existed with Ddrt?
I like the idea of SRT and simplifying my kit but so far this is not happening, every problem seems to need more kit thrown at it to resolve the issue.
I think if we wanted to simplify our kit then a prussik loop and a rope would be the way forward, as was discovered 20+ years ago. Another thing I found the other day while ascending, I had the lanyard over my shoulder thing going on but wanted to stop to cut something, and of course you all know I always lanyard in!! WHeres my lanyard, oh yes, unclip from the HC use it as a LANYARD and then put it back.
I like the video posted earlier showing how fast you can switch from ascent to descent, like, in only 5-10 second, well that is 10 seconds too long IMO.
Dont get me wrong, I am still intrigued, but in the past I have found the answers by being sceptical and almost forcign others to prove the ideas to me, so I am still happy to be shown the way. RW not in the skip just yet, but e bay is only a few click away.